Chapter Twenty-One

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I blinked my eyes open and saw Shane laying next to me, still breathing. My heart sprung back into my chest and I smiled. It was just a crazy dream. I dreamt he died. I dreamt his funeral. I dreamt it all. I felt his head and no fever, not yet at least. I slowly sat up and moved out of his grasp. I heard him groan and looked back. He was still peacefully sleeping. I smiled and sighed. I looked around and saw nothing really of use to me. I looked back at Shane and sighed.

"Bit. Dead. No difference." I mumbled out my words and swallowed. I looked at the door and left the room. Carl was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall next to the door. He looked up at me and quickly wiped his eyes.

"Hey." Carl stood up and looked at me. "How is he?"

"He's fine for right now, no fever." I smiled and Carl looked down. "Hey, kid. Look at me." I took Carl's chin and I forced him to look at me. "We've been through a hell of a life. In the end we'll be okay. We've got each other." I smiled and Carl nodded.

"Think it was a walker?" Carl looked at me and I could hear how sad he was.

"I do, but right now we need to focus on getting Noah home. Right?" I nodded at Carl and he smiled.


"Why did you have another kid? Aren't I enough?" I raised my eyebrows. Mom laughed and picked me up.

"You are very much a handful, but, the baby bird called and asked if we wanted another." Mom smiled and I glared.

"No, that's not how babies are born." I huffed and puffed.

"Then how?" Mom chuckled and looked back and fourth between Dad and I.

"The hospital sells them." I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. "What's his name?"

"Carl." Mom looked at the crib with my baby brother in it.

"Maybe we can sell him?" I smiled and turned around.

"Y/n!" Dad laughed at my antics and took me from mom. Spinning me around and laying me on the couch. I laughed until I cried.

I patted Carl on the head.

"Do you remember the day I moved out?" I smiled and motioned for him to follow me.

"Of course I do. Best day of my life right there." Carl raised an eyebrow and walked through the streets with me.

"Is that right? You begged to come with me!" I laughed and Carl did too.

"Remember the day we found out dad was shot?" Carl looked down and we stepped on the porch at the house.

"Yeah, I think that was the day I realized how I felt about Shane." I smiled and we sat down on the chairs.

"We were at the hospital for hours. Six I think." Carl smiled at the thought.

"I was waiting for dad to die, the entire time." I thought about mom. "Mom didn't say more than three words. Then I took you home."

"Yeah, you didn't want to let go of Shane. It was world crushing for everyone. Shane blamed himself for weeks." Carl looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What's up?" I looked at Carl and he looked back down.

"When did you figure out you had feelings for him? What- what pushed to to know?" Carl's face said it all. He was confused, lost maybe.

"I was fourteen when I thought I liked him, sixteen when I actually did, nineteen when I realized that I didn't want to spend my life with anyone else." I swallowed and nodded. Smiling at the thought of every moment.

"Did you think you'd marry him?" Carl was a adamant about it. I shook my head.

"No, I thought I'd have to watch him fall for someone better than me. Between the age thing, and family reasons I always thought he didn't look at me twice. Why?"

"I like Enid. A lot, more than a lot. I never see myself without her. I think about her falling for someone else and it hurts. A lot." Carl looked down and shrugged. I smiled.

"Go get her Carl. If you want a girl get her, especially now. Today could be the last day I spend with you, or anyone else in this town. At least tell her how you feel, because in the end you don't know how someone feels until you ask." Carl nodded. He actually listened to me.

"I will, should, no, will." Carl nodded and looked at me. "Thank you."

"Go get that girl before I make you." I smiled at Carl and he quickly rushed down the steps. I watched the infirmary from my chair. I saw movement and I figured Shane had woken up. I smiled and got up slightly rushing to the infirmary. "Shane!" No reply. I went to grab the door handle and I heard pounding on the other side. "Shane?" I held my hand on my gun and slowly turned the handle. When I opened the door Shane was on the ground trying to breath.

"Y/n?" Shane's faint voice forced me to drop onto the ground. I pulled him onto my lap and cupped his cheek.

"Just take a deep breath." I put my hand on his chest and he did as I did. Inhale. Exhale.

"I thought I died, I thought I left you behind." Shane barely let out his words and I nodded.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now