Chapter Twenty

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"He was shot, in the chest he's at our infirmary now. Y/n there's someth-" I stepped back and started running. I heard people yell behind me, I saw the infirmary and felt my feet slow down. I pushed to get there, when I reached the door I paused. Shane screaming brought me inside.

"That fucking hurts!" Shane's face was pale and his shirt was off. I stopped and looked at him. Tears fell down my face. Shane looked at me smiling. "Baby!"

"I was so scared. So scared. I heard a gunshot, I thought..." I took three steps and I was at his bedside. I took his free hand in mine. "I thought I lost you."

"Baby girl, you'll never loose me. I'm your husband." Shane winced in pain. "Did they tell you?"

"Tell me-" I spotted the bad news. I saw a bite mark on his hip. "No, no."

"Y/n, calm down..." Shane gripped my hand tighter. I watched as one of the town members finished wrapping his chest. "Now, listen to me okay?"

"Okay." I was sobbing, not because Shane was bit, not because I don't have my son, because I am afraid. Afraid of what's next.

"I don't know if it was a walker. Now, listen here. I was rustling with someone and I felt it. The next think I knew I saw it. I grabbed a gun pulled away and then shot it, or them. If a fever sets in we will know, but baby, until then. We will spend every moment we can together." Shane pushed a stand of hair out of my face. I nodded. "Come here."

"Okay." I got onto the bed with him and he held my waist. We laid there. My heart beat that the pace of his. Anexity, fear, anger, if you can name it it ran through me. My entire body was trembling. Shane fell asleep. It was quick. I slowly fell into his breaths, his heart, his arms.

Shane Walsh. A police officer. A friend. An uncle by association. A father. A husband. Perfect.
Shane never stopped caring, he died as he lived. Protecting those around him.
His friends and family have their words:

Rick Grimes: He was my partner. Like a brother, he became my son-in-law when he married my daughter. Even though the age thing concerns me, they were so happy together. Shane, was perfect for Y/N. Just, perfect.

Carl Grimes: Shane helped raise me. He always protected me. When I found out about him and mom I think I hated him at first, but I loved him. He was one of the best people in my life.

Negan: He fought. He died. What else is there to say? He never disobeyed. I didn't want him dead. I really didn't. Lead by example, he was my example.

Daryl Dixon: I didn't hate him. I didn't love him. He made Y/N happy. He made her smile bigger than anyone. Bigger than when she saw me for the first time after six months. Y/n and Shane, perfect for each other. Always will be and always have been.

Lori Grimes: Shane watched over my children. He was a good man, he was good to my kids and everyone around him. Shane, Shane was perfect.

Hershel Greene: I didn't love the idea of Shane. He taught me one thing, to listen. I was crazy, now I know. Now I understand. Shane wasn't my favorite person but, he was a decent man.

Maggie Greene: Shane crossed lines. Shane was good. Shane made people annoyed, pissed, hurt, everything under the sun. Shane brought me to the attention of how shit happened. Shane was an amazing man with flaws.

Andrea Harrison: I liked Shane. More than a friend. He was what kept me alive until he wasn't there anymore. Shane was a good man. One of the best.

Carol Peletier: Shane wasn't my favorite person in the beginning. He helped look for my daughter. He did his best even when he didn't believe it would work. He is the reason we found her, Shane Walsh. A good man.

Lizzie Samuels: Shane. Shane was like a dad. Him and Y/n were parents to us. Shane taught Mika how to whistle, he trusted me. I trusted him.

Mika Samuels: I wish I could have known him longer. Shane taught me the best things, he was sweet. I loved him. So much.

Y/n Walsh: Shane. Shane was my husband. The best thing I could have ever asked for. Shane made me smile, he made my heart warm. He made damn sure I was fed Noah too. Shane was more than a man. He was the perfect man. Maybe that means nothing anymore, but I know one thing. Shane is even more now. I love him. In life and death. Shane was my twenty-four seven. Shane became my husband and I promised my life to him. My heart and soul. My good and bad. Our wedding vows, which he only told me one time in secret. Shane said 'Y/n, ever since the day I realized you were more than my partners daughter, I loved you. I've loved you for more than the years the world has been dead. I've loved you longer than the years I can count on my fingers. You are the woman I want to be with. The one person who I would do anything for. The light in the darkness. Your smile brings a room joy. Your laugh brings a room laughter. You, you are perfect. You've been through more on your own than anyone else I know. Y/n, as your husband- or soon to be- I promise or protect you. Until the day I die. Until I am torn to pieces by a walker or until I die of utter happiness. I promise to not leave your side unless forced by the hand of whatever the hell needs me too.'

Shane Walsh
died as he lived:
a protecter,
a husband,
a father,
an uncle,
a police officer,
a survivor,
a happy man,
and the best of all
a gift.

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