Meeting "Family"

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We arrived at our destination after some time.Bhaiyaan pulled over and i got down from the car and looked up. Their stood the old bungalow where i had spent all my childhood vacations. Though old, it still looked majestic. It was a huge 3 storeyed house with beautiful windows and balconies. I remember i used to spend hours sitting on the couch in the balcony reading books. As i took a step towards my home, i remembered how a ten year old me use to come home rushing towards these gates every vacation. The old gates creaked open and I walked in. In front of the house was a garden, which once used to be full of colourful flowers , now it looked barren with weeds and creepers growing all over it.
I opened the front door & walked inside the big hall which had a huge sofa in the middle of it.
I remember this sofa was where Rizwan bhaiya used to sit and teach us , with all of us sitting in front of him listening. I didn't even realise when tears started pouring down my faces.

I slowly moved towards the staircase in the middle of the hall, laughing as i remembered how i used to slide down its handle all the time when i was small with bhaiyaan scolding me continuously.
I moved up to my old room, and entered it and stood there motionless
There it was everything kept as it is, and there stood in the middle of the room a live size portrait of my mother. Looking elegant as ever, my mom drapped in a beautiful saree smiling at me with twinkling eyes.
I could control myself then and completely broke down crying. "Oh!, who was i kidding, how did I ever thought i could abandon this place, this home where my mother's essence were still present .
Suddenly two strong arms wrapped me tightly.
"Shush, its okay!", said farhaan bhaiya.
I cried and i cried hugging him for a long time as i remembered my childhood. Slowly and slowly with passage of time, my tears dried up and the worst feeling passed away.
"Don't cry shahista please,"
I looked at bhaiyaan who was looking at me sadly.
I have to be strong i said to myself , i cannot breakdown just like that.
"I will not i promise bhaiyaan!"
"Good", he said, "now freshen up and lets go and meet dad..

Then bhaiyaan left to do some work and i unpacked and freshened up. I picked up my phone and called Zesmina,
"Zesmina! , did you reach safely?"
"Yes i did, did you?"
"Ya i did." "Hey i am currently staying alone, why don't you come over some time?", said I.
"Ya sure Shahista, i would loved it." , she said . "Will your brother be there?", she added.
"Why ?, why are you so interested in him?"
"Ugh... I asking just like that .."
I laughed i was sure Zesmina had a crush on bhaiyaan.
"He will be!"
"Okay." "I will talk to you later shahista, got to go now!"
"Bye Zesmina!"
"Bye shahista"
As soon as i put down my phone, bhaiyaan came in, " Shahista you ready?"
"Yes", i am.
"Okay lets go,"he said, "i an outside taking out the car"
"Okay", i said.
I checked on a few of my things and then followed bhaiyaan downstair . To say that i was scared , was a understatement my heart was literally banging so loud in my chest that i was worried bhaiyaan would hear it.
He was already in the driver seat and had left the passenger side door open for me. I climbed in and he started the car. I took a deep breath and told myself "okay this is it, be strong shahista,". We didn't talk at all during the journey and bhaiyaan drove in silent. Soon we pulled in front of a grand looking bungalow. Many expensive cars were parked in front of it. The house seemed to be bustling with people laughing arnd talking , I looked at bhaiyaan and he must have sensed my nervous , he quickly place a warm hand over mine and gave it a squeeze.
I got down the car and looked around. Seeing all these strange people dressed up made me feel embarrassed about my appearance. Nevertheless i stuck close to bhaiyaan and together we moved in the house. The inside was bustling with people mostly couples , there were laughing and talking and it looked like some kind of a high profile party. I glanced at bhaiyaan next to me waiting for an explanation and i saw him staring somewhere else. I followed his glance and their i saw him, Rizwan bhaiya smiling with his arms around a beautiful women, my sister in law, with two kids sitting on their lap. Next to him were all my brothers with their fiancees or spouses talking and joking with each other lost deep in conversation with a bunch of unknown strangers.
The weird part was that i thought if i saw him again , the feelings of remorse will resurface. What happened was something completely different. I didn't feel anything at all it was as if i didn't knew this man, he was a stranger, he was not my brother whom i have loved so much and who had always cared about me. I turned to move back, when bhaiyaan caught my hand.
"Where are you going,?", said bhaiyaan.
"I don't know this man they are all strangers."
"Shahista, wait!", said bhaiyaan and grabbed my hand firmly.
I was about to jerk my hand free, when my nephew Najib saw me,
He shrieked "SHAHISTA PHUPHI!!".
I was shocked i hadn't thought that he would know who i am.
As soon as he shouted all heads in the party turned towards my direction. I would have fainted with nervousness, if a 4 year old hadn't been running towards me with open arms.
I heard bhaiyaan whisper, "I used to show him your pictures and tell him about you on a daily basis."
The little boy came and wrapped his arms around my legs, i hugged him back tightly.
"Welcome home, shahista!".
I looked up and saw Ayesha bhabhi, standing infront of me.
"Asalaamoalikum bhabhi!", said I
"WAALEKUMASALAAM", said she and hugged me. I hugged her back awkwardly, i didn't want this women to hug me.
By then the crowd had started murmuring.
"Everyone ,"said bhabhi, "This is shahista Rizwaan's sister.", she announce and likea bunch of bees the crowd erupted into a loud buzz. So many people came to greet me, and speak to me.
"I didn't knew those brothers had a sister."
"Look at her, she doesn't look that she is from here."
"Is she married"
"What does she do? Does she have a business like her brothers."
"Look at ayesha , how happily she is greeting her sister in-law."
"The girl looks lost though!"
People all around me started muttering amongst themselves and i felt so shy and subconscious that i just wanted to shrimk away.
I looked back and saw my brothers talking to one another.
"This is wrong", said I to myself, "this is so wrong. My brothers should be greeting & hugging me not these random people."
People surrounded me from all around and I started panicking. As usual i was saved by my brother Farhaan. He grabbed my hand and took me away. "Who are they bhaiyaan?"
"They are no one, just some random rich people trying to climb up the society ladder by coming to Ahmed family's parties.", said bhaiyaan.
"Why are these parties held by the way?", said I.
"Bhabhi holds them every year, it is necessary formalities shahista."
Necessary formalities i mocked in my head, that crazy women is the reason behind everything.
But bhaiyaan would disapprove disrespecting her so i kept my thoughts to myself.
He led me away down a hallway. "Where are we going?", said I. "To meet dad ", said he. He stopped at the end of the hallway. There stood an old creak door, bhaiyaan knocked on it.     ""
Come in" , said a voice and i shivered hearing my father's heavy voice after such a long time.
We walked in and there he was, the man i had loved and then hated the most in my life. He sat there quietly behind a desk and motioned for us to sit in front of us.
The first thing that i noticed was how old he looked , since the last time i saw him. There were streaks of grey colour in his hair, wrinkles in his skin and dark circles below his tired looking eyes.
"You must be wondering why i have asked you to come to Dubai.?"
"Well i want you to learn things now,"
"What things?", i asked confused.
"Well, things like how to behave and become an independent successful women."
My mouth gaped open at his words. "What?" , i said.
"See, Nafeesa would have given you good education, but you lack so many qualities. As a women of the Ahmed family, you have to live up to the family name. I know you aspire to be a doctor which is a good thing. Now, Ayesha here your sister in-law is a very successful women and a great doctor you will obey her & learn something from her."
I opened my mouth again but i couldn't speak.
" who was this person who was saying crazy words to me, this is not my father.", said I to myself.
I was still shocked when i felt bhaiyaan hand on me and he gave it a squeeze beneath the table.
"Ye father , i will!", said I.
"Good, then "said he, "great to have you back. You have grown so beautiful my daughter."
I felt nothing but hollow at this praise.
We then took his permission and left.
"Come one its already dark lets go home!", said bhaiyaan.
I nodded in agreement . I so wanted to get out of this hellhole. I recounted the events and almost laughed, where these people really someone i have ever loved? I almost didn't believe in it.
"Shahista, what are you thinking, come one!", said bhaiyaan.
I looked at him. He was already in the car and had opened the door for me. I climbed in it and he started the engine.

We arrived soon at our villa. I decided to head straight to my room. I didn't say anything , i was too tired, too exhausted for the day, i didn't even wanted to think about it.
"Shahista!", bhaiyaan called.
"Yes bhaiyaan?," I said tiredly.
"I know its been a long day, so why don't you freshen up, while i oder some pizza, white sauce pasta, garlic bread and a make you a cup of hot chocolate. ?" And then we will snuggle to see any of your favourite movie."
My eyes lit up, "Sure bhaiyaan ,i will  just come down after freshing up.
Bhaiyaan knew exactly what to do to make me happy. I smiled and went to my room upstairs.
I decided to take a bath , & change into something comfortable.  After freshing up, i went down to see bhaiyaan had done some arrangement
On the wall across their was this huge screen, with speakers, a comfortable couch kept in-front of it. The smell of pizza and pasta lingered in the air .
"Wow!, bhaiyaan you are amazing!", I said while making myself comfortable in the couch.
"You know bhaiyaan,"I said taking a bite of my  pizza, "any girl will be very lucky to marry you!".
He plumped down next to me and gave me a straight face, "I am never getting married, i don't want to!"
"Why?", i cried, this was one brother whose marriage I would actually enjoy, & he didn't want to get married ever.
"My wish," he said , "now do you want to watch the movie or not?"
"Yes!, yes!, lets watch."
We picked up some comedy movie to watch and we laughed and laughed for two whole hours. It felt so correct just sitting their having pizza & laughing. I wished that things stay this way forever. I yawned.
"You are sleepy shahista , go to sleep."
"Hmm," i nodded , and pulled myself up the stairs.
"Bhaiyaan!", i suddenly stopped turned around and said, "you will be there na?"
"I will be downstair!, don't worry!", said he , "I will always be there for you!"
I smiled and went to my room and laid down my bed. I was so tired that i fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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