Chapter Three

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The next day Shane and I were finally settled in, I had yet to see Daryl. Yesterday, we brought everything in, the food, weapons, ect. I went to bed early considering I might be pregnant. When I finally did wake up I was sleeping comfortably curled up against Shane's chest with him arm wrapped around my waist. I blinked my eyes open and smiled. I slowly peeled myself away from Shane. He stirred slightly and reached out as I stood up. He mumbled something and then rolled over to face the wall. I chuckled and left the cell. We were in the top of the block, far end. I wanted to be isolated. It was just a thing, staying far away. Social distancing, is what I call it. When I started to the bridge of where the stairs were I looked down and saw Daryl standing by the area Carol first showed me, his back was to me. I knew it was him by the winged jacket, the long hair, and the rugged look to him. I walked down the stairs as quickly as I could. Daryl turned around and his mouth dropped into an 'o' shape. I walked up to him and I hugged him tight. The hug immediately was returned.

"Y/n." Daryl smiled bright and let go off me before instantly looking me over. He started inspecting my arms, legs, back, neck, head, anything that could be injured. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," I smiled and he finally look me in the eye. "You look like it's been a rough few weeks."

"Weeks? No, Months." Daryl held my shoulders, keeping me in place. I smiled.

"Do you still have that crossbow of yours?" I squinted and Daryl nodded. "I found some old arrows when I was in Virginia."

"How big? How long?" Daryl looked at me and dropped his hands. I started laughing uncontrollably.

"B-b-" I looked up to see a bright red Daryl. "And l-l-long!" He threw his hands up and walked into the weaponry/cafeteria. I followed him and saw Beth rocking Judith while making food.

"How's little ass kicker this morning?" Daryl walked over to Beth and waved at Judith. Judith cooed and raised a hand at Daryl she took one of his fingers in her hand and extended it towards her mouth. I smiled at the sight.

"You always gonna call her little ass kicker?" I smiled and Daryl nodded. I walked over to Beth and Judith. "Want me to take her for a while?"

"No, I'm okay. Can you make breakfast though?" Beth looked at me with curious eyes.

"Of course I can. How many people?" I smiled. Beth counted in her head.

"Eight." Daryl interjected and I counted myself.

"You didn't include yourself." I squinted my eyes.

"I can-" Daryl started to talk but, I raised my hand.

"Hold I'm getting a call." I reached in my very empty pocket.

"Okay," Daryl paused and ignored the comment like it was normal. I pulled out my hand in the shape of a phone, pinky and thumb up every other finger down. "Wait-"

"Yes, hello? Sir I don't remember ever caring what you can do." I smiled at Daryl while he glared at me with a pure annoyed look. I grinned and put my hand back in my pocket. "You were saying?"

"Never mind." Daryl sighed and I heard laughter coming from the side we came in. Dad has woken up, along with Glenn, Maggie, and Shane. They were laughing about me talking to Daryl how I wanted. Daryl threw his hands up in defeat and I giggled.

"Alright. Who's hungry?" I smiled bright and everyone nodded. Shane and I had found powered eggs right after we left the group, we had only used a slight bit back in New York. They were alright, but mushy. I figured I'd try my hand at them again, maybe less mushy and more 'eggy'. All you have to do is add equal mix to water, and then cool normally. They are slightly faster than actual eggs though. I was beating the eggs when Carol came over to me.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now