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I sat there on the stage , nervous as hell staring back at the huge crowd which has assembled. I didn't knew the press conference was gonna be this big a show.
I had just mine graduation ceremony and compared to this that looked like children's play.
But bhaiyaan had already warned me that if Mr Zaroon was gonna come , there will be a huge crowd and paparazzi.

Evidently it was so, the media was flashing blinding lights in our direction. I was sitting at the end of the first row, even though other members of Dr Hudson's team were sitting much behind. Bhabhi must have made this arrangement. Dr Hudson was sitting in the middle, with Dr Aleena on her right side. Next to her bhabhi was sitting with other senior doctors of our hospital.
On the left of Dr Hudson, the seat was empty, which i presumed was for Sarfaraz.
I sighed, i haven't got a chance to speak to him after our last awkward encounter. But i was seeing him later today, as he was coming to our house.
My father and brothers would be ecstatic at this thought, i guessed.
Anyways as i was lost in these thoughts, the crowd started to buzz and their was a sudden excitement among the media.
Four jet black colours cars pulled in and one of which i recognised as Mr Zaroon's car. The media went frantic so did the crowd. They started chanting his name, "Sarfaraz! Sarfaraz!"
"Wow!", i said to myself. I have never seen the impact he had on public and now seeing this made it perfectly clear to me why he was called the king of UAE.
From the three cars, white suited bodyguard stepped out and placed themselves next to the fourth car. Huh! I had almost forgot about the bodyguards. I have met him alone so many times, that i forgot he needs bodyguards amidst public.
The door to the third car opened and he stepped out. He was looking devastating handsome as usual. Wearing a formal suit and shades, every inch of him screamed rich businessman . He looked so serious that it would make anyone go weak in their knees. He had always spoken to me very politely, but right now even i was scared of this man.

Anyways he walked up to the dais, and as usual everybody stood up to greet him. He went and shook hands with Dr Hudson and greeted bhabhi. Then his eyes flickered in my direction just for a second, but he turned away soon.

"Please settle down!", announced the host.
"We welcome you all to this press conference held in the interest of science, by the remarkable researcher over here Dr Hudson!", he nodded towards Dr Hudson and the crowd burst into applause.
"We would also like to thank Mr Zaroon who very generously have made this possible.!", said he pointing towards Zaroon and the whole crowd burst into even bigger applause.
It didn't need an idiot to guess that even though the research was conducted by Dr Hudson, it was Sarfaraz  who owned the stage.

"Now i would hand over the mic to Dr Hudson ..!"
The mic was shifted to Dr Hudson's position and the crowd went silent,
"I welcome all the researchers, doctors, scientist and ofcourse businessmen who have assembled today. I will speak about my research today and it's applications in the everyday life. I would all try to answer as many questions as i can after the end of the session .!", said he to the crowd.
" I would also take this opportunity to thank Mr Zaroon and the Zaroon enterprises, without whose support this research would not have been possible!", said he turning towards Sarfaraz.
". I would also like to thank, The Mleiah General hospital, who have supported me beyond measures!", he said and turned towards bhabhi and other senior doctors.
"Lastly i would like to thank my team headed by Dr Aleena who have constantly put in the hard work and made this possible!", said he.
I beamed with pride and smiled at bhaiyaan who was sitting in the front row in audience.
He smiled back looking at me proudly .
Father was also there along with all my brothers & bhabhi. But i think they came for bhabhi more than me.
Dr Hudson started explaining about his work and as i have said before he was an excellent speaker. The crowd occasionally burst into applause and then fell silent immediately after it.
He had captured the audience again as usual!
After about an hour, when he ended with his speech which was again met with a huge applause. He started answering questions.
Most of the questions were about the applications of his research in today's medical science. He and Dr Aleena answered all of them very nicely.

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