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"Shahista!, Shahista!",
I woke up rubbing my eyes, when bhaiyaan entered the room. "I am off to work, i have made you some breakfast , eat it. And yes i am leaving the car keys, wherever you wanna go today take the car. Okay?, i will be late ?"
"Okay bhaiyaan", i said and bhaiyaan left.
"Ahh!", i stretched my legs. Yesterday had been a long day. I picked up my phone and went through the messages, i found two from Zesmina & one from khala.
"Oh ! I forgot to call khala!", I said to myself "i will do it today in the evening.
I decided to call Zesmina and dialled her number. She picked up.
"Hey Zesmina!", said I.
"Hi shahista , how are you?"
"I am fine!, actually i am free today wanna come over?"
"Sure , i would love to, send me your address."
"Just a sec !", i said and sent her my address.
After that i decided to take a bath and freshen up.
I got out of the bath, with my stomach rumbling from hunger. I remember i had not eaten anything since yesterday. I went down and saw bhaiyaan had prepared a very tasty breakfast.
I plunged myself in it, halfway through my breakfast the bell rang. I opened and saw it was Zesmina.
"Hey shahista!", she said hugging me.
"Hi, zesmina!," i said and hugged her back.
"Woah! , man you live in a mansion!"., said she as she broke the hug and looked around
"Its not that great", i said shyly.
"Not great ?, are you kidding me, this place is a freaking palace!"
"Show me around please!", she sounded excitedly.
I laughed and then took her around the mansions, showing them all my brothers now abandoned rooms. The hallways and the balconies. Most of the stuff was the same as in my childhood, but there had been some changes incorporated by bhaiyaan.
"So !",said Zesmina finally when we completed our tour of the house, "what's the story behind the empty rooms!"
I looked at her and then said, "its a long story !, why don't i show you around the city and on the way i will tell you?"
"Sure!", she shouted happily, "that would be great!".
"Fine , then we will go sight seeing and shopping!" "By the way, do you wanna have some breakfast, bhaiyaan made me some but its too much i cannot eat it on my own.". I said as i led her to the dining table.
"Your brother can also cook?," she asked taking one bite of the food, "and that too such delicacies! Wow!"
"You have grown a special liking in bhaiyaan , haven't you?" , i said smirking.
"Don't be silly!, why will i be interested in him?", she said and rolled her eyes.
"LIAR", i thought to myself, but i didn't ask anything.
After some time, i spoke "you done?, lets go , we are wasting time. "
Zesmina nodded and said, "how are we going ?"
"Oh! , bhaiyaan give me his car keys." "Great", said her.
I cleaned the breakfast plates and we both went outside & climbed in the car.

"So i said , let me take you around." "First we will go around the city to all the famous spots and then e will go shopping, and finally if we have time maybe we can catch a movie."
"Yay okay!", shouted Zesmina, "its gonna be fun."
"You bet it is," i laughed at her.

Hours later...
"Whew !", that was a heck of a movie," said Zesmina coming out of the movie theatre..
"Yay it was," said I. "Hey i am hungry wanna grab a bite?", said I, "I know a great cafe, just down the street"
"Sure , as it is i am very tired.!", said Zesmina. I looked at her carrying 4 large shopping bags and then i looked at myself carrying 3 bags myself.
I grinned and said, " we did a little extra shopping".
"Are you kidding ",shouted Zesmina "we didn't even visited half the place. I need to shop so more"
I rolled my eyes at her , typical of my bestfriend.
"Come-on there is a cafe down the street , let's go!".
Zesmina nodded her head and then we turned around to start walking towards the cafe.
"Shahista!", i heard someone calling my name from behind.
Both me and Zesmina turned around, and there i saw my bhabhi coming out of a brand new BMW, looking as impeccable as ever. She walked towards me and stopped in-front of us.
"Oh!, so you went shopping?", she said eyeing my handbags. "You should have told me , i would have taken you to better places!"
I rolled my eyes internally.
Then she turned to Zesmina amd said, "and who is this?"
"She is my friend Zesmina from india", said I.
"Well hello Zesmina, how are you doing?", "you are such a pretty women , why don't come over to my house for lunch sometime?", said bhabhi.
"You also come with her shahista", she continued.
"Oh sure!", said Zesmina smiling.
Bhabhi , smiled back and said, "Now! I have work, i gotta get going."
And then she turned around proudly and took off in her expensive car.
"She seemed nice only to me dude", said Zesmina.
"I don't wanna talk about it", said I quietly.
"Fine then!, lets go and eat , i am starving!"
I nodded in agreement. We walked down to the cafe which had always been my favourite since years. It was a nice cosy small place beside the street, with little yellow coloured lamps lighting its interior. It had couches instead of chair, and the atmosphere was very friendly and less fancy.
"Cute place!", said her. "
Isn't it ?, this had always been my favourite mostly because no high society people come." , i said taking a seat near a window overlooking the street.
"Why do you disgust all high society people including your sister in law , so much?", said Zesmina taking the seat in-front of me.
"Because they are all fake and pretentious!", i said rolling my eyes on her.
Zesmina looked at me waiting for an explanation.
I sighed, their was no way out, "fine then!, lets oder something and i will explain!"
We ordered spaghetti with meat balls and lasagna with two cups of coffee. Soon our oder was served by the waiter.

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