Chapter 21: Mistakes and Memories

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I watched as the school became further and further away. The ride to the police station was silent, I never spoke a word and neither did the officer. As we arrived I immediately headed inside to speak to more officers and explain my side of the story. "Officer Hobbs you're an idiot. You didn't believe the girl? If you don't go back and get him in time before he rapes her, you're fired!" You're correct officer, Hobbs is an idiot, Mckenna had tried to tell him but he just wouldn't listen. "Hey man, you're in the wrong too but I know you can't help the way you feel even though it is illegal. You will still be getting charged and going to court to determine your sentence time." I sighed, nodding my head "That's fair."

"Alright boss, I got him just in time. Literally!" I turned my head to Officer Hobbs and sighed of relief, I just hoped Mckenna wasn't traumatised. "Mckenna! Where is she?" I asked, looking around "She didn't want to come in the car with us, she was talking to someone on the phone. I think I heard her say the name Jace. I dunno it was a a J name." Jason! It had to be Jason unless she called her brother, Jayden.

I am so annoyed with this whole situation, we can't help our feelings towards each other. I can't help being attracted to my teacher and he can't help being attracted to his student. It wasn't exactly what we had planned for each other but it was life and life made it's own choices. I hoped he was okay and wasn't hurting, I'm sure being behind bars isn't where he thought he'd be spending his time.

I remember the first time we met in English class a few years ago, how small and young I was back then. I was only 12 years old, he had only just received his teaching degree a few years earlier.

"Hi Sir" I greeted quietly, I had come to class early so that I could meet all of my teachers before the rest of my class would file in and the chatter would erupt before I got the chance to even introduce myself.

"Hello, you're Jayden's little sister aren't you?" He sounded excited, I assumed he enjoyed teaching my older brother Jayden. I nodded my head in return to his question.

"Yes sir. I'm Mckenna Grace Taylor. It's nice to meet you" I smiled as I walked over to his desk and put my hand out for him to shake. I was taught to always be formal when meeting new adults from a young age and to do that, you had to show respect and be polite.

He chuckled as he looked down at my hand that was extended over his desk "It's nice to meet you too, Mckenna Grace. There's no need for you to be so formal to me, sweetheart" I frowned in disappointment, had I done something wrong? Did I say the wrong thing? Was I somehow being too polite? Had I scared him? Was I that strange?

"Oh.." I muttered quietly as I diverted my gaze to my shoes, my hand slowly pulling away.
"Sweetheart, look at me. Please" my gaze slowly rose to his eyes, he smiled warmly as he wrapped his gigantic hand around my small one and firmly shook it "I'm sorry" he whispered sincerely.

A smile appeared on my face as he shook my hand "You don't need to apologise to me but it's okay" I looked down at his hand connected to mine, it felt right somehow, someway. I wasn't sure how that could be. Perhaps it was because I felt like I could trust him? I really did not know.

It felt like lightning had suddenly struck my hand, zaps flying through our kinetic energy. I quickly pulled my hand away in shock "I, um. I'm sorry!" I stammered nervously, was I so nervous that I had physically sent zaps through my body to zap him? Did I have some kind of super power that I didn't know about?

His laughter filled the room, it made my smile light up across my face. Suddenly his gaze became serious as he observed me, it felt like those ocean blue eyes were staring right into my soul. It felt like he could read my thoughts and feelings. Did he know what I was thinking about right now? He had very pretty eyes. "It's going to be a pleasure to teach you" I cocked my head to the side, how did he know I would be a pleasure to teach.

I playfully put my hands on the desk as I leaned forward "How do you know that?" My voice whispers as it lingers in the air. His finger gazes my cheek "Because I just know." I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I had to clear my throat but didn't want to seem rude by doing so, I faked a cough "If you say so." He smiles as he leans closer to me
"You're not fooling me, sweetheart." I nervously flicker my tongue across my lips before digging my teeth into them "You know it isn't good to lick your lips. You also shouldn't bite into your lips" I playfully roll my eyes "Does it drive you crazy?" I ask teasingly.
Where was this confidence coming from? I have just met this man.

He smirks as his lips are mere centimetres away from my ear "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what drives me crazy" I gasp as he pulls away in amusement "Now, go be a good girl and take a seat" I nodded my head in silence, he had the power to silence me with very few words. It was a strange feeling.

I obeyed him because that is the kind of person that I am. So I chose a seat in the front row and had quickly sat down. "I had a feeling you were going to choose that desk" I looked at him confused, how did he know so much about me? "No you didn't" I giggled nervously "Oh sweetheart but I did" he chuckled as the bell rang, the rest of my class quickly filling up the empty desks.

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