Chapter Sixteen

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The Sanctuary wasn't as bad as I imagined. Negan's 'wives' were nice. They would stop by the room I was in and held with Noah. Feed him, change him, god knows I was to weak too. All my food and water went to him. I couldn't help but, make sure Noah was happy and healthy. He complained about the darkness. He was afraid, so we got a flashlight. Noah would use it until he fell asleep. Ninety percent of the time he was sleeping. When it was finally time to go out, we were brought to Shane's room where he was pacing and freaking out. I'd only seen him like that once. It was when I was little. He'd freaked out before, but this time was different. Shane's face was scrunched up, he was sweating, his eyes were puffy liked he'd been crying, I smiled at the sight of him.

"Shane." I managed to croak out my words and Noah's ears perked up.

"Dad!" Noah yelled and was smiling bright. Shane looked directly at us and started to cry, again from observation.

"Oh my shit." Shane ran up to us and took us both into a big bear hug. Negan, of course, was behind us clapping. I pulled away from Shane and glared right at him.

"Alright, alright. Now, Y/n, darling. You'll need a job." Negan smiled and I bounced Noah, slowly handing him to Shane.

"You're lucky Rosita missed." I dropped my eyelids and popped my knuckles. I popped my neck and looked directly at Negan. "You kept my son locked up for three days in a dark cell."

"He has a flashlight." Negan chuckled as he extended his hand. "Want a tour?"

"Not from you." I sneered and pursed my lips. I turned back around and looked at Shane. I smiled and put my arm on his shoulder. His face pulled into a smile. "From you, maybe." I winked at Shane and he chuckled.

"C'mon, darling I'll show you around." Negan extended a hand to me, regardless of my want.

"Did I not just-" I snapped around to Negan and he was raising an eye brow.

"Just go Y/N. I'm not worried." Shane smiled at me and I huffed. "He won't hurt you."

"I'm not worried about that. I'd rather spend time with my husband and son." I took a deep breath and turned around too look at Negan. "Let's go."

"Take my hand darl-" Negan kept his hand out for me to grab and I walked right past it.

"My name isn't darling. Try again next time." I huffed and Negan stepped right with me. He showed me around the entire building, eventually ending in his office.

"This is where we find you a job and conclude the tour." Negan smiled and gestured to the seat in front of him. I sat down and he smiled. "What did you do in Alexandria?"

"Guard, therapy, cooked, baked, it depended." I laid back and crossed my legs, left over right.

"What can you do?" Negan leaned forward. "You could wash Lucille. She would-"

"Negan, sir. Daryl got out. Fat Joey is dead." The radio next to Negan caught my attention. Daryl got out? Shane's help maybe? I let thoughts run through my mind ignoring the radio back.

"Good job Daryl." I smiled and whispered to myself. Negan heard me and he stood up pissed.

"Good job? If we find him, he's dead. Now, you- you'll be my little saving grace. Your father wouldn't fire on us if we have you." Negan looked at me up and down. He sucked in his bottom lip and took a deep breath. "You can be one of my wife's. Yes! Oh, that would be perfect for you."

"Nope. I refuse. I'm married to Shane- correction. I'm happily married to Shane." I squinted my eyes and raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Try on the dress at least." Negan smiled and extended an arm. I took his hand and he lead me to the door. "Y/n, darling, I'll have it delivered to you. Go on back to your room. No interaction with anyone but, this gentleman." At that moment a man with blond hair and a large burn mark appeared. "Shane's room. Get her a dress." Negan barked out orders at the man and he nodded. I walked with him back to Shane's room, where I saw him aggressively trying to make a crib fit into a corner.

"Shane. You are insane." I huffed and grabbed the crib, I pulled it out and moved it to a different corner.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Shane looked me up and down, after putting Noah in his new crib.

"The wife subject came up again. He wants me as one of his wives. He's sending a dress down here for me to try on. Also," I trailed a finger down Shane's chest then flattened my hand on his chest. "Daryl Dixon, is missing. Well, for the saviors." I smiled and Shane's eyes went wide.

"Y/n, baby. You're working for our side now... if you know something the-" Shane stopped taking when banging was herd on the door.

"Y/n?" A woman's voice caught my attention. I opened the door and there was Tanya. Her dark brown hair was the five away. "I was told to bring you a dress. Are you joining the cult?"

"No, Negan would like me to try it on. Honestly, if I get to look as good as you then I am 100% okay with it." I laughed as Tanya handed me the dress and a shoe box. "Come in. Noah is still awake."

"No he's-" Shane looked at Noah who was in fact not asleep yet. "How did you-"

"Magic." I laughed. "Let me go change I'll be out in a sec." I smiled and hustled into the bathroom. I saw a giant mess, which makes sense seeing as Shane has lived alone for the last few months. I got into the dress and was in awe of how pretty I looked. "Alright, I'm dressed." I stepped out of the bathroom to a sleeping Noah, a stunned Shane, and a smiling Tanya.

"You look gorgeous girl. The shoes?" Tanya smiled at me and I peeked up. I grabbed the shoebox, they were absolutely beautiful black wedges with an open toe. I slipped them on and stood next to Shane.

"You look- you're- I don't know what to say." Shane smiled and kissed my head.

"I'll leave you two alone. Y/n, you look beautiful." Tanya smiled and waved as she left the room. I looked up at Shane and grinned.

"Now, I want you to understand that you have two choices. Both possibly leading to sex." I trailed two fingers up Shane's chest. "Option one, we sneak past Noah into the other room and I give you sex better than breakup and first time sex combined. Option two, we sit and watch a movie and hope that I don't jump you wherever you sit." I grinned and Shane nodded while tapping his chin.

"Well," Shane dropped his hands to my waist. "I am always down for option number two... although-" before Shane could finish speaking I kissed him. He grabbed my waist and picked me up. I rolled my head back laughing and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I've missed you so damn much." I smiled as I put my head against his. Shane nodded and took me to his bed. He slowly lowered me into the bed and looked me up and down.

"I'm never losing you again." Shane whispered as he slowly leaned down and kissed me. It was slow, completely consuming, no words were needed to describe what he was feeling because you just knew. His love, my love, we fit, two halves of a whole, if I was ever to loose Shane I couldn't move on. Not with Daryl, not with anyone. Our clothes were off and our hands interlocked as Shane brought himself into me. His hands, his member, him, Shane Walsh.

If I could describe perfect in anyway, it would be my husband. Shane. Shane Walsh. As he is my best friend, my lover, the father of my child, the most important adult male in my life. Every moment with Shane is like I'm living a dream, with him, I'm not afraid of anything. Our life, well, I can sure as hell tell you, it's just begun.


Authors note

I apologize for how long this chapter has taken. Although, I hope everyone's Mother's Day was fabulous.

As always,
Stay safe!

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