Chapter 20: Protection

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I headed to science class as I slid into my seat next to Ruby "Girl, you really need to get back to your normal, pretty self." I rolled my eyes, I know she was trying to be helpful but it wasn't as easy as that. I wished it was but it wasn't. "You and Sorenson need to both get your act together. I'd rather listen to him when he looks hot" I shoved her arm "He still looks hot now, obviously he's going through something. You can't just judge him!" I groan, defending him "Geez don't take it to heart girl. He probably got dumped or cheated on by his girlfriend." I rolled my eyes "You shouldn't be making assumptions, let's just drop it." A smirk appeared on her face "You know, it's funny actually... that you're both acting like this at the same time.." I nibbled on my lip, did she know? Did someone tell her? "What do you even m-mean?" I stammered, her laugh filled the classroom "Oh Mack, you just feel soooooo bad for him so you're doing this so he doesn't feel alone. You have such a big heart" I giggled nervously "Oh..yeah, uh sure.." this girl seemed to be losing brain cells day by day. "Maybe he's back to his hot self today. I didn't see him this morning. I'd kill to run my fingers through his hair" I shrugged my shoulders, trying to stop myself from making it obvious that I used to do it all of the time. "I don't know. Yeah his hair definitely looks soft.." Ruby started gently pushing me out of the classroom "Come on, let's check out if he's hot again" I rolled my eyes and I groaned as she continued pushing me down the hallway. I sleepily climbed onto my seat in Mr Sorenson's class as I slowly started to lay my head on the desk but my head never comes in contact with the desk. It comes into contact with a jacket that's not mine, my eyes flicker up and meet his as I mouth the words 'thank you' he chuckles as he winked at me. His jacket smells like him and it comforts me enough to fall asleep.

"Mr Fern, stop pulling on Mckenna's hair" I groaned as I turned around "Really Samuel? Cut it out. I'm tired, alright" he smiled, pleased that he is annoying me "Well good thing you're awake. You shouldn't be getting special treatment from Sorenson." I rolled my eyes "I'm not getting special treatment. He's just a good and caring person unlike you, now leave me alone." I watched as he stood up and towered over me "How cute" he murmurs, I stand up and challenge him. "Mr Fern, that is enough! Sit back down!" I turn my head and look at Mr Sorenson, letting him know that I'm okay. "Samuel, just sit the fuck down and leave her alone!" I turned my head to Tyler as he stood up and stood in between us "Shut the fuck up, Tyler! If you're my best friend you would move right now" I gasped as he shoved him out of the way, sending him flying into rows of desks "You're next, Mack" I rolled my eyes "Go ahead, you wouldn't" I challenged. "Samuel Fern! Get out now!" Samuel laughs as he pushes me into the brick wall and punches me in the eye. He is quickly pulled off of me and literally thrown across the room "Don't you ever fucking dare to lay your hands on a lady! DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?!" I watched as Jarrod stormed over to him and Samuel threw a punch but Jarrod had quickly wrapped his hand around Samuel's fist. "Don't even fucking try me, Mr Fern" Jarrod growled "Aw look, he has come to your rescue again Mack!" My blood was boiling as I walked over to him and jumped in the air but two hands stopped me midair and pulled me into his chest "He's not worth it, sweetheart" he whispered into my ear before turning around and putting me down "Mr Fern, go to the principals office now!" Samuel got up, rolling his eyes "Watch your back!" He calls out as the bells rings, signalling the end of class. Once everyone had left Jarrod sat down on the edge of his desk "Sweetheart, come here please" I slowly walked to him as I looked down at my feet. He gently lifted my chin up with his fingers "Come on, I'm taking you to the doctors and making sure that nothing is broken." I shook my head "He will find out, we can't. I'm fine!" He sighed, putting his hands on my shoulders as he looked into my eyes "Mckenna Grace, you're not fine! You don't need to lie to me. You can always trust me, sweetheart" I sighed too, "We can't risk it, I can't let you lose your job. It makes you happy!" He chuckled "Sweetheart, you make me so much happier than a silly job" I smiled, he kissed my forehead before standing up "Let's go" I nodded my head as we walked down the hallway to head towards the office.

"Well, well well... what do we have here?" I rolled my eyes towards Richard's comment "That's none of your business!" Mckenna snapped "Now, now Mack.. don't be rude to me. I'm just trying to help you" my grip tightened on Mckenna's shoulders "Richard, just get out of the way" he shook his head "We had a deal and you broke it.. you've given me no choice, not that I've mind that you broke it" I pulled her behind me "Fuck off, Richard!" I growled, shoving him into the wall and holding his hands behind his back "You're a sick man! Wanting to rape a seventeen year old girl! On top of that, she is a student of yours!" I yelled into the hallway where chatter and gasps erupted. "I'm not the one who has her phone number!" He yelled "Both of you be quiet, you've brought all of the attention to me. I never wanted everyone to know!" Shit, I didn't mean for that to happen. "Sweetheart." I whisper, her lip trembled as she walked away. I wanted to go after her but I didn't want Richard to follow her. "Mckenna! Wait! Please!" I begged but she continued walking further away from me, I sighed.

"Put your hands up" I turned my head to see that someone had called the cops "Yes, of course sir" I spoke slowly as I lifted my hands off of Richard and stepped away. "You're being charged with assault and will be coming to the station. Anything that you say can and will be used against you, therefore I suggest you remain silent" I gasped, he couldn't be serious right now could he? "But wait, please just hear me out!" he groaned, nodding his head "This man right here tried to rape an innocent and underage female student. He even checked her files and went to her house while she was home alone with a gun and he blackmailed her." I admitted quickly, hoping he would believe me. "Is this true?" The police man asked, turning his head to Richard "Well of course not. But Jarrod here..was in a relationship with this particular female student. So there's even more evidence to arrest him" the office turned to me with a scowl on his face "Is this true?" I sighed "Yes sir but nothing bad happened, it was innocent. We've stopped seeing each other now and I know it isn't okay to pursue a relationship with a student but I can't help what I'm feeling. Nothing sexual happened sir, it was just pure innocence and love." He pulled out his handcuffs as he put them around my wrists "You're coming with me, further questioning will be permitted at the station. As for you sir, we will be checking in with you another time" I can't believe they're letting the real criminal and pedophile free.

"STOP! PLEASE SIR!" I turned my head to see Mckenna sprinting down the hallway "Please hear me out, officer" the officer nodded his head, permitting her to speak "Mr Sorenson is lying! I practically threw myself at him, he is innocent. I was the one who forced him to kiss me and give me rides to school. Please don't arrest him!" I watched as tears formed in her eyes "It's still illegal and you're a child, it doesn't matter whether you forced him or not. He is the grown man in this situation." I noticed the tears quickly falling from her eyes and I just wished that I could comfort her. "You're arresting the wrong man! Mr Lucas is the one who sexually assaulted me. He said he would rape me in front of Mr Sorenson! He had a gun too! Mr Sorenson saved me when he was trying to force me to take my skirt off! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" I groaned, why can't this stupid officer believe the poor girl. "It doesn't matter, he is still being charged with the assault of Richard Lucas." He began making me walk out of the hallway to leave the school grounds "HE'S GOING TO RAPE ME BECAUSE MR SORENSON WON'T BE ABLE TO PROTECT ME AND I HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY DAUGHTERS BECAUSE IMAGINE IT HAPPENING TO THEM. YOU'RE MAKING THE WORST DECISION EVER AND I HOPE KARMA COMES AROUND!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as her head fell into my chest, pouring out her tears "Please don't take him away. I love him! He keeps me safe" I bent down as I kissed her forehead "You're going to be okay, sweetheart." I had to stay strong for Mckenna and not cry, no matter how much this breaks my heart. She's suffering because of me, I couldn't protect her. "PLEASE!" She was crying hysterically now, I had to do something. "Please officer, at least let me talk to her. I need to calm her down" I sighed as he let me walk with her to an empty classroom nearby "Jarrod, you can't let them do this! Please!" I shook my head as I felt my throat going dry, not now. "Baby.." my voice cracked "There's nothing I can do" her tears continued to fall, all I wanted to do was to wrap my arms around her and comfort her but I can't. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I can't get us out of this. I wish I could but I don't know how" she wraps her arms around my neck as she pecks my cheek "I'll find a way to fix this.." she mutters under her breath "Please stay safe, Mckenna. Always keep someone like Tyler around so he can never get to you, okay?" She nodded her head "I love you, okay?" I whispered as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck "I love you too" she whispered back.

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