Chapter 12: The Wedding

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I had just gotten out of the shower and blow dried my hair so that I could style it. First I had gotten changed into the pink dress that I was going to wear, it was definitely still tight but I could deal with it. Once I had zipped up the dress and put on my shoes it was time to style my hair. I put it in a low side bun and had it resemble the shape of a heart. Afterwards I had done my make up and brushed my teeth and now I was ready to go.

I rushed down the stairs as I heard a knock at the front door, trying not to trip over in my high heels "Hello sweetheart" he greeted, I smiled at him shyly as he returned the smile instantly "Hi Jarrod" I responded as his eyes trailed their way up my body "You look beautiful" my cheeks flushed immediately "Thank you. You look handsome" I muttered quietly, shyly biting on my lip. He chuckled at my shyness before responding to me "Thank you sweetheart, are you ready to go?" I nodded my head "I'm ready" I locked the front door as he escorted me to the car, opening the passengers door like a gentleman "Thank you" I whispered thankfully.

We arrived to the hotel where the wedding was being held at after a long drive, I unbuckled stretching my muscles and cracking a few at the same time. We walked inside together, immediately greeted by guests "Where is he?" I looked to Jarrod as his eyes scanned through the crowd "Shawny!" He called, making me giggle as he ran past guests and to who I assumed was the groom. "Hey Buddy. How are you doing?" The groom, Shawn asked "I'm alright, some things are going on but other than that I'm good! Are you nervous?" He asked chuckling as his head turned back to me, motioning me to come over with his hand. I nervously walked to the two of them as he grabbed onto my hand, giving it a small squeeze "This is Mckenna Grace" I smiled shyly, placing my other hand out for him to shake. "No need to be so formal, dear. Any friend of Jarrod's is a friend of mine. Give me a hug, kid" he was for sure outgoing. I loosely wrapped my arms around him as he patted my back before pulling away "Of course I'm nervous, after all it is my wedding day" Shawn said laughing "It's nice to meet you" I mumbled quietly, receiving a smile in return. "You gotta come upstairs and hang out with us, man" Jarrod turned to me "If you don't want me to go, I won't" he whispered as he bent down, he was the best man he should go "No it's okay. Go have fun" I said quietly, with a smile. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart. I promise." I nodded my head as he kissed my forehead goodbye and went to hang out with the groomsmen upstairs as they finished getting ready.

The ceremony was gorgeous, all of the fairy lights and beautiful bridesmaids along with the adorable flower girl definitely helped make the day special for the bride and groom. I had been hanging out with a few girls by the band on the stage. "So what do you think of Jarrod?" One asked me, catching me off guard "Um, why?" I asked, giggling anxiously "Just tell me. Please" I bit my lip gently "He's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad but he does it so well" I looked down as she playfully smirked, I gasped realising the microphone was on and everyone had heard what I said. "Did you know that was on?" I asked shakily "Not exactly. I'm sorry that wasn't meant to happen" I smiled gently "That's okay, I'm just embarrassed now." She gave me a confused look "But didn't you mean what you said?" I nodded my head "Of course I did but nobody else was supposed to hear it" I said quickly, rushing off the stage.

I rushed past a lot of guests as Jarrod startled me, coming out of no where and grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him as his hands wrapped around my waist "I'm handsome as hell, huh?" He asked me teasingly with a smirk "Oh stop it" I said as my cheeks flushed "You already know that you're good looking, do you not see the stares that you constantly get?" I asked, he chuckled bending down to my height "And you already know that you're gorgeous. I've seen the stares I get but there nothing compared to the ones you get" I looked at him in shock "That's not true" I mumbled, he chuckled and gripped my chin "Like I said, you do know that you're adorable right?" I bit my lip nervously in disbelief as I avoided eye contact with the man in front of me. "Do you want to dance with me?" I silently nodded my head as he pulled me to the dance floor. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me close and put his hands on my hips. We began to sway on beat with the soft music that the live band was playing in the background. Jarrod pulled my body closer to his, our chests were now touching which added onto the romance of the scene. He pulled away for a moment as he spun me around and than dipped me, his face leaned closer to mine causing my heart to beat faster. "Don't fall for me, sweetheart" he chuckled as he winked, almost making me swoon on the spot. Ironically I almost did fall over but he managed to catch me in time before I fell over and embarrassed myself. After dancing for a while we mingled with other friends of his, I mainly stayed silent and responded when I was asked a question otherwise I was just smiling and nodding my head.

"Jarrod? Long time, no see" we both spun around and there stood a woman about 5'8 with dark brown hair and lovely brown eyes "Caitlin, what a surprise to see you here" Jarrod spoke as his grip around my waist tightened. She didn't really acknowledge me to the conversation but I didn't really mind at all "Well I suppose seeing your ex girlfriend at a wedding she is invited to is a surprise then. It's not like I'm friends with the bride or anything" she says, laughing dryly. "It's nice to meet you" I said quietly, hoping to break the ice. "You brought a child with you? How cute" she muttered rudely "No need to be disrespectful, Caitlin. What do you even want?" He sounded slightly annoyed but it seemed like he was trying to hold it all together. "Well, I've been thinking that we should get back together." Jarrod chuckled, shaking his head "No thanks Caitlin, I'm actually taken" he mumbled, taking a sip of his drink. Now this was something new that I had learnt this evening, not that I'm surprised at all. "Yeah, by who?" She snickered "By this beautiful young lady, Mckenna Grace" he playfully smirked as her face turned red "I see your standards have changed" he smiled "They actually did, they changed for the better. Now if you'll excuse us" I waved goodbye to her politely in confusion. "Sorry about that, sweetheart. I wanted her to leave me alone, our relationship didn't work out for reasons and I figured the only way to get her to stop flirting with me was to just say that I was taken." I nodded my head understandingly "That's okay, I understand" I smiled gently "If you don't mind, if anyone asks do you mind lying about it for the night? Just incase she asks around" I shrugged my shoulders nervously "Sure, I can pretend for one night. No problem at all" I said, smiling gently.

"Are you feeling tired, baby?" He asked in a low voice as we were talking to a few of his buddies, my cheeks flushed at the choice of nickname he had chosen to use to keep this stunt real looking "I'm a little tired but I'm okay" I whispered into his chest. His chest vibrated as he chuckled "Come on, little one. Let's take you to bed" I looked at him confused, we never booked a room or anything I just assumed he would drive me home. I suppose it was late though "But don't you want to stay here with your friends?" He smiled, kissing my forehead "They're not as important as you" I gently bit my lip, playfully bumping my shoulder against him. "We can still hear you, J" I giggled gently as we both turned our heads towards his friends "Sorry man. You know how it goes, girlfriends always come first" he chuckled, pulling me closer to him. "Have a good night you too..but not too good of a night, alright big boy?" I giggled quietly as Jarrod pulled him aside, they talked for a few minutes before returning back to the group "Sorry kid, I stepped out of line. I'm just a bit drunk so ignore what I said." I nodded my head "Okay. Well, it was nice meeting all of you." We walked out of the room that the wedding was held in and to the front desk "If you would prefer me to drive you home now, I can" he bent down, whispering. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and checked the time. 2:00am, no way. "It's late. We can just stay here, it's unsafe to drive if you're tired" I said, yawning as we got a room key and headed upstairs to the room. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

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