Chapter 17: Consent

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The bell had rung for my last class of the day, history. I didn't mind learning about history all that much, I actually found it pretty interesting. I adjusted my skirt as I sat down in my seat and pulled out my notebook. "Everyone turn to page 143 in your textbooks and answer questions 1-13. If you finish early, answer the extension questions." Mr Lucas said, I nodded my head as I started reading along in my textbook. I got up from my desk to show Mr Lucas my progress so far and to see if I was answering the questions correctly. "Oops.. Be a dear and grab me that pen, would you?" I politely nodded my head as I bent down and grabbed the pen, holding it out to him. "Thank youuuuu" he whispered quietly, a slight smirk at his lips. "Um.. so I was wondering if I'm doing these right" I asked, holding out my notebook with my answers on it. His eyes wondered around before finally landing on my book "Ohhh you're definitely doing everything all right" I smiled nervously "Good.."

"Mack! Have you got a minute? I need to speak to you after class" I nodded my head towards Mr Lucas "Yeah sure, I have a minute to spare" I figured I'd have enough time to speak to him and than be able to still meet Mr Sorenson at his car. I put on my backpack as I walked to the opposite side of his desk "What's up?" I asked, he stood up and walked towards the door, closing it shut before locking it. "You see, my dear. How would you like A's for the rest of the semester?" My eyes widened "Seriously? What's the catch?" I asked quickly as he walked closer to me "I'm glad you asked" my heart began to beat faster as his hand rubbed my thigh and inched it's way up my skirt "Stop!" I screamed but he didn't listen "Shh dear, be quiet. I know you want those good grades, I just want a teensy weeny favour in return" I shook my head "No!" He laughed in a creepy sort of way, his hand grazing my cheek. "Take off your skirt! Now!" He demanded, I screamed at the top of my lungs and just hoped that someone could hear me as tears began to fall down my face.

"What's going on in there?!" A voice boomed from behind the locker door "You speak nothing of this, or you will regret it" Mr Lucas whispered as he walked away from me, the door was immediately kicked open "Richard, what do you think you're doing behind a locked door with a female student?!" Mr Sorenson spoke, I sighed of relief knowing I was now safe. "Jarrod" Mr Lucas spoke with disgust "This student right here tried to make a move on me and she locked the door" the devil lied, I squealed "I did not! That's not true, he tried to put his hand up my skirt and demanded I took it off in return for good grades." I spoke quickly, my voice in a low and nervous whisper. "Firstly she has a name, learn how to use it. Secondly, Richard, you're a pig! I can't believe you used your authority as a teacher and tried to take advantage of Mckenna Grace!" He definitely sounded angry, it was kind of sexy, in a way as he continuously had his hand in his hair. "Just wait until Principal Adams hears about this, Richard! Come on, Mckenna" he spoke, gently grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the classroom. He held onto my hand until we made it to his car, he bent down on his knees and pulled me into his arms "I am so sorry, sweetheart" I cried quietly "It isn't your fault, please don't think that!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and sat in the drivers seat. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, I nodded my head "I'm okay, you saved me" I whispered softly as he kissed my cheek, making me blush "I'm glad that you're okay. I will make sure he goes to jail, where he belongs" he growled quietly into my ear. "I will do anything in my power to keep you safe. I promise." I quietly climbed into the passengers seat as he drove in silence.

"Are you sure that you're okay, Mckenna?" He whispered softly, hesitantly about to put his hand on my thigh before pulling it away. I felt my lips frown "I'm not scared of you touching me, Jarrod" I whispered gently "I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you sweetheart because it's the last thing that I would ever do" I smiled and nodded my head "I know that" I grabbed his hand and slowly sat it on my thigh "It's okay when you do it. I trust you" his eyes flickered to mine followed by a smile as he gently patted my thigh "Are you sure that you're going to be okay home alone?" I bit my lip gently "Honestly I don't know but I'll manage" I instantly regretted my decision, knowing what he would say next "I'll come inside with you then...if that's okay, of course" he chuckled, making me smile "You really don't need to. I'm fine, I promise" I smiled kissing his cheek "Are you sure, sweetheart?" I look into his concerned eyes and nod my head "I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow" he sighs "Call me if you change your mind at any point, okay?" I nodded my head as he pressed his lips to my forehead. I waved goodbye as I headed inside and rushed upstairs.

"Do you promise that this will be handled correctly, Principal Adams?" He chuckled lightly, making me not have such a good feeling about this "I'll see what I can do" I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. "He was going to fucking rape the poor girl and you just think you can 'see what I can do' NO THATS JUST NOT ON. I WILL NOT HAVE IT!" I yelled frustrated into my cellphone. "Calm down Jarrod, don't take it all to heart." I felt my anger rising quickly "Are you fucking kidding me right now? What if he had raped her?! She's an innocent child for god sakes, Phil!" I slammed my hand as hard as I could onto the wooden table in front of me. He sighed, clearly annoyed with me "And she's fine, right? I don't need the word to get out into the community that we have a pedophile for a teacher." I continuously cursed under my breath "Is that all you fucking care about? Mckenna Grace Taylor has feelings and she doesn't deserve you to treat this incident like it's nothing but thin air" I heard shuffling from the line "You know what I–" I had another calling incoming "I'm gonna have to call you back" I muttered quickly hanging up with Phil "Help" a scared voice whispered through the phone "Sweetheart, are you–" and just like that, the call ended.

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