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Its been 3 days since my session started. The work is really hectic! What with all those duty hours and classes in between, gets me really tired.
But i do enjoy working over here, as the teachers are excellent and i get to learn a lot. But what i don't enjoy is the company over her!
I have literally no friends, I am miss Faruk, Zesmina, Maryam , Abdul and even Rehman. They were the best group of friends i ever had.
Huh! I sighed to myself, its no use thinking about it. Thankfully after 1-2 days Osama have stopped creeping me out, but the rest of the people still throw glances on my way and whisper about when i walk by.
. It's really irritating, but i have grown i use to it. The nurses and paramedical staff over here are really nice though, so i keep them in my company usually.
I haven't heard from bhabhi since when she called me to her office on the first day, i don't mind as she isn't actually my teacher and i don't like getting disturbed during my work.

"So just take these medications, and if he doesn't feel okay, do these tests!" , said i to a mother of a 3 year old boy, handing her my prescription.
She smiles and says " thanks", and left.
"Next!", i called out.
Another lady barged in with a little girl who was throwing a tantrum.
"There! There!", said I, "do you like chocolates?", said I taking out candies from a drawer that i always keep for the kids.
The little girl looked at me and saw the chocolates in my hand and nodded her head.
"Now if you want to have it, you will have to answer all the questions i ask, Okay?", said I.
"Okay!", said she.
I smiled and gave her the candy, then her mother told me what's wrong and i interrogated the little girl, it turned out it was a simple case. I prescribed her the appropriate medicines and the mother thanked me and left.
The little girl came and hugged me and i laughed, i gave her two more candies and then said goodbye . She left waving at me, i loved working with kids.

"So many free candies, might as well refer your patients to the dental department!", said a girl scoffing from the next cabin at me.
I looked at her in surprise but didn't say anything and ignored her. Just then the sweet nurse who had given me instructions on the first day, (now i know her name is Katrina), came with a pile of prescriptions, which she placed on my desk, " thank you Katrina! What gotten onto her?", said I pointing to the girl next to me who has scoffed at me.
"Ignore her! She is just in bad temper because, that patient first cane to her and she couldn't quiet the little girl down. She might as well be the reason, that girl was in a tantrum!" , said Katrina.
I laughed at her.
"Oh Shahista! Ayesha madam, wants to meet you today, after lunch ", said she and left.
Immediately my mood saddened, now what! What does she want of me now. I had done my duty and had a class off after lunch i was thinking of spending some time alone, but now i have to meet her.
I went back to my work, but i couldn't concentrate, i kept thinking again and again about why does bhabhi want to see me. It could not be good news , it never is good news.
After fidgeting for hours, finally lunch time came. I didn't felt like eating so I decided to see her now only . I got up from my seat and made my way towards her cabin.
As soon as i reached it, i knocked at it.
"Come in!", said her voice.
I entered and found her busy with a patient. Maybe i should have waited till linch time got over.
"This will help definitely help you", said she to the patient handing her the prescription without even looking at me.
The patient thanked her and got up and left the room.
Bhabhi still was silent so i decided to speak first, "you wanted to see me?", asked I.
She looked at me and then said, "i wanted to see you after lunch and there was a reason behind it..!
But nevertheless if you are here let me tell your Why i wanted to see you. Come take a seat!", said she.
I just nodded and took a seat.
She opened a draw and looked inside it for a while, and finally took out what she was looking for, it was a small black colour pen drive, which she kept at the table.
"Shahista!", she started , "i have been observing your work for a couple of days. You are a really great student."
I just nodded my head, unsure of what she was about to say.
"So have you ever consider pursuing a future in research?", said she.
I just opened my mouth, "I.. Uh.. I!", i stammered what could i answer. I mean doing research work has always intrigued me , but how could i answer such a big question instantly.

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