Authors note

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Hello everybody! I just wanted this pause to be about a few things.

Number one- right now if it is past 11 at night, go to sleep finish reading in the morning.

Number two- we all know exactly where the storyline is right now. Although, I want to jump from where we currently are to Alexandria. Right before the herd. There will be one maybe two more chapters before I have them jump to Alexandria, I'm trying to give y'all more for your 'money' if that makes any sense.

Noah's middle name Grixier is a mix of a few names. Grimes, Dixon, and Peletier, pronounced.


I was asked to describe Y/n relationships with each character so, that's what I'm going to do.

Rick- her father, they've never been really close. They mutually respect each other. Rick knows her and Shane are a threat to his leadership and will ultimately challenge her if it comes to it.

Carl- her baby brother, she will protect him at all costs. They see each other as equals, except Carl takes her for more of a leader. She sees Carl as grown up and strong.

Carol- Carol is like another mother, a cool mom. She respects Carol more than she did her own mother. Carol is a badass and Y/N knows it. Carol sees Y/N as an individual who has more potential then she knows.

Maggie- Maggie loves Y/N like a sister. They trust in each other to be honest and protect the group. Maggie sees Y/N as a leader and looks up to her.

Glenn- Glenn trusts Y/N to protect Maggie. If push came to shove he would protect her over someone else (unless it's Maggie). Y/N cares about Glenn like another brother. They ultimately would have each other's back if it came to it.

Sasha- Sasha doesn't have a problem with Y/N but, doesn't like her much either. They are tolerant of one another and trust one another not to get the other killed.

Tyrese- Tyrese admires Y/N for her strength and compassion. They don't really know each other. Y/N and him got off just on the right foot the first time they met. Y/N pushed for her dad to trust him, although, Rick didn't listen. Y/N has faith in Tyrese to always do the right thing.

Gabriel- Gabriel doesn't trust Y/N, he thinks she is an outsider and a liar. Gabriel refuses Y/N at her word and at her best. Y/N refuses to like him either.

Tara- Tara has a small unnoticeable crush on Y/N, from the minute she saw her she thought she was beautiful. Feelings aside Tara has a feeling Y/N is more than Shane's wife and Noah's mom.

Abraham- Abraham immediately took a strong liking to Y/N, he knows that she is strong willed and playful. From the minute she forced him to sit in a circle and tell stories he liked her. Y/N knew from the moment she heard his name from Gareth's mouth that she would have another best friend and someone else to trust.

Rosita- Rosita thinks Y/N is hiding something. May she be right or wrong she still thinks she is. They have a mutual unsure feeling about one another but, they ultimately know the end goal.

Eugene- Y/n thinks he's smarter than he lets on, even though a single word hasn't been exchanged they like one another. Eugene has a gut feeling about Y/N, and it sure as hell is good.

Daryl- Of course Daryl and Y/N are best friends. They have a bond that no one else has. Even though Daryl looks at her as more than just best friend.

Dead or characters from Book 1 :)

Dale- Dale didn't like the relationship between Shane and Y/N he fought to end it. Expectedly he was convinced Y/N was either being abused or forced into the relationship. Y/N liked Dale, thought he was like a grandpa all until he forced us opinion onto her.

Andrea- Andrea had a hard time accepting Shane being in love with Y/N instead of her. Andrea didn't like Y/N but, put on a face. Vice versa.

Randal- Randal was head over heels for Y/N which intern got Shane jealous enough to push Y/N. Y/N thought of Randal as a companion and a friend especially while Shane and Her weren't talking anymore.

Hershel- Hershel was like Y/N advisor. He taught her things she didn't know she needed to learn. Hershel looked at Y/N as a leader, but he didn't like Shane. Not a bit.

Lizzie and Mika- The girls loved Y/N, she was the mom they were missing. Every moment they spent with her was like being with their mom again. Y/N adored the two just the same.

I think that's all the main characters that we all love and cared about, if there's anymore I'll add an edit.
I love you all and appreciate your reading.

Stay safe kiddos. ❤️

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