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Shahista's POV

I have already called Faruk from the bus. He didn't pick my call at first and told me that he was busy with something
. But i needed to speak to him right now, i had no choice. I left a message, saying that i was coming to Sharjah and i have to meet him.
He finally saw the urgency of my situation and called me back. I didn't say anything on the phone, just that meet me at the bus stand.

"Child are you okay?", said the women sitting next to me. I was startled as i was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts. I simply nodded at her, "yes I am!", said i meekly
I didn't realise tears were flowing down my cheeks.
The bus came to a halt then and luckily i was saved from further questions.
I gathered myself and got down the bus. Faruk was standing there wearing a jeans, shirt and a casual green jacket.
He looked at me and immediately his face filled with concern, "Shahista what happened are you alright? How are you alone? Where is Zesmina and farhaan?", said he rushing towards me.

I didn't have time to answer these questions. So i blurted the one thing i was meaning to tell him for so long.
"Do you like me !" said I.
He looked at me stunned. Here i was standing on the bus stand looking pathetic with tears running down my cheeks.
"Faruk please. I need to know this. Do you?"

Thunder roared at a distance as drops of rain started falling
He sighed , "Yes!".
I closed my eyes when i heard those words , slip from his tongue. Relief flowed through me as my years of pent up frustration started ebbing away.
Then tears started flowing down my eyes, "save me!", said I softly.
He looked at me in confusion
"Please, save me! Sarfaraz Zaroon has proposed me!"
Hie eyes widened with realisation, "what!", he cried out.
I nodded crying miserably. "I don't know what to do, my family isn't gonna support me. There is just Farhaan bhaiya i don't want to trouble him much. He can't do anything alone.."

He looked at me solemnly as i stood their crying in front of him and then he said , "come! Lets go!"
I looked at him with tears filled eyes, "where?"
"To the only person, who can help us now!", said he and started walking.
"who?", said I and started following him, trying to keep up with his pace.

"Rehman!", he said softly.
I stopped walking "What !", i asked shocked,
"that man has always given me trouble and nothing else. I hate him. I seriously hate him. If you say you like me you should hate him too!. Why should we go to him!", said I.
He was the last person, i wanted to visit.

Faruk stopped walking to and turned towards me.
"I trust him with my life and if we are gonna be together, you will also learn to do it!", he said in a very commanding voice.
I was stunned . This wasn't the faruk, i know!
But since i was helpless I just nodded at him and then followed him quietly.
The streets were deserted and it was raining so heavily that both of us were drenched in rain. Thunder roared in the distance and we kept walking till Faruk reached a very humble home. It was small fit for one person, and it had a wooden door. It clearly looked that its owner struggled to make ends meet.

Faruk banged on it. The door was opened and Rehman stood there.
Woah! , i never knew he was having financial problems, said I to myself
He was clearly surprised to see both of us drenched in rain, standing there.
"Sarfaraz proposed to Shahista!", said Faruk directly to him. I thought he was gonna do some explaining first.
Rehman closed his eyes and muttered something like a curse, then he opened it again and said, "Shit! Come on inside fast, we don't have much to loose!", said he hurriedly.

I don't know what he was talking about. What time didn't we have!
But i didn't ask any questions and followed Faruk inside the house.
It was a very small one bedroomed humble place with meagre amenities
For the first time i felt bad for him. It had very modest furniture and we sat on two rough chairs.

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