Chapter 19: Dreamland

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It's been a few weeks since the incident with Mr Lucas, I always rush out of his class as quickly as possible. It's also been a few weeks since Jarrod and I stopped seeing each other because of a certain teacher. I've been just as miserable since it's happened and Jarrod seems to be like that as well, I miss him a lot. I began walking slowly to school like I had been doing for the last few weeks now, I had still been dressing in sweatpants and hoodies along with messy hair and no makeup. I had been leaving a lot later so that I could spend more time moping alone at home. It was probably about lunch time now but I didn't care, I don't really care about anything anymore. The usual 45 minutes it takes me to walk have now turned into over an hour, I don't have the energy anymore.

"Kenna, are you okay? You've been late everyday for the last three weeks." I sighed towards the office lady "I'm fine" I lied, yet again. I turned my head as I heard the door open before I quickly turned back around, trying to control myself and remain calm. I heard his footsteps stop right behind me "Miss Taylor, are you sure that you're okay? You don't look too good" I nervously nodded my head towards the office lady as I felt him kneel down behind me "Sweetheart" he whispered "Please look at me" I slowly spun around, tears were starting to form in my already red and puffy eyes. He put his arm behind my neck and the other behind my knees as he scooped me up "Come on, you need to lay down. I'll sign in later Marianne" he says to the office lady "Bye Kenna." She says wiggling her eyebrows, I ignore her and turn my head as I lean into his chest. "Jarrod, I'm fine" he looks down at me "How many times have you said that lately?" He frowns as I sigh quietly "Too many to count. But what if he sees us?" I whisper nervously "This is completely different, you're very pale and look like you're going to pass out." I stayed silent as I closed my eyes as I listened to his beating heart. Instead of taking me to the nurses office he had taken me to his office although I'm not sure why. "Besides no matter what happens, I'm always going to care about you" I felt my lips starting to curl into a smile, for the first time in three weeks "I love you" I mutter as I fall asleep in his arms.

I smile for the first time in three weeks after hearing those three heartfelt words come out of Mckenna's mouth "I love you too" I whisper back to the sleeping beauty, herself. Once I make it to my office, I lock the door as I kiss her forehead and place her down on the couch before pacing around the room. I should probably let her teacher know that she's not ditching and is helping me with something. I boot up my computer as I look up her time table. History with Richard Lucas, okay so I guess I'll have to organise another plan for that. I take off my jacket as I lay it across her lap, it's not much but it will help. I check her backpack and see if she has any snacks or anything to drink and sigh when I realise she's been packing nothing. I'm assuming the lack of eating, drinking and lack of sleep is why she looked so unwell. I mean I don't blame her, I haven't been eating as much as I normally do but I do force myself to eat. I yawn as I climb onto the couch beside Mckenna and wrap my arms around her as I hold her close. I take in her amazing scent as it sends me into dreamland.

I look down at the sleeping angel in my arms, her head pressed into my chest as I gently rest my chin on the top of her head. I watch as she quietly stirs in my arms, batting her eyes in a sleepy manner "good morning" she mumbled into my chest, making me chuckle "good morning, sleeping beauty" I smile as I kiss her cheek "Did you sleep well?" I ask as she immediately nods her head, blushing "I slept so amazing, I haven't slept so well in weeks" I nodded my head in agreement "Me too, knowing you're right here is so comforting" I admit in to which she agrees. "As much as I enjoy having you in my arms again..we should probably both head to class" I admit, sighing quietly. "I'm so sorry for keeping you here" I gently stroke her cheek "Don't be sorry, sweetheart. I haven't been sleeping well either." I watched as her bottom lip trembled "Please don't cry because of me" I chuckle nervously "You're right, I'm sorry.. I think I should go before I get you in trouble" a quick sigh escaped from @my lips "Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess I'll see you later, sweetheart" she nodded her head "Goodbye, Mr Sorenson..." ouch that kind of stung a little, I gave her a small wave as she grabbed her backpack and left.

I head to my next class, English with year eleven. They're not the worst class to teach but definitely not the most pleasant class to teach either. That little nap helped a little but it wasn't much, I miss Mckenna a lot more than I tend to show. "Okay year eleven, can you guys please be on your best behaviour today? As you know, I haven't been my usual self for the last three weeks because of some things that are going on in my life at the moment. They're personal so no, I won't be informing you of what is going on. I'm just really tired today and I'm trying to function as normally as possible but honestly I could pass out from lack of sleep within seconds so I apologise if that does happen." The class broke out into chatter for a little while but eventually got on track and began doing the work that I had assigned them. After this class I get to teach Mckenna's class and I just hope everything goes really well. I can't wait to see her again even if I can't hold her in my arms like I used to do, I really miss her falling asleep and cuddling up beside me. I also really miss kissing her and when she bit her lip god damn. The pout of hers was a special trick, it made me do whatever she wanted. Those fucking teeth on my ear though, was a pleasure and it made me feel things that I didn't want to entirely feel.

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