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"Just last 1 minutes is left..!", shouted the invigilator.
I checked once again to see whether i have attempted all the questions or not. I drew lines in between my answers to make them appear neat.
I was flipping through my answer script, doing last minute revision.

""Last ten seconds.. .!", said the invigilator on microphone and a teacher came and stood next to my desk.
I glanced through my answers, done done done done.
The bell rang .. "time up students!", said the invigilator and i submitted my paper to the teacher standing near me.
As i did that a huge weight lifted off my chest.
Yay! Finally all the exams are complete! Now, nothing would stop me from being a Postgraduate.

"Please leave the exam hall!", said the invigilator.

I gathered my belongings and quickly left. As soon as i stepped outside the room, i picked up my phone and saw a couple of missed calls from Zesmina and few from bhaiyaan and khala.

I called bhaiyaan first, "Asalaamoalaikum bhaiyaan!", said I.
"Waalekumasalaam, i have been waiting to hear from you! How was the exam?", said he.
"Exam was great bhaiyaan!", said I excitedly.
"Wow! So that's done. Last exam over!", said he.
"Yup!", said I, "finally i completed my post graduation, considering I pass.
He laughed , "you would!"
"So whats the plan today?", said he.
"I am meeting with Zesmina today & Faruk is also coming to Mleiah.!", said I
"Thats great.! Now i got to go. Talk to you later . Allah hafiz.!", said he.
"Allah hafiz!", said I and cut down the phone.
I saw Zesmina has called again but i ignored her . I was already meeting her today and right now i was in the hurry to go home.
I quickly left the hospital and  booked a cab.
I was waiting for it outside the hospital , when Katrina the nurse came, "Hello maam. You look amazing & so happy. I assume the exam went great!", said she.
I smiled at her, "Yes it was amazing. The happiness is mainly because it was the last exam!", said I.
She laughed and left.
Soon after that my cab came and i climbed in. On my way back i pondered over what i have said to her. It was only partly correct, my happiness was not only due to exams getting over . But also for some other reason.
Today finally i was gonna tell Faruk, that i like him. I was so excited and so happy about today. My exams were over, he is coming to Mleiah. We are going to our favourite restaurant , the one where we always meet.
I have told Zesmina already about it. She is going to just come with me and then leave us alone. Then , when its time to leave she will come to pick me up. After that she has literally forced me to promise her that i am gonna tell everything in detail.
I sighed , everything was perfect. Nothing can go wrong!

With these thoughts in my mind, i reached home. I quickly paid the cab driver his fees and unlocked the door. I fled upstairs bursting with energy and excitement . I stepped in the bathroom and took a long shower, giggling to myself all the time , like a little fool.
Then i stepped out and took considerable amount of time deciding what to wear. Finally when i have decided on my outfit, i did a little makeup because Zesmina has asked me to do so. That girl! I sighed . Her antics would drive bhaiyaan mad, i said to myself. But given the fact , that he completely infatuated with her , i don't think so he will mind.

Anyways i finished my makeup and took a step back to see myself in the mirror. I looked reasonably well.
Then i grabbed my clutch and my mobile and went downstairs. I saw their was another call from Zesmina. What has happened to her! Why is she calling so much. I dismissed the thought, i proceeded to lock the front door.
After i have done so, i called a cab which came shortly. I climbed in it and gave directions to the driver. As soon as i have done , my phone rang again. It was Zesmina.
I sighed and picked up irritated.

"Why haven't you been answering my phone?", cried she.
"You know today is a special day for me , I was getting ready. Why are you calling so many times?", said I a little annoyed with her.
"Because i have something to tell you about your special day!", said she sarcastically.
"What!", i asked with concern.
"Let me speak first , then only i am gonna tell you what !", said she.
I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.
"What I wanted to say was,  you might have to drop your plan because everyone is coming to Mleiah. By everyone i mean everyone, Maryam! Abdul and even Rehman. Faruk was gonna give you a surprise!", said she
I sat their stunned . Immediately i remembered my previous conversation with him where he said he was gonna surprise me. If this was the surprise , then my plan was ruined. This cannot happen. Today had to be perfect.
"How do you?", i asked her. Hoping it was just a rumour.
"Maryam told me. That girl is a chatterbox!", said she
No! No! This can't happen. "Zesmina, this is wrong. I was planning so much for today. How i am gonna confront him!", said I panicking.
"Relax calm down! I am thinking of something. First you reach the venue , i will meet you there!", said she.
I mumbled a quick thanks and put down the phone. This was such a huge setback. I prayed that Zesmina comes up with a solution.
"Maam! We have reached!"
I looked around startled. I was so obsessed with my thoughts, that i didn't see we have already reached the restaurant. I paid the driver and got down.
As soon as i got down i heard a familiar shrill voice, "OMG OMG! ! Its been so long girl!"
I turned and saw my bubbly red haired friend. Before i could react, i was pulled into a very tight hug.
"I missed you so much.!", cried she.
I hugged her back, "I missed you too."
"There! There let go of her , you are squeezing her to death dear.!", said a voice.
I broker the hug and saw the familiar young man who had tried to flirt me when he had met me for the first time.
"Asaalmoalaikum Abdul.! Grown a beard huh? You don't look that bad now!", said I snickering.
"Waalekumasalaam Shahista.!", said he, "and thanks for the compliment. May i say you look more beautiful than before!"
I rolled my eyes at him. He is never gonna change. But i was so happy to see him again, he had made me laugh so hard on so many occasions.

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