Chapter 8: Sleeping Beauty

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Eventually Mckenna Grace had fallen asleep and I had to carefully carry her back into the bed, watching where my hands touched her. I just hoped that she was okay and it's just a 24 hour stomach bug and nothing too big. I drifted off to sleep but it wasn't for long before I woke up again. When I woke up I had gone for a run to help clear my head and had made sure that no one goes into my room incase they catch whatever Mckenna has, I'm just hoping it's nothing serious and life threatening. After my run I had a quick shower and checked the time, it was a little after lunch time and Mckenna was still asleep. I ran downstairs and made her some toast with butter spread on it along with a few crackers and apple juice before taking it all upstairs. I gently ran my hand through her hair "Sweetheart, you need to have something to eat. It will hopefully make you feel so much better" I received a quiet groan as she pulled the duvet over her head. I chuckled, gently pulling it down on the bedside table "Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty" I noticed a smile sneakily start to appear on her face "I'm definitely no sleeping beauty, Jarrod but good morning" I smiled back at her "You already know that you're absolutely gorgeous, now come on. Please get up and eat something, for me" I noticed her cheeks starting to turn a rosy pink type of colour and sat down beside her on the other side of the bed. "I figured you're more of an apple juice than orange juice kind of girl. But if I'm wrong and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I can get you some orange juice or any type of juice that you like" I said nervously running a hand through my hair hoping that I was right. She nodded as she took a small sip "I am, apple juice is my favourite type of juice" she mumbled sleepily. "Well, that's good" I smiled, soothingly rubbing my thumb across her knuckles "Are you feeling better?" I asked, "I am, I'm really tired though" she said sleepily, taking a bite of the toast I had made. "You can have a nap after you eat, alright?" I said rhetorically and received a nod in response. "Have you eaten anything today?" Even when she's sick, she's still looking out for others. I chuckled "I'm fine sweetheart, I'll eat something later. You eat up" I smiled. "You need to eat too" she turned to me, pouting "I promise I will later. I just want to make sure you're alright" I said as she laid her head across my lap "I am, you're making me feel better" she whispered quietly "That's good, sweetheart" I smiled in return. I gently played with her hair as she nibbled on the crackers, still laying across my lap. I look down at her as she grabs my arm and placed it loosely over her bare stomach "Hm?" I asked her but got no response as she had quickly fallen asleep. I chuckled, deciding a little nap wouldn't hurt myself either and leaned my head against the pillow not bothering to move Mckenna or my arm.

I had slept throughout the rest of the day, had some dinner with my family, played with some barbie dolls in the dollhouse with Julianna, had a quick shower before climbing into my cosy bed and falling back asleep with Mckenna close by. I figured it was best to just let her sleep and not wake her up as she probably needed to recover on the lack of sleep and it was just best to not wake her for that reason. I had woken up early the next morning. Mckenna definitely seemed to be feeling better and I figured it was time to take her home after some breakfast, I'm sure if she hasn't mentioned anything to her parents than they definitely would be worried. I know if she was my daughter and I hadn't heard from her I would be calling the police. Once we had eaten and gotten cleaned up, we than had said our goodbyes to my family.

It was now Monday, I didn't go to work again today but was making sure to continue taking Mckenna. I had just taken her back home and returned back to my house for a little while to continue grading all of the English exams that I was behind on. I know all of my students had been patiently waiting for their test results and I couldn't just keep putting off grading them any longer, no matter how much I didn't want to have to sit down and grade papers for hours upon hours. I had finally finished grading two classes worth of exams and had reached Mckenna's exam. I throughly had gone through her exam multiple times to make sure I had marked it correctly to the best of my ability and had given her useful and positive feedback which I know she would definitely appreciate a lot.

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall, it was 8:00pm and I had finally finished marking exams after spending my whole day doing so. It was back to reality tomorrow, I had to go back to work and teach students and than it would be the weekend and the cycle would start again. I decided after sitting around all day that I would go work out at the gym since it is open 24/7. I got changed into some workout clothes and grabbed a water bottle, placing it in my gym duffel bag. I got into my car and drove to the gym which was about 15 minutes away.

I had been working out for about thirty minutes now, I had used the treadmill and the stair climber and now I'm lifting weights. I heard a little bit of commotion behind me and turned around to see what it all was about. I pushed past people to see what was going on and I had seen a small blonde girl on the ground "Mckenna?" I questioned, kneeling down beside her "Okay everyone please give her some space" I spoke in a demanding voice that I usually used for these kinds of situations at school. Mckenna wasn't responding to me, I scooped her up into my arms and rushed to my car to get away from the crowd. I placed her across the back seat and elevated her feet up to help the blood flow. After a few minutes, I sighed of relief when I noticed she was starting to wake up. I fetched the water bottle out of my duffel bag "Here sweetheart, drink this" I whispered, helping her sit up as I handed her my bottle of water. "But it's yours and you already drank from it" I sighed "It's okay, please drink it. You need to drink fluids, right now" I said in a some-what stern voice. She looks up at me, biting her lip as she takes small sips of water. "Mckenna, what happened?" I asked worriedly "Oh I just felt a little dizzy, that's all. I'm honestly okay" I cupped her face and pulled it closer to mine so that I could look into her eyes "Mckenna Grace, have you been eating and drinking properly?" If she hasn't, this could lead into a very serious issue. I watched as her eyes looked away from mine "Of course I have, why wouldn't I?" I pressed my forehead against hers "Sweetheart, please don't do this." I whispered "You're beautiful" I added on, hoping it would help reassure her. "No I'm not" I sighed, how could I prove to her that she's literally gorgeous "You're a goddess, okay?" I gently pulled her face away from mine, she looked at me in shock "You don't mean that" I chuckled anxiously "I really do, how did you get here anyway?" I ask, assuming one of her parents dropped her off "...I walked.. please don't be mad" I groaned "You can't walk alone when the sun starts to set, sweetheart. There are evil people out there" she sighed quietly "I know.." she mumbled, drinking from my water bottle. I unknowingly smirked realising we indirectly kissed since I drank from the water bottle before her. "Why are you smirking?" She asks me teasingly "Oh, no reason" I chuckled "Do you wanna uh..get some food? I know you are trying to avoid it but–.." I started to ramble, I never ramble. She giggled softly with her melodic voice "I'd love too" I smiled, lifting her into the passenger seat and running around to the drivers side. "I do have legs, you know?" She asks with a smirk "Sorry I never noticed" I replied playfully as I start the car. "You know I can take you wherever you want, whenever you want, right? If you wanted to go to the gym, I would have happily taken you." I sighed in frustration as I combed my fingers through my hair. "I know but I don't want to ever bother you" I shook my head in amusement as I stopped the car at a red light, gently taking her face in my hands "You will never ever bother me even if you tried to. Do you understand?" I asked in a firm voice "Yes sir" I gently patted her thigh as the light turned green "I'm not mad with you, sweetheart" I spoke quickly, assuming my tone had upset her. "I know. You worked out, take some water" I turned to her for an moment as she sat the edge of the bottle between my lips and lifted it up "Thank you" I whispered back in thanks, concentrating on my driving.

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