Chapter 11: The Perfect Dress

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The school day was taking forever to end and I was only in fourth period, honestly I wish I could just ditch for the rest of the day but unfortunately I can't. We were meant to be doing revision and studying for our upcoming mathematics exam but I wasn't really in the mood for it. I just briefly listened to everything that my teacher had to say, telling us some of the components that the exam may contain but I didn't really care. Maths wasn't my best subject to begin with anyway and I only just manage to pass each time. Noah continued whispering in my ear for the majority of the lesson, just talking about different non related to mathematics things. Eventually I just zoned out from boredom, I didn't really sleep at all last night so I was exhausted. I was struggling to stay awake for so long and had finally fallen asleep although it only lasted about twenty minutes until Noah woke me up, letting me know that the lunch bell had just rung. "Thanks" I mumbled as I packed up my things "Are you good, angel? Do you want me to walk you to the nurse?" I shook my head gently "I'm fine, thank you though" I smiled weakly as I left the classroom and walked to Mr Sorenson's office.

I knocked quietly on the door "Come in!" He called through the closed door, I tried to not look too tired so that he wasn't worried this morning but now my eyes were barely open at this point "Hi" I mumbled quietly as I walked inside and gently shut the door. "Sweetheart, why are you so exhausted?" I dumped my bag on the floor and snuggled onto the couch and curled up into a ball "I didn't sleep at all last night, I got twenty minutes in maths just then though so that's a bonus" I mumbled into the couch sleepily. "Are you alright?" I nodded, yawning "I'm fine. Are you okay?" I mumbled into my arm. "Would you like to skip class and nap in here instead? I can just tell your teacher you're helping me with something" I nodded "Yes please, if it isn't any trouble" he smiled, his fingers stroking my hair "It definitely isn't any trouble, sweetheart. I'll schedule someone to take my classes so I can watch you to make sure that you're okay." I nodded "If you're allowed to do that"

After agreeing to go to the wedding with Jarrod as his plus one, I had to find a dress that was suitable to wear to a wedding whether it was one I owned or a new one. "If I need to get a new one, I can pay for it" I said scrunching up my nose "If I let you go halves on a dress for the wedding, will you let me pay for your homecoming dress then?" This was most definitely a trap "Maybe, I'm not promising anything in advance" I said sneakily "Then let me buy you a dress, please sweetheart" I frowned "You call me sweetheart to make me change my mind, don't you?" I asked teasingly, leaning closer to him "Sometimes but I mostly call you it because you are one. Why, don't you like it?" he said with a hint of worry covered by a smile, making me blush. "No I like it when you call me that. Okay, so do we need to colour coordinate?" I asked curiously, getting back onto the topic of the dress "I mean if you want to match with me than we can but that's completely up to you" I nodded my head "Let's do it then" I smiled, "My tie is pink by the way since I'm the best man, it's what they picked out" he mentioned, patting my thigh "That's exciting. Okay I like pink, it's my favourite colour!" I commented excitedly "I know, purple is as well" he chuckled, driving the car. "What kind of pink is your tie?" I asked "It's sort of a dusty pink kind of colour. We'll try and find the closest pink but it may not be the exact same." I nodded my head "Yeah that's cool. I suppose we better check what kind of pink dresses I have at home first" I mentioned as he pulled over and stopped the engine in front of my house.

We looked at all of the pink dresses that I had laid out across my bed "Well, all of your pink dresses are more of a baby and rosy type of pink. We can have a look at the mall and see if we can find anything that resembles a dusty pink but if we can't you will have to wear one of these dresses. Unless we just decide not to match." I nodded my head, a small sigh followed. "It's okay sweetheart, I'm sure we'll find one that matches." Suddenly I remembered my old formal dress that I had worn a few years ago and I recall it being a dusty pink colour. "Wait a second" I said as I hummed a melody while throwing dress after dress over my shoulder in an attempt to find another one. "Found it!" I exclaimed as I whirled around "I don't know if it still fits me though" I stammered "The only way to find out is to try it on" I nodded my head as I walked into my bathroom, closing the door behind me as I changed into the dress. "What do you think?" I said nervously as I walked out of the bathroom "Come on, you got to make it all fun. Model it for me" he said playfully "Me model? Okay.." I swallowed anxiously, spinning around and putting my hand on my hips "You look good." I smiled shyly, biting my lip "The dress! It uh looks good, I mean" I giggled softly as he scratched the back of his neck "Do you think it's too small?" I asked, twirling around in a circle "It might be a little tight but it makes your body look good" I looked at him as his face turned pink "Right.. anyways do you think it's okay for a wedding?" He immediately nodded his head "It's perfect, I remember when you actually wore that dress" he said laughing "Really?" I asked in surprise "How could I forget?" He asked rhetorically, making me shrug my shoulders. "You should wear it! You look amazing, you need to!" I looked at him as I nibbled on my lip and reluctantly gave in "Okay, I'll wear it" he smiled, clapping his hands "So it's settled then. You'll wear this dress and I'll wear my black suit and matching pink tie" I nodded my head "Yep and I'll just wear some high heels as well I guess" he nodded his head as he helped me out the dresses back neatly into my closet where they belonged.

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