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I woke up when my alarm rang off. I rubbed my eyes awake and yawned to myself. Yesterday hadn't been a good night, i had woken up at-least two times and had tossed and turned a lot in bed. But i know i couldn't go back to sleep again, so i quickly got up and headed for bathroom.
After refreshing myself quickly, i went downstairs to find out bhaiyaan was already dressed up for the office talking to someone over phone.
"Okay Allah hafiz!", said bhaiyaan and cut off the phone.
"Good morning!", he said looking at me.
"Morning!",i said
"That was dad! He wants to meet you today!", he said.
I stood there shocked why does dad want to see me? What does he want this time. I decided to ask bhaiyaan but before i could speak..
He said, "I will come at around 11 and pick you up! Be ready!. I am leaving now, the breakfast is ready, have some!" and then he grabbed his car keys and left just like that.
I slumped on the sofa, i don't wanna to meet dad, not at all. He didn't care to congratulate me once on my result and now after days he suddenly wants to meet me. Also he called bhaiyaan and not me. Whatever it was , it certainly wasn't something good.
My phone beeped and i saw a message. I was about to ignore it, when i saw it was from Faruk

               "Hey! I have to come to mleiah today for some work!
                  Hoping we could meet!"
                                 -from green eyed stranger

I smiled reading the message, he always address himself as the green eyed stranger till date. I don't mind its my favourite nickname of him. Well at-least i will be able to meet Faruk today.
I texted him "SURE!". I was excited to meet him
But before that i have to meet dad and Rizwaan bhaiya and ofcourse Aisha bhabhi! I knew it was something related to my result. But given my experience, i knew it couldn't be something good . But meeting them was inevitable, i knew that.
I signed and then decided to have some breakfast. After which i just killed some time by watching television or scrolling through the phone. But knowing bhaiyaan was very punctual, i got up and decided to get ready before 11.
As expected exactly at 11:05, the knob to the front door turned and bhaiyaan walked in, "ready?", said he.
I nodded and followed him outside the house into the car.
"Now listen!", said bhaiyaan driving away, "i have a lot of work to do today, so i cannot be with you the whole time. I will just drop you off and go."
"What!", i turned to him and said, the idea of seeing them alone horrified me.
"Sorry dear!", said bhaiyaan, "But i have a lot of work to do, i cannot escape that."
Shit! I thought to myself. I was in trouble. I knew bhaiyaan wasn't lying, he had taken the day off from work yesterday for me. I cannot keep him again from work today, that would be selfish. But facing them alone, terrified me and i started panicking.
Bhaiyaan saw me and said, "Shahista relax! They are your family! Why are you getting scared?"
It was easy for him to say, i felt like i didn't even knew them anymore.
Soon, we pulled infront of the big mansion where rizwaan bhaiya lived.
Bhaiyaan got down, and i followed him, really nervous and scared. He went to the front door and rang the bell.
Ting tong!
The door opened and i was face to face with Rehaan bhaiya, "What was he doing here?", i thought to myself
"Common in!", he said smiling at me.
We entered the house, and followed Rehaan bhaiya to the back of the house. He led us to a beautiful sitting room where on a black leather sofa, my father was sitting surrounded by my brothers , their wives and a few other people i didn't knew. Great everybody is here! To make matters even more awkward for me. I shook my head, i was getting a very bad feeling about this  As soon as we entered the room, all eyes, turned towards me, and i started shaking with nervousness.
"Gentlemen, it was nice meeting you, now please excuse us!", said Ayesha bhabhi and all the strangers stood up and left the room except my brothers and dad. I presumed there was some sort of meeting going on.
While going outside some of the people looked at me and said, "congrats!". I was surprised , how did they knew about my results, but still i nodded my head and said, "thanks!".
"Come shahista sit down!", said bhabhi smiling at me. I smiled back, even though i felt sick within me seeing her smile.
"You have done exceptionally good in your exam, and i ofcourse didn't expect anything less than you.", said bhabhi, "you have proven yourself! So now i talked to dad, and we have decided that you should opt for the hospital that i work in so that you can work under me.
Ofcourse you can decide for yourself whatever field you wanna work in, but given your rank i think you would get paediatrics in my hospital.", said she.
My mouth dropped open, she cannot be serious. In no universe, am i gonna work with her. No absolutely not!  I want to work in Sharjah, hopefully with Faruk.
I am not gonna shatter that dream just like that.
"Ayesha, will help you a lot in your field. Studying at the same medical college she goes to will definitely help you. And since your are new here, you need her help !", said dad.
I looked at her , smiling at me . Somehow it made me remember Faruk's smile and how genuine it is.
With all the courage i had i mustered softly. "I will think about it!"

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