Chapter Thirteen

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Your POV

I started to work outside the walls with the herd. Daryl and I had barely talked since the day I was drunk off my ass. He ended up staying the night that day, forcing me to stay semi-sober. Twenty days, no Shane. At a certain level I knew he was dead, at another point I thought he was just trapped. Locked up. I couldn't stop counting the days until he came home. Maybe the conflict is god or some higher level is telling me to chose Daryl. To start over with someone new. Try again. Create a new life. A new family. Maybe I wasn't supposed to end up with Shane, maybe just Noah or Daryl. Maybe I through myself off track by letting myself wrap up in Shane. In his attitude, attractive glow, hands, heart, smile, and even his annoying smirk when we both know I'm wrong and I refuse to admit it. My heart doesn't want to move on, but I will. For Noah. For myself. For Shane, because I know he'd want that.

Shane's POV

Alone. I went on runs alone. To protect anyone else from my stupidity. Now, I'm sitting in a room. Head position in a group. A new group. They call themselves the 'saviors'. When I met the head guy, Negan, I swore he was bat-shit crazy. He carried around this barbwire baseball bat called it Lucille. He was good, he immediately threatened me with his bat. I expected to die. I expect never to see my son or wife again. Negan, he- he took me in and kept me safe. He took me in as one of his advisors. Thinks I'm smart, can help protect people. He is the only man who's presence intimidated me. Caused me to think twice about what I was saying and doing. He'd ask me about where I'm from, about Y/N, Noah. I trusted him, told him about my whole life. We traded with two places, The Hilltop and The Kingdom. It wasn't really trade it was more of 'we won't kill you if you give us about half of your shit.' Scary thing.

"Now, we are going to need a new place to take. Any suggestions or ideas?" Negan tapped on the table with his bat. He looked at me and I looked down. "Shane. You must know something."

"I don't, other than where I last saw my family. I don't know." I looked back up and leaned back in my chair.

"Do you know where that place is?" Negan put his hand on the table and gave me a 'are you fucking stupid?' look.

"I have a rough idea. From here, I'm not sure what direction. I could figure it out given the right direction." I swallowed. Negan chuckled.

"We'll find your community. Not yet though." Negan smiled again. "Dismissed!" Negan called our and squinted at me as I stood up and left. When I left the room I went straight to my room. The only thing I really ever had to do was go out to the communities when we went out up a line of protection, maybe give advice to Negan when he asks. I got in my room and pulled a picture out of my back pocket. A Polaroid to be exact. Of Y/N and Noah. A camera was found in Alexandria and Y/N wanted me to have a picture of her and Noah just in case something happened and I couldn't get home. At this point there's no doubt she thinks I'm dead.

"Shane. I've got to talk to you." Daryl took a deep breath as I turned around.

"What's up?" I smiled and he looked down.

"I'm going to be straight with you. Y/N is my best friend. I love her more than just a best friend. I know-" Daryl's words pissed me off. I punched him. Daryl stumbled back and looked at me. "I deserve that."

"Don't ever make her choose. If I die. You can then tell her. IF." I made myself clear. Daryl nodded.

Daryl's most likely announced his little crush to Y/N, maybe even slept with her. Which, if I ever see him again I'll kill him for it. I didn't realize I had balled up my empty fist. Without Y/N around I didn't have short nails, I accidentally made myself bleed.

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