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"Come on, we need to cross the road," said Faruk. I nodded, and waited for the signal to turn green, when it did we crossed the road to reach an opposite building which was old and grey in colour.
They were so many young doctors like us , entering it.
"We need to go to the top floor, there is a big hall there where sir teaches!". said Maryam.
I nodded and followed the others to the lift.
"Hey guys!", i heard a bubbly voice from behind, i turned to see a beautiful women dressed impeccable smiling at us, "who are these two?".
"They are new here, Hanifa!", said Maryam. "Zesmina Shahista, this is Hanifa.", Maryam introduced us, though i could guess a tinge of irritability in her voice.
"Hey there,", Hanifa turned towards us smiling. But i found out that her smile didn't reach the eyes. "So again new people which Faruk had given employment to." She said turning to Faruk "I tell you that nursing home of yours should be renamed as a centre for unemployed." , she said sarcastically.
"Faruk why don't you join where i work, you have more experienced doctors there," she said eyeing Faruk.
I knew what she was doing, i have met enough attention seekers in my life to recognise one if i see them. I waited to see what Faruk will reply.
"Hanifa these people don't just work in my dad's nursing home, they are my best friends also. I don't think i will abandon them just like that.", he said calmly.
"Even these two," said Hanifa looking at us and rolling her eyes.
"Yes they are," he said softly. Even though he addressed both of us, i was sure he was looking only at me while speaking.
Meanwhile Hanifa just puffed, shrugged her shoulders and went away.
"Whew, thank God she is gone," said Maryam to us, "Don't mind her she had a crush on Faruk since forever."
"I wonder what she sees in him?", said Abdul mocking.
Faruk just rolled his eyes.
"We have waited enough time, let's go!", said Rehman.
We nodded and followed him inside a big hall which was almost full.
But Maryam and the others where moving towards the front.
"Where are we going, Its full, "said Zesmina.
"Don't worry, come on, one of the benefits of the teacher being my fathers friend is that our seats are always reserved.", said faruk and lead in the first row where 7 seats where empty.
"How's come seven,?" i asked.
"Oh that!", "i had called and told to reserve two more seats for you to," said Faruk smiling at me warmly
I smiled back and took my seat. I ended up sitting between Faruk and Zesmina.
I was about to ask Maryam to come and seat next to me when the professor entered.
I had imagined him to be a very serious looking old man with a monotonous voice, but he turned out to be completely different. He was a middle aged man but he had an amazing aura and personality about him , with a very heavy baritone voice. He managed to capture the attention of every single student . He started with.." Good morning all the junior doctors, i know you good are all tired after work, but this is gonna be a very easy topic to learn if and only if you will pay attention to me... Now young ladies and gentle men the topic today is...."
And he continued, with the topic of that class, i could understand the class completely even though i have missed the first classes. I also actively participated and answered many questions. After 2-3 times, i noticed that i has started catching the attention of the professor as well as the other students.
I smiled to myself, i hated being recognised but if it was for something academic, i enjoyed it. Time flew by and i didn't even notice because I was enjoying the class so much answering the question and taking notes, i realise when finally sir said..
"... With this discussion, i end today class, ladies and gentleman, see you in the next class."
And everyone started capping their pens and closing their copies.
"So.. soon?", said I, "So soon the class got over?"
"Ms Einstein!, its already 7:45!, ", said Maryam getting up from her seat.
"7:45?", i exclaimed "i didn't even noticed."
"Because you where so busy answering the question, Ms know it all..", said Abdul teasing me.
"Abdul leave her alone", said Faruk standing beside me, "Come let's meet the professor," he said to me.
I nodded and turned to Zesmina, "wanna Come", said I.
"No, Okay, i am not very inclined to meet him, you guys go!", said Zesmina.
I nodded and followed Faruk towards the backstage. Faruk made his way to a small room backstage, and knocked on it.
"Enter!", said a voice which i recognised as the professors from inside.
Me and Faruk entered.
"Ahh!, Faruk, how is my favourite student!", said Professor extending his hand to him.
"Dining very good sir!", said Faruk shaking his hands . "This here is Shahista,, she and her friends Zesmina has joined as from India.
The  professor turned towards me and said, "very well young lady, i have met only a handful of students who would have done so good on her first day!"
"Thank you sir!", said i beaming.
"So tell me more, where are you from?", said the professors.
"India!, sir.", said I.
He nodded, "good!", then he said, "if you have any further doubts ask Faruk, he is an excellent student."
I looked at Faruk who was smiling looking proud.
"Shahista Since you are new, i would only recommend you to attend your classes and take care of what you have missed. After that if i found your work productive, i will teach you something extra."
"Thank you so much, it would be an honour.", said i, was so happy.
"Your welcome child.", said he.
"Shahista we should leave now," Faruk looking at his watch.
"Hmm," i nodded. We thanked sir once again and then i left we Faruk .
Once outside i saw Zesmina was waiting for me.
"Where are the others?", i asked Zesmina.
"Oh!, they left they were getting late.", said she.
I nodded and turned to Faruk and said, "thank you so much once again i think we should leave."
"Hey!, i am gonna drop you to the bus stand.", said Faruk.
I told him it wasn't needed didn't listened.
We lost in the argument finally and Faruk went to his car that was parked in the nursing home.
It was getting dark outside, i silently prayed that let bhaiyaan come home after i do, like yesterday, so that he doesn't find me missing.
"Honk honk!", we heard, and saw Faruk had brought the car . I noticed that he had a Toyota Corolla just like what khalu had at home.
We climbed in the car, i sat in-front with Faruk and Zesmina in the back seat.
We drove in silence till we reach the bus stand. The bus was already parked .
I and  Zesmina quickly got off the car, not wanting to miss our only ride home.
First Zesmina got on the bus and then i followed her .
I turned and saw Faruk was still standing there below the door.
I looked at him and with sincerely said, "thank you so much Faruk, i will never forgot what you did for me."
He just smiled at me and said, "Shahista can i get your number or is it still wrong for a green eyed stranger to ask you that?"
i was shocked how did he knew i had called him green eyed stranger.
The bus started moving and i came back to my senses.
I didn't ask him how he knew that but i just replied, "sure!" and gave him my number.
I said that and bus moved away.
"I will give you a call, Shahista!", i heard him answer.
I laughed and turned away from the door as the driver closed them.
I saw Zesmina had saved me a seat. I walked and sat beside him.
"What was happening?", asked her.
"Oh!, nothing we were just exchanging numbers.", said i causally checking my mobile to see if he called.
She looked amused but didn't say anything.
I didn't care though, i just turned my head and looked outside the window and rethought about today's event.
It was strange na, a person whom i didn't even knew, who lived in a different city, felt so familiar he felt home. I didn't mention this to Zesmina but when Faruk came with Toyota Corolla to pick us up, just for a moment i forget i was in Sharjah. For a moment i thought now khalu will come out of it with a smiling face, and take us and Zesmina home where khala would have prepared an amazing dinner. Shabana would be watching Tv and complaining to khala about her school.
I sighed that was my home, my world so distant so far off now!, living in that simple 3 bedroom apartment i would become so attached to it i never realised.
Now as i saw the trees passing by, i am home but there is no happiness in it, because there's is no body waiting for me there, no one like khala to ask how was my day, no one like khalu to tell me about his day and that he was getting old. No one!. People thought that i had lost one parent when i was small, but somehow leaving India and coming here, i realised i had lost both.
I closed my eyes, a tiny drops of tears escaped them. Not because i was sad but because i was scared, scared that like any good thing Faruk would also be snatched from life. I was sure about it, and ..
"Shahista, oh god Shahista why are you?", asked Zesmina.
I turned to see her looking at me worriedly.
"Oh, nothing, i am okay, it's just like that.", said I quickly wiping my tears away .
"Don't cry Shahista please, se we have almost reached. Today was such a good day dude don't upset your mood..", she said and hugged me
I hugged her back feeling blessed to have such an amazing best friend.
Finally she broke the hug.
"There no more tears!, se we have reached,", said she.
I nodded and looked the bus was halting at the bus stand we surely had reached.
We got up from our seats took our bags and proceeded to get down the bus.
Once we got down Zesmina turned towards me and said, "you sure! You are alright?, do You want me to drop you home.?"
"No Zesmina i am fine that wouldn't be necessary,", i shook my head at her.
"Okay", she said. And we parted ways. I quickly booked and uber which came shortly.
I sat down in it and have him the directions of my house. I noticed it was pretty dark . Yesterday i had reached home quite early but today it was actually very late. I realised that everyday this would be my fate. I sighed, i had to adjust to this, after all i have gone through, i can't just let getting dark stop me.
I reached quickly and the under halted before the house, i quickly paid him and climbed out of the car.
I was in such a hurry to reach home, that i didn't even notice my brothers Mercedes parked outside. Oblivious to it i entered the house hurriedly.
And as soon i entered it, i saw in the living room standing was my very tall brother with both his hands folded, looking straight at me with a very very angry and pissed of look.
"Crap!", was the only thing that i could say before the wrath unfolded.

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