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"Wake up!, dr Sahaab!", i heard a voice in my sleep . I groaned and opened my eyes, and saw bhaiyaan smiling at me.
"Come On wake up! I have made your breakfast, and then we are going out!", he said and left.
I rubbed my eyes sharply and then rolled to the other side off bed to pick up my phone. There was the usual set of messages, still no calls from father. Great!
I shook my head. Today! I am gonna enjoy myself, and i won't think about him. With this thought in my mind i got up and made me way towards the bathroom. After i had a bath , i dressed up in a nice comfy outfit and proceeded downstairs. As soon as i went down, the smell of cheese and bread hit me so hard, that my stomach growled. I looked and saw bhaiyaan setting up the table, holding a pan in his hand.
"Wow bhaiyaan! It's smell delicious!"
"It does? Well thanks!" He said smiling at me. "I made you your favourite pizza and lasagna."
I just have to hear this! I quickly went and sat on the table and then then divided into the food and as expected within minutes it was over.
"That was yummy!," said I wiping my mouth, "your wife is gonna be one lucky women!", i added
Bhaiyaan looked at me and laughed loudly. "Come On! Let's go!", he said getting up and clearing the dishes.
After the dishes were done, bhaiyaan grabbed the car keys and we proceeded outside.

It's been nearly 15 mins and bhaiyaan isn't telling me where we are going, it's exciting i admit.
"How far bhaiyaan?", i asked. "Just 5 more minutes", he days looking at the road driving.
As promised we parked in-front of a big white coloured building named as the Plaza Hall. I got down, and looked at it carefully, it was a minimum 7 storied building with glass doors and somewhat looked like a mall.
"Bhaiyaan!", i asked looking at him, "i don't remember this from my school days, it's new na?".
He looked at me and nodded, "it's just constructed about a year ago." "Come let's go!", he says moving forward towards the big glass doors entrance.
I followed him and when i stepped inside, i breathed a " wow! This place is amazing!" It sure was, it was an amalgamation of all kinds of shop arranged in a spiral manner: the interior was beautiful golden with chandeliers hanging from the top. It was dimly lite and the yellow lamps gave the place a royal look. It was a crossover between a mall and a designer showroom.
"Come On!", said bhaiyaan moving forward towards the escalator, "or will you just stand and stare?", he said.
I nodded and followed him quickly, we took the escalator to the first floor, i was still looking around in awe, it was so beautiful.
"Here!", said bhaiyaan leading the way.
I followed him and he stopped in-front of a big shop that was named after what a guessed was some big designer. I had no idea!. Even though i was sure if Zesmina would have been here, she would know the name.
I looked at bhaiyaan and said, "we are going shopping! Aren't we? Should have guessed it before."
Bhaiyaan chuckled and said , " not just shopping, after this we will also go jewellery shopping, then shoes then electronic, and then any accessories you want! It's all in me!"
I beamed at the news! Normally i ain't a big fan of shopping! But given the collection of clothes here! I wouldn't mind owning a few of these beauties!.
I entered the shop after bhaiyaan, and saw there were few people in it at this point of day. I smiled to myself good i don't like crowds.
An assistant came to us and said, "hello! My name is Marie! How may i help you?"
"My name is Farhaan Ahmed ! And we are looking for some beautiful dresses for my sister here!", said bhaiyaan pointing at me.
She nodded at me and said, " Come this way please! We have an amazing collection of gowns!", And then she went to the back of the store.
We followed her, " take your seats maam!", she says pointing at to sofas. We mugged and sat down.
"These are just are starting collections, that we are showing you first!"? Said she and pulled out a deep purple coloured gown from a rack.
I stared at the gown! Wow! It was beautiful! It was high neck, with an elegant design at the waistline and flowed fully to the floor , with beautiful flowers at the bottom. It was gorgeous
Before i could say anything, bhaiyaan said , "we don't like it!"
I looked at bhaiyaan in shocked, i thought it was beautiful!
"No problem sir! We have more!", she said and pulled out another gown, this was back in colour, with strips of white complimenting it, to me this too looked absolutely gorgeous.
"Next one please!", said bhaiyaan and shook his head. I looked at him in surprise again, but he didn't look back. So just i sat there shaking my head at the beautiful piece of art.
Then she showed me a brown colour, then a deep green colour, then a deep blue colour. But every single time bhaiyaan shook his head muttering things like, "not good!" "Nope!" "Not at all!"
When he rejected every single one of them , i thought I would finally say something , but bhaiyaan spoke first , "show me something in light colours , she is fair , light colours will complement her skin tone!".
"Okay sir!", the assistant said and went to another pile . She then pulled out another dress ans my jaw dropped, it was so beautiful i cannot even describe it, it was baby pink in colour with net near its neck, the rest of the dress was embroided with flowers mainly light pink and white in colours ,and had an elegant belt made up of lace at the waist line and then below it , it spread out into a full ballroom gown.
"That's what i was talking about!", says bhaiyaan, "go try it shahista!", he said turning towards me.
I nodded and then the assistant led me to the trying  room which was huge and had mirrors all around it.
I quickly undressed and tried the gown, zipping my back up, i looked at myself in the mirror, "wow!", said i , "i look like a princess!" . I laughed at my comment, a princess , what was i 10 years old.
I stepped out in the gown, "bhaiyaan !", said I calling out to my brother who was busy with his phone. He glanced towards me and then a big wide smell spread in its face, "we are taking this dress!" he said to the assistant. She nodded and again led me back to the dressing room. I quickly changed back and stepped out and saw bhaiyaan was at the billing counter. He was just taking his card back from the accountant.
"Thanks sir!", said the person behind the desk, "visit again please.", he said.
"Here maam!", said the assistant handing me a bag, there is your dress
I smiled at her and took the bag, then followed bhaiyaan outside the shop

"Come!", he said looking at me, "let's go jewellery shopping now!", and walked towards the escalator.
I followed bhaiyaan on the escalator and said, "being a bit extra generous here, bhaiyaan?", said i to him.
"Well! What can i do! I have years of birthday gift due on my side, and i would like to pay them of ."
I laughed at him and followed him to the second floor, again to a big shop.
The same thing happened here again, the shopkeeper showed gorgeous pieces of gold, silver and platinum necklaces , but bhaiyaan didn't liked any of them. I half heartedly, shook no at those beautiful pieces of jewellery.
Finally after hours of rejecting stuff, bhaiyaan finally said yes to a really pretty piece of diamond necklace which was a choker.
I had to admit though, it went with my dresses really beautifully. Bhaiyaan paid for it, and we went to the next shops, buying shoes accessories etc. After roaming in at least ten shops with him, i realised one thing, my brothers taste was far far better and rich then me even if it was a women's accessories..
"Tired huh?, come on let's grab a bite and then we will go!", said bhaiyaan.
I nodded my head at him, grateful as i was really tired.
We went to the terrace where there was a rooftop restaurant. Bhaiyaan led me a table, and I slumped down tired . A waiter bought us the menu, i flipped the pages and was surprised to find Indian food also on it.
"So wanna oder Indian?", said bhaiyaan.
I nodded at him eagerly, i so missed Indian food. Bhaiyaan ordered the food for the two of us and i didn't even paid attention, knowing bhaiyaan would oder something really good.
"Bhaiyaan", i said after the waiter had gone, "i didn't knew your taste was so good. I mean in everything!"
Bhaiyaan laughed at me just and said nothing.
"Damn! Your wife will be so lucky you have no idea!", said I , suddenly a thought crossed my mind, "bhaiyaan why don't you get married?"
Bhaiyaan looked at me as the question took him by surprise , "What!?"
"No I mean!"? Justifying myself, "You have a stable job, you are 26. All the bhaiya's have married its your turn na !"
Bhaiyaan rolled his eyes on me and said softly , "i don't wanna get married!"
"But why!", said I in despair, "you are my one brother whose marriage i look forward to ! And i would actually enjoy!"
"My reasons! That's it! No eat the food has arrived!", said bhaiyaan sharply as the waiter came with order.
I took my clue and shut up, but i knew there was something more about it, bhaiyaan spoke as if he hated marriage, there was a specific reason behind it i was sure about. But i let the matter drop and concentrated on my food which was really delicious.
Shopping all day had really made me hungry, and i was munching down my food really quick. As i was eating i glanced around and saw that the view from the terrace was beautiful,  you could see half the Mleiah city. I glanced the other way , and saw the centre of a terrace there was a tower with a board on high top of it.  There in block letters out was written the PLAZA HALL , and just beneath it in small cursive letters were written a few words.
When i read them i dropped my fork in surprise , it was faraway, but i could clearly make out the line
It could be some other Zaroon, said i to myself, but i had lost my appetite.
Bhaiyaan looked at me and said , "what happened?
"Nothing ! Nothing !", i nodded my head looking away.
We finished our food and after bhaiyaan paid , we made our way outside towards the parking.
Bhaiyaan took the bags and kept them in the car deck, and them climbed in next to me in the driver's seat.
We drove in silence and since the traffic had subsided , we reached home quickly.
We got down and bhaiyaan carried the bags whereas i opened the door.
Once inside bhaiyaan said , "you change and get freshened up , and i will keep them away.
I nodded at him and went to change myself. Once i did i grabbed my phone intending to call khala , as she had called when i was shopping and i hadn't picked up.
She picked up in 3 rings,
"Asalamoalaikum khala!", said I .
"Waalkekum asalaam! Mubarakaan dr sahab! Where have you been?"
I smiled to myself, listening to her voice was so calming, "Shukriya khala! Sorry i coudnt pick up the phone, bhaiyaan took me shopping today!", said I. Then i continued to tell her everything about today, my dress my jewellery, and how bhaiyaan insisted i buy them.
"Well well! I haven't seen it! But the way you are describing! The dress must be beautiful! And naturally if you have purchased from such a big shop, it must be costly.
My stomach churned at her words, it was of course costly , the whole shop was costly, it was owned by Sarfaraz Zaroon how can it be not costly!
"Shahista! Shahista ! Are you there?", said khala.
I was driven from my thoughts , "yes! Yes! Khala!", said I.
"Well i have chatted a lot and your khalu is also waiting, i think i should hang up now. Allah hafiz!"
"Allah hafiz!", said i and hung up.
I then kept my mobile aside, and snuggled in the bed. I was very tired , sleep should come to me immediately, but no matter how much i tried, only one name took over mind, SARFARAZ, i couldn't help thinking about him. Its like wherever i go, whatever i do, i find him haunting me everywhere. It may just be my overthinking, but i was starting to get a feeling that unexpectedly i was getting myself caught in something that i cannot control . Finally after a lot of tossing and turning i fell asleep

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