Chapter 6: Sexiest Man in the World

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I woke up to the sound of tiny giggles and opened my eyes to see Julianna "Hello Julianna, what's up?" I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes. "Jarrod must really like you, I've never seen him cuddle anyone when he's sleeping" she smiled, causing me to blush "He's just being nice to me, I'm sure he's cuddled you to sleep before" she shook her head "Nope, I even heard Mommy say he really likes you and so does she" she giggled "I really like him too. He's nice, thoughtful and caring." I playfully smirked before tickling her "He's also a good cuddler and he's very good looking. But that's our secret, okay?" I whispered playfully "Okay I won't tell anyone" she whispered back before running off. I laid back down "You're a very good cuddler and very good looking. But that's our secret, okay?" A husky voice says mimicking me and I widened my eyes in surprise "I was just playing around with your sister. You're not the best cuddler in the world or the best looking man that I've ever seen." I said playfully "Take that back, you know I'm good looking, in fact I'm even better than great looking. I saw the way you looked at me when I was in my towel, young lady." I fell into a fit of giggles and was caught off guard because the next thing I know I was flipped underneath Jarrod. He had one hand on either side of me as he held himself above me. He pulled his shirt off "Not so great looking now, huh?" He asked sarcastically. "Admit it, sweetheart." I shook my head, I wasn't going to swallow my pride. He lowered himself closer to me and pressed his forehead against mine "Say Jarrod James Sorenson is the sexiest man in the world" I giggled "Never!" He smirked "I wouldn't say never if I was you" not even a minute later, I was being tickled like my life depended on it and I'm the most ticklish person that I know. "Please stop. I—can't..breath" he stopped for a moment, "Say it then, come on angel" I pouted and mumbled "Jarrod James Sorenson is the sexiest man in the world" he smirked at me "Sorry, what did you say? I can't hear you." I frowned at him, "JARROD JAMES SORENSON IS THE SEXIEST MAN IN THE WORLD" he chuckled before smirking "You don't need to shout, sweetheart. I'm right here." I crossed my arms "I hate you" I said playfully, obviously joking. "Now you've broken my heart. I'll be depressed forever" he said, with his hand over his heart, I sighed "Fine I don't hate you.. and you're a good cuddler" I mumbled, adding on the last part which was true.
"What's with all of the shouting?" I felt awkward now, "this young lady had an important fact to share with everyone, isn't that right sweetheart?" He asked, playfully taunting me. "I did not. I was forced to..even if it is true" I muttered. "Aren't you just the cutest couple!" His dad said before leaving the room again. "Jarrod.." I sighed "Why does everyone think that I'm your girlfriend? I mean don't get me wrong, it's not the worst rumour that's happened to me but it doesn't make me feel any less awkward" He sighs "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll talk to them" he said, running his hand through his hair before following Peter into the kitchen.

"I want to go to the park, JJ!" Julianna squealed, jumping onto his lap which made me smile. "Ask your little gal pal" he grins, referring to me. "I mean if we have permission from your parents, than I'm happy to take her. You better grab a jacket though" she smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck "Thank you, Kenna! Love you" I looked at Jarrod surprised as she pecked a kiss on my cheek "I love you too, Jules" I smiled, rubbing her back. "Go to the toilet as well" I added on, giggling softly. The park does not have the cleanest bathrooms. "She really likes you" Jarrod hums, resting his chin on top of my head "I'd like to hope so and besides it is her birthday. It's the least I could do" he chuckled "You really do like to please everybody, no matter how difficult the task may be" I nodded my head as he patted my thighs "Alright, well we better get going before it gets dark." We walked to the front door as we waited for Julianna "Ma, Dad. We're going to take Julianna to the park for a little bit before it gets dark." Multiple pairs of feet approached us "Can we go too? Please Jarrod!" I looked to Jarrod and nodded my head, I mean the more the merrier. "Yeah boys. Grab a ball to kick around and let's go" Once the boys grabbed a football we began walking to the park, it was only about a fifteen minute walk. "Alright Julianna, you need to make sure that you can see at least one of us at all times and no talking to strangers. Got it?" Jarrod said obediently to his six year old sister. "Yes JJ, I know" she smiled and waved goodbye as she headed to the playground about twenty metres away "Are you sure we shouldn't be closer to her?" I asked nervously, I'm sure it would be easy to abduct children in a public park. "She will be alright. She's very smart for her age and needs to learn that we can't keep an eye on her every second of the day" I sighed, trying to not overstep my boundary or upset him "Jarrod, all it takes is one second for someone to snatch her and than she's gone." He wrapped his arms around my neck "You know what, you're right. I should know better and I'm sorry" I kissed his hand gently "You don't need to apologise to me, I'll go watch her." He shook his head "I insist, you can hang out with Jackson and Joshua. I'll bring her back over soon. Okay?" He whispered into my ear as he jogged his way over to the playground.

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