Chapter 3: College Party

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"Mckenna, sit still! I need to do something about your hair. I think I'll straighten it" I groan and roll my eyes "Ruby, I like my natural hair. There's nothing wrong with keeping it wavy, besides it's practically straightened out as I've gotten older. The roots are basically straight" she shakes her head as she mutters something under her breath which I didn't seem to catch "Fine, can I at least choose your outfit?" Dang it, I just trapped myself into a worse situation "Yeah, why not" I ask as I shrugged my shoulders. What's the worst thing that she could possibly find in my closet? She scurried out of the bathroom and went to rummage through the closet to find me an outfit that I had no say or approval in. After tossing all of my clothes over her shoulder and making a mess of my room which I just happened to clean yesterday. Gee, thanks Ruby. Ruby turned around as she held a dress and playfully waved it out to me with a smirk "This dress is cute" I groaned "I haven't worn that for a few years, I doubt it still even fits me." A laugh escaped her lips "The worst thing is that it may be a little short in your opinion but I promise it's better that way. This is a college party, remember?" I sighed and nodded my head "How do you even know about this party anyway? Besides I'm sure they weren't let two high schoolers stay at the party" I got no response for a moment as she pondered in thought before letting out another laugh "Oh Mckenna, Mckenna, Mckenna. You have so much to learn" I playfully rolled my eyes and just decided it would only be one night. What's the worst thing that could happen? Cops come and shut the party down? Pfft I totally got this.

"I totally don't got this" I muttered under my breath as I continued trying to tug my dress down so that it would at least cover my non-existent behind. I definitely won't be picking up anything that I drop tonight. "Ruby, I feel like a –.." I trailed off, I didn't really want to refer to myself as one. "For god sakes Mckenna, just say 'hoe' it isn't that bad. You're a young woman and are allowed to swear and speak like a teenager, it's what teenagers do" I mean she did have a point but I wasn't raised that way and I would hate to be known as the disappointment of the family. "Let's just get this over with" I sighed. "Lighten up and please at least just try and enjoy yourself, Kenna" I sighed again with a small nod as we walked closer towards the pounding music that took place at the beach. I watched as Ruby smooth talked her way towards all of the college guys and they didn't even care that she was still a senior in high school. I let Ruby go off with one of the guy's but kept looking over at her to make sure that she was okay. My feet carried me towards the tables of food and drinks, I've never been interested in alcohol even though I am underage. It just never seemed appealing to me, I looked at the bottles of beer and glasses of champagne and shook my head and walked away. Unfortunately I wasn't paying too much attention to where I was walking and was met with a broad chest and arms that caught me lower than I would have liked but I assumed it was because of the height difference. "I'm so sorry!" I said softly over the loud music "It's cool kid, you seem tensed. Loosen up and have some fun, grab a drink and stay awhile" I knew this was a bad idea and respectfully declined "I'm sorry but I don't drink. I would love a soda if you guys got any" he nodded his head "I'll get you a soda, kid" I nodded "Thanks... uh?" I guess I should probably get his name "Jason" he called out as he went to grab me a drink. I nodded my head as I awkwardly stood by myself awaiting for Jason's return. "Hope you don't mind Coca Cola, kid" I smiled softly and took the red solo cup from his hand "Coke is fine. Thank you, Jason!" I took a small sip as Jason grabbed my other hand "Come on kid, let's dance" I love to dance but in this dress wasn't probably such a good idea. I looked up at Jason's pleading and gorgeous, green eyes which seemed convincing "Ohh okayyy, just let me put my drink down" I placed it down on a table as Jason led me to the dance floor. As I began dancing my phone began to ring, I pulled it up to my ear as I struggled to hear the words from the other end over the blaring music "Hello?" I reply softly "Hey Mack. It's Ruby, I wasn't feeling too well and called my dad to take me home. I tried to find you but I was feeling too sick to go looking for you. If you need a lift, just call me and I'll send my dad to come and get you. Stay safe, love you." I sighed in slight annoyance although I guess I understand where she is coming from "Well thanks for calling, Ruby. I love you too. Bye, I'll talk to you later" I hung up and watched as concern arose on Jason's face. "Hey kid, everything alright?" I softly bit my lip and nodded my head "Everything's fine, thank you. I'm just going to get my drink. I'll be right back" I received a nod "Just holler if you need me, kid" I made my way back to where I left my drink and chugged back the whole thing, dancing left me tired and feeling sweaty. I stumbled and made my way back to Jason "Heyyy. Everyone watch this!" I yelled over the music as I clumsily climbed onto a table, fear swirled in Jason's eyes but for some reason I didn't care. All heads turned to me and I began dancing, forgetting about the shortness of my dress. Cheers and whistles roared from the crowd below me. I continued dancing as I teasingly started lifting my dress up. Before I got any further, Jason's arms pulled me down and carried me away over his shoulder. "Jason! What are you doing? I loosened up just like you wanted me to" I kicked and screamed as I threw a tantrum like a child. "One day, you'll thank me kid. I can't drive you home because I've been drinking but you need to trust me. I've called my older brother and he'll take you home, okay?" His voice generally seemed concerned for me "Nooo. Please no!" I cried as Jason comfortingly rubbed my back. "It will all be okay, kid. I promise, my brother won't hurt you. He'll keep you safe" he whispered in my ear.

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