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For the next 30 mins we drove in silence, not speaking at all. I mainly glanced outside the window, thinking how will bhaiyaan react when we go to Sharjah. I was a bit apprehensive but i knew that bhaiyaan would not disapprove of my work place and Faruk. Thinking about him bought a small smile on my face, as i remembered his messages from last night.
"What are you smiling about?", said bhaiyaan l looking at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Oh!, nothing,..", said bring myself back in reality from my stupid thoughts.
"So how is your work place like? Who do you work with?", said bhaiyaan.
"Uh My work place is nice, the people over there are quite friendly and supportive."

"They is Maryam and Abdul, and Rehman..", said I.
"And Faruk..", added Zesmina.
On hearing his name bhaiyaan glanced at us all of a sudden in surprise, then he again turned his eyes towards the road.
"Whom did you say?", said Bhaiyaan.
"Abdul... and Rehma...", started I .
"No not them,", said bhaiyaan cutting us in middle. "The last guy?", he asked.
"Oh! He his name is Faruk Abdulla," Said I.
"So he is a doctor?", asked bhaiyaan.
"Yes of course!, he is actually the son of my boss, why, is there a problem?", i asked confusingly.
"No! , no!", said bhaiyaan softy.
The conversation ended there , i don't know why bhaiyaan reacted on hearing Faruk's name.
Anyways i drove that thought out of my mind and for the rest of the journey we drove in silence.

We reached Sharjah at around 8:40, and then me and Zesmina guided bhaiyaan to the hospital. Mentally thanking myself that i has paid such a close attention on roads when Faruk had led us to the hospital on the first day. The fact that we had got lost for almost 30 mins on that day, was something that i wasn't letting happen again. If bhaiyaan would have got to know, i don't know what calamity would happen.
But we successfully reached the hospital in time, and guess what standing in-front of the hospital was Md Faruk Abdulla himself.
As soon as bhaiyaan showed the car down, me and Zesmina got down.
"Oh thank god, you are here, Shahista, i was so worried that you had were lost again or something had happened as i didn't see you on the 7am bus today.", said Faruk telling us when he saw us getting down from the car.
"BTW, whose car is this, i mean who dropped you off?", said Faruk inspecting the car.

Suddenly the driver's doors opened, "I did , Faruk brother!!", bhaiyaan said getting down from the driver's side.
I stepped in to introduce themselves to each other when i saw that Faruk was staring at my brother as if trying to recall something, when he suddenly says, "Why!, if it isn't Farhaan Ahmed, how are you bhaijaan?", he said this extending his hands.
"I am extremely fine!", said bhaiyaan and grabbed his hands and embraced him in a tight hug.
I and Zesmina stood there dumbfounded standing at each other face.
"Oh!,, i have know Farhaan since my college days, he was my one of my closest friends back then, even though we went to different colleges.", said Faruk.
"Yes shahista , is is correct, when you first said Faruk Abdulla i had my doubts but then i thought it would only be a coincidence, upto now!"
"So you to one each other all along.", i asked surprised.
"Yes we did dear!", said bhaiyaan smiling at me.
"Hey farhaan, why don't you come meet dad, he will be pleased to see you.", said faruk turning towards bhaiyaan.
"Sure!", said bhaiyaan.
"Okay!, then me and Zesmina would like to go to our chambers and start working as it is it's getting late!", said i turning towards Zesmina, who nodded in affirmative.
Saying this all four of us entered the building, we took the lift to the first floor where our chambers were situated. Surprising faruk also pressed the first floor button.
"I thought, you were going to see sir!", i asked confused.
"Ya we are, actually father's not in hours office now, he is off in his rounds around the hospital.
I nodded .
The lift doors opened, and we all got out. Today was no difference from the previous day, there was the usual hustle bustle of a large number of patients on which a team of personal attendants, nurses & doctors were busy. We walked straight down the corridor and i saw Faruk's father standing some place ahead talking deeply with a serious doctor.
Faruk led the way till we reached him. We waited patiently for him to finish his discussion with the doctor. When it finally ended, he turned towards us,
"Dad!, remember my Farhaan my friend?", asked faruk.
His father took a second before his eyes widened in realisation and said , "well ofcourse!, how can i forget Farhaan Ahmed, pleasure to see you after such a long time, how are you son? And how came you are here?
"I am fine sir, and pleasure to see you too", said bhaiyaan smiling, then he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and said, "this girl here is my baby sister Shahista!"
Sir just like farhaan took a moment before the registration did hit him. His surprised was evidence in his eyes!
"Oh!, is it, what a coincidence!", said he. I rolled my eyes now, i don't know what was more irritating the fact that bhaiyaan knew everyone here way more than me or the fact that he called e his baby sister.
"Well!, i will be heading to work sir," said i quickly. Faruk's father looked at me and gave me a quick nod. Taking that cue, i carefully removed bhaiyaan am from around my shoulder, grabbed Zesmina's hand, and fled from there.
"So how' thing going Farhaan..?", This was the last i heard before i fled from there.
Towards my way to the corridor, Zesmina said, "well!, that was quite a surprise, isn't it?"
I made a face at her, "no it was not, it us quite exhausting that my brother knows everyone in Mleiah, and now he knows them in Sharjah to, great!!", said i irritatingly.
Zesmina laughed, "You are just being stupid that he called you "baby" in-front of Faruk."
"No that was not the reason!", said I adamantly, even though i knew that my cheeks had gone a bit red.
Zesmina didn't say anything but i saw her suppressing a smile.
We reached our cabin and entered it, there was just Rehman there working furiously, with full concentration. Apparently Abdul and Maryam has not arrived yet.
"Hey! Rehman!", said I.
He just looked at us and nodded, then turned back to the patient he was dealing with.
I rolled my eyes, wonder when he will ever start talking to us. Anyways already late, and there was a stalk of papers on my desk waiting for me. Faruk maybe very helpful but he doesn't spare you when it comes to work. I decided to start right away, without waiting for Maryam.
I checked and saw Zesmina has already called her first patient. I did the same.

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