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The next morning i woke up after a very refreshing sleep , i rubbed my eyes and stood up from the bed. Very lazily i picked up my phone to check the time. OH! GOD! It was 7:00!, my alarm had went off after snoozing a couple of times and i had almost 10 missed calls from Zesmina.
"What the hell!" i cursed myself, how will i even get to work today. I hurriedly got up from my bed, all the signs of sleep had gone and my eyes were wide open now.
I quickly went down, "bhaiyaan! Bhaiyaan!, i overslept, i am very late, i will not be go to work!", i said rumbling breathlessly.
"Calm down Shahista!", bhaiyaan said i heard your alarm but i let you deliberately sleep, its okay you will not be late."
"How can i be not late!, its 7:00 am, i had to catch the 7am bus or else i will not be able to reach before 9.", said i worriedly.
Bhaiyaan sighed and said calmly, "Shahista Since i was going to visit your workplace today, we are not going from bus, we will go by car and don't worry it take much less time in car as compared to bus."
"Oh yes!", how can i forget that bhaiyaan was going with me today,  "thank you bhaiyaan, i really was scared for some time", said i genuinely pleased by my brothers thoughtfulness
"Now go get dressed, even by car we need to leave by 7:45 maximum.
I nodded and went to my bathroom to to take a bath and get dressed.

The door bell rang, shahista was still in bath.
Farhaan went to open it, and outside stood a very surprised Zesmina..
She was so angry that Shahista has not shown up at the bus stand today and has not bother to pick up any of her phones , that she has decided to come and meet her at her home. But when the door opened instead of Shahista it was his brother , immediately her angry face changed into a surprised one, she went tongue tied, she hadn't even considered this.
"Err....  Farhaan bhaiya!", she said unsure of what to say.
Farhaan looked at her and smiled, and said, "hey just call me farhaan! , Zesmina right?, a beautiful name."
Zesmina nodded at him and blushed. She quickly looked away, as she didn't wanted Farhaan to see her cheeks turning red.
But she was late, for farhaan saw the red colour and smiled to himself.
"Come on in!", said he moving away from the door.
"Sure!", she said and followed her.
"You must be wondering why Shahista were not there to meet you at the bus stand.", he said while showing her to the sofa. "Well!, i have decided that since Sharjah is a long way off , the only condition in which i will allow her to work is that if i find her workplace suitable and hence i am going with you to today.", he concluded while taking the position opposite her on the sofa.
Zesmina eyes grew big as she digested what he had just told her. She was so angry on her bestfriend right now, who hadn't even bothered to leave a message or call her with the news.
But " Oh!, all right.", was all she managed to say to farhaan.
"BTW didn't you find it uncomfortable to work at Sharjah, you were okay with it?"
She so wanted to say that she had shouted on her friend when the latter had come up with this ridiculous idea. But looking at farhaan, she just couldn't manage to say anything, she ended up saying " Shahista was happy this way!, and whatever she wishes, i support her in it!"
Farhaan smiled at her, he was your truly touched by her loyalty towards her friend. He was so touched by her kindness.
"Well!, in that case, your bestfriend is taking a bath, so you need to wait for a moment.", farhaan said getting up. "Let me make you some coffee!", he continued.
"Don't you worry about that, please.", said she quickly.
"It will be my pleasure, don't mind!", said he giving her a big smile and proceeded towards the kitchen.
And instead of refusing, or saying thank you, Zesmina did the only stupid thing she could do, she sat there quietly on the sofa, blushing like a tomato.
"Milk or not!", said he from behind the kitchen counter.
"Uh!, milk would be fine." , said she.
"Okay.", he replied.
He came out of the kitchen with a tray of two coffee mugs and a bowl of sugar.
She quickly got up to help out the tray on the table. He then sat across her.
"Thank you", she said genuinely, she really was in need of a morning coffee.
"Oh don't mention, "said farhaan putting a spoonful of sugar in her coffee mug.
"Thats enough!,, that enough sugar!", she said waving her hands at him.
"That it?", he said handing her coffee, "a sweet girl like you should have more sugar,"
She almost spilled the coffee from her hand when she heard this. What was that!, she looked at him curiously and in shock to see whether she had misheard anything.
"I am sorry!,", said farhaan, "if that was way out of the line! , i don't meant it in a derogatory way!" , said farhaan quickly so apologising . Where the did that came from? . Farhaan was really shocked. He never flirts and certainly not with his sister's friends. It was always the other way around. He knew his good looks and the family name had made him attractive to a fair share of girls, however he had always ignored them. But this time not only he responded, he flirted too.
"It's Okay!", said Zesmina, hesitantly and have him a small courtesy smile. She then decided to look away, from him. Farhaan took the cue and didn't say anything to get then. Right when things were starting to get really awkward, shahista walked in.
"I am so sorry Zesmina, i forgot to tell you!, bhaiyaan will be going with us today to Sharjah!," Said  Shahista.
"It's Okay, don't worry about it too much." she said, genuinely, her initially anger with her friend had evaporated now as she has saved her from a very awkward situation,


"Shahista!, come on let's go, it's getting late.", said bhaiyaan.
I nodded and got up from my seat, turning towards Zesmina i said, "Come it's time, bhaiyaan will drive us in his car to Mleiah." She looked towards me and nodded. I don't know why, but i found her behaviour a bit distant, like i had expected her to be more angry on me.
"I am taking out the car from the garage, you guys wait in front of the house .", said Bhaiyaan and walked out of the door.
"Shahista we should leave!", said Zesmina and started walking towards the door.
"Lead the way, i am coming right behind you,", said I . She nodded and walked out of the door.
I went to the sofa table to quickly grab my phone and move out, when i noticed two empty cups with a coffee mug in a tray kept at the table.
"What!, bhaiyaan made coffee for Zesmina.", said I to myself. It was not possible that Zesmina herself walked into my kitchen and made two cups of coffee for herself and bhaiyaan, so it must be the other way round.
"Woah!, this was strange, my brother has barely ever spoken to any of my friends and the fact that he made coffee for one , was something strange!", said i to myself.
"Shahista are you coming?", shouted Zesmina from outside.
"Yes! Yes!, just a sec.", said i and quickly grabbed my phone and went outside.
Bhaiyaan! , had brought the car and Zesmina was standing next to it waiting for me .
"What took you so long?", said bhaiyaan.
"Sorry!, sorry!, bhaiyaan.", said I and joined bhaiyaan at the front seat whereas Zesmina sat at the back.
Bhaiyaan started the engine and off we went away.

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