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What?", I asked in shock..
"Shahista i never had any siblings or friends. You were the only friend i had ! The only sister i had! After all we have been through together, all these years. I cannot just abandon you when you need me the most."
"I will also quite my job and come to Dubai with you."
"Zesmina!, what are you talking about?. Dubai is not Agra that it is a one day road journey. It is far away, a different country.", said I . What is she saying had she lost her mind.?
"Relax shahista, don't worry. I have an uncle & aunt who lives in Dubai. I will live them."
"You have relatives in Dubai, why didn't you tell me before?" said I .
"I am sorry they recently shifted. I know how you feel about that place , you don't like to talk about it. So i didn't mention this"
"What about your parents?", said I
"They wont mind. I am pretty close to my uncle & aunt", she shrugged her shoulders.
I was shocked to the very core. Out of all things i haven't expect this.
"Will you really come to Dubai with me?", said I softly.
"Do you want me to?", she asked.
"I would love to!", said i.
"Then i would.", Zesmina said smiling.
"Yay, this will be our trip that we were planning from so long.", she shrieked.
I laughed and then hugged her. I couldn't believe my bestfriend was coming with me.

"What happened girls?",said khala entering the room with tea. "Why so much shouting?"
"Khala , Zesmina is coming to Dubai with me. Khala also got shocked.
"Yes aunty i will go , i have an uncle there who had been calling me to his home for a long time.!", Zesmina explained.
Khala said," This is great beta!."
"Shahista send me your flight details now, i will ask uncle to book my tickets"
I nodded. "I will mail it."
"Okay. Now i am going home! I have a lot of packing to do!", she said excitedly.
I also shrieked in joy, "Okay!"
She laughed and said, "We are a couple of idiots!". "True that", said I and she left.

After hearing this good news I cheered up a bit . Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

The rest of the day passed quietly and khalu come home form work and so did shabana.
She started crying when she saw me and it broke my heart.
"Why are you crying shabana?, aapi is only going to Dubai to buy gifts for you.", khalu said laughing. "Don't cry"
I went and hugged her. "Hey there, wherever i go i will always be your aapi. I will continue to scold you and reprimand you when you do a mistake & love you as always."
She nodded and hugged me back.
"Aapi is the ticket of business class or first class?", she asked.
I burst out laughing . Typical of shabana!.
"Beta packing complete?," asked khalu.
"Yes khalu done." "Good", said he.
Dinner got served and we ate in silence knowing that it would be our last meal together. My flight was at 4 am day after tomorrow. So tomorrow night i would barely have any dinner admist all that hurry. After dinner i was about to retreat to sleep when khala called.
I went to her room.
"Yes khala?"
"Beta , Farhaan called."
I fell silent .
"Beta this is not the way to speak to your brother i wont you to apologise to him., she said.
I nodded my head. I knew she was right. I should go and apologise to bhaiya.

I went to my room and called him. He picked up the phone
"I am sorry bhaiya." , said I.
He didn't reply so I continued . "I will give my resignation tomorrow,"
"Its okay", he said finally.
"I am so proud of you.Now i have some work to do."I will call you later. Bye!", said he
"Okay", said I and put the phone down.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand . It was already very late at night.
I sighed and decided to get some water.
I went to the hall to grab a bottle when i heard khala & khalu speaking in their room.
I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Its my fault." , said khala.
"Nafeesa! ,you are being unreasonable."
"No it is my fault. I took her away from her father when she was small. I created the distance between them."
" Nafeesa, what are you saying? You gave a mother to a 3 year old child. Do you think that small girl would be able to survive without a mother. She needed a womanly figure in her life. You gave it to her."
"But i still think if i hadn't proposed the idea of shahista living with me in India. Ahmed Sahaab would not have distanced himself from his only daughter."
"Who told you Ahmed Sahaab has distanced himself? He loves her very much. He just doesn't express it ."
I stood there for some time listening and then retreated to my room, thinking about what khalu said. Can it be true? Did dad really loved me but didn't express it.
I shooks my head! It was useless thinking about this now.
So i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up the early the next day . After praying , i completed my packing.
Khala hadn't woken up yet and i decided to not to disturb her. I looked around my room and grimaced , this had been had been my solace all my life. It had given me comfort when i used to come back from Dubai crying. My school , my college , my whole life was spent between these walls. Now i am saying goodbye to them and going to a place which is suppose to be my "home".
I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of someone walking in the hall . Khala must have woken up, I thought.
Since it was a Sunday everyone would be at home today. I decided to make tea for them.
Meanwhile shabana and khalu got up and got refreshed. I served tea , and we four sat down on the table quietly without speaking.
"Rechecked everything?", said khalu softly
"Yes", said I.
"Did you talk to Zesmina beta?", asked her .
"Yes i had a talk with her , she will meet me at the airport."
Khala nodded. Nobody wanted to talk about the topic of me leaving. After tea Shabana retreated to do home work, whereas khalu had some office work to complete.
The day went uneventful and the night came too soon for my liking.
Finally the time had arrived and I started getting nervous. I had to leave for the airport now.
"Remember Shahista! your mother had a lot of hope from you. She would never want you to abandon your family.", said khala.
I nodded and hugged her, struggling not to cry. Then i turned to shabana and hugged her , "I will miss you aapi.", she said. "I will miss you to, you will always remain my little sister.", said I softly.
Last i turned to khalu. "You are one of the strongest girls i have seen. I am so proud of you. Always  be loyal to your values and the morals that i have taught you."
"I will khalu.", said I.
I didn't wanted to make this any harder so i bid them farewell quickly and left for the airport. As soon as i left them i felt terribly alone. But i shook my head determined not to let my emotions break me down.

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