Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning I awoke to Noah's yelling and Shane's yelling right back. Noah of course was just learning to talk and, much like Shane, he would speak in what I like to call, Noah-ish.

"Momma! Give momma!" Noah picked up a toy and chucked it at Shane, with almost precision. Noah had learned to climb out of his crib so, of course he was on the couch just doing as he pleased.

"Noah Grixier Walsh! Watch your tone! Do not throw things either!" Shane tried to stay firm with Noah but, only more toys were thrown.

"What's going on?" I stretched and pulled myself out of bed. I quickly threw on the first shirt I could find- which happened to be Shane's- and looked around. "Are you two done?"

"Momma!" Noah stopped screaming after he released the toy in his hand hitting Shane right in the chest. I swallowed my laughter and got my 'mom' face.

"Noah Walsh. What was that? You better apologize to your father right now or-" I walked right to Noah who was scowling at me with a toy in his hand ready to throw. I dropped my mouth open and shook my head.

"I not sorry!" Noah yelled and then threw another toy at Shane. I couldn't contain my laughter this time. I laughed and picked up Noah. He was scowling at Shane who, of course, was completely defeated.

"I can't win, not with either of you." Shane huffed and started picking up the toys.

"Well, you did take a win last night." I licked my lips and put Noah on the ground. "Help daddy."

"Yes momma!" Noah smiled and began to pick up his toys. There was at least ten on the ground.

"How did you- you know what? Never mind. I don't want to know. Unless there is bribery." Shane pointed a soldier at me and I chuckled.

"Food for my boys." I opened the fridge to find milk, applesauce, and a half eaten sandwich. "Shane. What the hell?"

"Bad word!" Noah yelled as he threw a toy into the pile.

"What? I lived alone!" Shane shrugged and I huffed.

"How did dad deal with you in college?" I shook my head and huffed. "Where can I go to get food?" I looked up at Shane who was beaming with an idea.

"We can all go together. Get some pants on, we will do a shopping trip. Noah can meet new people." Shane was ecstatic. I laughed and nodded. Shane picked up Noah and waved a hand at me to go get dressed. So I did. I put on underwear, jeans, my boots, and changed from Shane's shirt to my crop top. I sighed at it as I wanted something more, well more fashionable and less- apocalyptic.

"Hair brush?" I dug through the bathroom before finding one. Shane peeked his messy head into the bathroom and I chuckled. He obviously just won a battle with Noah by the tip of his hair. I brushed out my hair and smiled. I quickly braided my hair off to the side and sighed. "Are you-"

"Not yet." Shane interrupted me as I saw Shane fight with Noah for him to get his pants back on. I laughed and when Noah saw me he happily listened and put his pants on. "What in gods name?"

"He also listens to Daryl. I think you are just being to mean. Give him candy. He loves candy." I smiled and swooped Noah into my arms. He grabbed my hair and twirled the end in his hands. "Want some candy Bubba?"

"Candy!" Noah yelled and Shane panicked.

"Front left pocket." I smiled and Shane quickly grabbed our a piece of yellow candy. It was actually a cough drop or a lemon head, maybe even a jelly bean. As long as Noah sucked on it he wouldn't know the difference.

"Tanks you 'er" Noah smoked as he sucked the candy. He was just talking and he had some troubles with some words. It was cute. 'Specially when he started to do the things Shane does, best part is that neither of them realize they're doing it.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now