Chapter Tweleve

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"Shane's not coming home. He's abandoned us or he's dead." I whispered as I looked at the ceiling of my bedroom. I was breaking slowly everyday, the longer Shane was gone. Day eleven, it hit me hard. The day lit up my room, the daylight was bright and powerful. I looked over at the wall and then swung my legs over the side of my bed. "Noah needs me." I got up and went to Noah's room where he was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed one of his coloring pages and wrote on the back.

No appointments today. Working on herd. Appointments will continue when the threat is gone. Thank you!

I wrote in bright red crayon. I grabbed some glue and walked to the front door and glued it to the door. I saw Abraham walking towards my house and I smiled.

"Y/n, you are coming out of these walls today." Abraham smiled and read my sign.

"Why?" I waved a hand to invite him in and he obliged.

"You don't leave this place. Plus, your toe nibbler isn't helping your stress." Abraham made me laugh at that one.

"That's a new one. First it was broken legged chicken, then... oh what was the next one?" I tapped my chin.

"The second apocalypse." Abraham confirmed as Noah began to cry. I laughed at the sheer timing.

"Toe nibbler? Really?" I quickly ran upstairs and saw Noah had gotten out of his crib and was already in the hallway. I raised an eyebrow and he can running to me. "Similar interests, awesome."

"Dad!" Noah was exited and ran past me. He probably heard Abraham's voice and thought it was Shane. As he got to the stairs I picked him up.

"Not dad. Mr. Machine-gun." I set Noah down and he glared at Abraham. Noah stuck his nose up and walked away, causing Abraham to laugh. "Noah, is it okay is Ms. Olivia comes and watches you to-"

"Dad!" Noah heard the door and and ran to it. I looked and it was Daryl. Daryl turned red and picked up Noah.

"Not dad." I giggled a bit and rubbed my neck. "Daryl, uncle Daryl." I looked at Daryl as he rocked Noah and smiled at his laughing and playing.

"Today, you are coming baby Grimes. Between 1 and 2. I'll leave you two alone." Abraham extended his arms to Noah, taking Noah from Daryl. "I'll drop her at Rick's house. Olivia is already over there."

"Okay, thank you Abe." I grinned and Abraham rolled his eyes leaving with Noah. "How was your night?"

"Good." Daryl fiddled with his fingers. "We should talk."

"What about?" I walked into the kitchen and started the coffee. "Coffee?"

"No, thanks." Daryl shook his head. He looked ready to go out on a run. "What we talked about the other night."

"We went over this, things don't-"

"I want them to change." Daryl's tone was demanding and strong. It stopped my heart. What happens if Shane comes home and I'm with another man. What happens if Shane doesn't come home and I'm here worrying about not moving on, when he is dead.

"Daryl." I sighed and leaned on the counter. I hung my head and thought for a moment.

"What if he's dead? What happens if you spend the rest of your life waiting for him to come home and he never does?" My heart was racing. Daryl's words hit me in the chest. I stopped controlling myself. I thought of every moment I've had with Shane.

Our first kiss in the tent after dad came home the first time. Shane was fighting his feelings for me. I was fighting feeling good with him:

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now