Chapter Fifteen

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Shane was questioned. Dad and Daryl both watched me to make sure I stayed away from Shane. They didn't trust him. When the other guy, Jesus tried to kill Shane they knew something was wrong. Jesus snuck out of the cell into my house. From there I almost killed him. I'd taught Noah how to hold up a gun, maybe scare someone off. That's what happened. Noah screamed and when I went to run into his room he was holding up his gun and pointing it at Jesus. It was like he got the wrong house. He wanted to show Dad and Michone his  home. The hilltop. A string of other problems emerged, Gregory from the Hilltop recognized me from a picture. Shane had dropped it, when he was there in Savior business. I was immediately detained and brought to my knees when Gregory saw me as a threat. Shane was forced to split from the group again, go back. He begged for me to come with. There was going to be war and Shane didn't want me on the side that wasn't his. Dad took out a whole outpost, causing more tension on me. We only found it was an outpost when I snuck off to see Shane. I told him, he laughed then realized I was serious. Alexandria was in knee deep shit. About a week later a group went to Hilltop for Maggie. That's when I found out Glenn and Abraham were killed, by Negan. Shane was there, in the back. He couldn't do anything, he'd be killed. Negan knew Shane had found us again, part of me wonders if he was trying to prove a point to us. Now, here we are in the situation of where Negan is holding Judith and Noah on his lap. Pretending like nothing is wrong.

"You two are just the sweetest kids ever." Negan chuckled as he looked between the two.

"I need to feed them." I clenched my teeth as I spoke. It told my entire heart not to break his skull open. He took Daryl. When I found out, it hit me hard.

"I think I like you Mrs. Walsh." Negan smiled, I couldn't deny his attractiveness. He had a way of saying things that could have made me melt a few months ago. "Now, you're Rick's daughter. You've yet to hear what your little brother did. Now have you?"

"You've told me twice already. Now give me my son and sister." I slowly blinked at Negan. He laughed and then dropped his face blank. It gave me chills, both in a good and bad way.

"No, now you are welcome to come back to the Sanctuary with me. Maybe see your husband, Daryl, change last names." Negan's words sent me off.

"Noah baby, do you miss daddy?" I put on the voice I always used with Noah. Slightly high pitched, exaggerated.

"Dad!" Noah's happy voice made me smile. He made grabby hands towards me and I took him off Negan's lap.

"My son will always choose Shane over you. Now if you think for a second I'd go with you willingly. You are more than wrong." I huffed and rocked Noah. Negan laughed.

"Let's go make dinner now shall we? We can wait for Rick." Negan stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I saw Olivia coming up with lemonade. I grabbed it from her and nodded.

"Look Negan your lemonade has been served." I made a cheery voice and walked to grab a container to make it in. I grabbed down a pitcher and began to make it. Negan talked and talked, eventually I drowned out his voice with the thought of what he would sound like choking on the stupid spaghetti he keeps ranting about. When he finally shut up and expected me to speak I nodded. He glared at me.

"You weren't listening." Negan's voice was between stunned and turned on. I nodded and smiled.

"I could honestly and truly care less. The only reason you are still alive is because of my son and husband. I'm afraid that the minute I can get my husband back I'll kill you. Well, afraid isn't the word more like- like happy." I chuckled and poured lemonade for everyone. Negan watched me closely.

"You, you've got some big balls talking to me like that." Negan chuckled. I sat down and sat back in my chair. Carl was across from me holding Judith. I held Noah. We sat and waited there. Something about waiting for Dad to come home for dinner. It had been over thirty minutes and Negan was just done. So, he served himself food. Told us all to 'dig in' like we had a choice. I took Judith from Carl and fed both her and Noah small bites of spaghetti. Once we were done Spencer came to the door, with his sleazy behind peoples back behavior.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now