chapter 2

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Meicoomon hissed and immediately Digivolved into Meicrackmon and pulled michael away from Dark gennai.
Most of Dark gennai's body had rotted away, his left leg and right hand were gone. Most of his face was nothing but skull, his body was hooked up to a massive life support system.
"Are you the one who sent me the message?" Michael asked.
The part of Dark gennai's face that could smile did.
"Yes I am, I wanted you and me to finally meet face to face."Dark gennai answered.
"You mean face to what's left of your face."
Dark gennai then looked up with his one good eye and gave Meicrackmon smile.
"Hello, Meicrackmon. It's so good to see you after all these years."
Meicrackmon snarled and was about to rip Dark gennai out of his life support when Michael stopped her.
It took all the strength Meicrackmon could muster to not grab Dark gennai and crush his head like a grape. She reluctantly stepped back.
"You said in your message that you could save my sister. What does she need saving from?"
"I know you have read the ancient texts as I have and we both know your sister is extraordinary, she will one day become the one DigiDestined that will have immense power and lead both Digimon and DigiDestined into a new age..however she will not live to see the fruits of her labor, she shall be betrayed by her"
"I would never kill my sister!"
"You will one day. You will grow envois of her power and when she comes to your help, you will kill her but don't feel too bad, in the end, your Sororicide won't be of your own Doing, it will be because of that Dark spore in the back of your neck."
Michael felt the back of his neck.
"Wha-i don't have dark spore!"
"Oh yes, you do. When lady Devimon attacked you with her Darkness wave and you breathed in her toxic gas, you inhaled one of her Dark spores and as the years go on, you will become angrier and more ambitious and then your natural hunger for power will take over and then..."
"Stop it!"
"Does the truth anger you, do you perhaps wish to change the future?"
"What are you talking about?"
"There is a way to change the future."
Michael was about to speak up but Meicrackmon covered his mouth with her hand.
"How are we supposed to know if you're telling the truth, your not exactly known for your honesty," Meicrackmon said.
"I understand if you won't believe me but I'm sure you both will believe me if you read from the ancient texts themselves."
One of the sickly Gazimon came out of the mist and gave a large book to Meicrackmon.
"Turn to prophecies of the apocalypse, page 8."
Michael and Meicrackmon both turned to the specific section.
And the brother of Darkness shall grow envious and will strike down his sister in cold blood. He shall then be cast out and his guilt shall drive him into madness.
"This still doesn't prove anything, you could have had your minions write this for you," Meicrackmon said.
"I did not write that. It was written by an Albino Tentomon poet who went mad after writing that book. Do you really think I would go to such great lengths to deceive you ?"
"If you still don't believe me then let my Doctors look at you, they will only confirm that the dark spore has already made its way to your brain."
Several more of the sickly gazimon came out of the shadows with medical equipment. Meicrackmon went into a rage and grabbed the one closest to Michael and threw him against one of the statuses! Another one with a scalpel stabbed Meicrackmon in her left leg! She made a pain-filled roar and grabbed the gazimon that stabbed her and broke its neck! Two more came out and were about to attack when Dark Gennai called for them to stop!
The two gazimon stood in place while Meicrackmon stared at dark gennai. He could see the look of bloodlust in her eyes. This was what he loved about her.
"Oh look what you have done.
You've killed most of my doctors, how else will we stop the Dark spore now?"
"I know for a fact your lying. I don't know how you survived but I want you to know that I will enjoy killing you and after I'm done killing you, I'll kill every last one of your cronies then were going to leave this island and never come back." As Meicrackmon finished saying this, a drop of her drool landed on Dark gennai's face and slide down into his one good eye.
"Very well. Go ahead and kill me but in two Weeks time when the Digital world begins to decay and you and your beloved humans are left here to die alongside countless other innocent Digimon, don't blame me for it."
"Hold on, why is the Digital world going to end in two weeks? I thought the Digital world wasn't going to truly end for 20 years?" Michael asked.
"I thought so as well but alas it seems we were both wrong."
Tell me, Michael, do you remember all those Destructive vessels that Aruamon was using?"
"Yes. After Hoshi killed Aruamon, they all lost power and fell into the ocean. We couldn't find them after everything had settled down, we just assumed that's they had sunken to the bottom of the ocean." Michael answered.
"Well, you were right in away.
They would have sunk into the ocean if a certain Digimon hadn't found them. One of Aggoramon's still living followers found them and was able to get them working again, he knew his master had been brought back to life and wanted to re-join his master but by the time he got close, you had killed Aggoranon beneath lady Devimon's temple. Once he found out, he decided to finish his master's plans and Destroy the Digital world and now with fleet vessels at his beck and call this makes his goal much easier to grasp. The vessels are now firing at full power into the core of the Digital world as we speak,in two weeks' time, the core will collapse on itself and the Digital world will follow soot, almost every Digimon that still lives in the Digital world will die. The few who do survive will flee to the human world and your sister will lead them into peaceful coexistence with the Humans and then, of course, you will kill her and go insane."
Michael then activated his crest weapon and pointed it at the good side of Dark Gennai's face.
"I will never kill my sister, you told me there was a way to save my sister, tell me!"
"Isn't it obvious, stop Akumon from destroying the Digital world!"
"Where do I find Akumon?"
"Use this."
Another Gazimon came out of the shadows and gave Michael a black D-3.
"Wait this was Ken's D-3, it was lost years ago. How did you get it?"
"Aruamon wasn't the only one with spies. Go now, return to your fellow DigiDestined."
Michael turned around and was about to walk back to Saberdramon when he stopped.
"Hold on, when we walked in here, we found a huge tank filled with Deformed clone body parts, why do you have those?"
"I admire Meicoomon and ever since I stole her Darkness, I've tried to replicate it.
You know Meicrackmon, you could stay here and allow me to take some DNA from you, then I would have a perfect replica of you."
Meicrackmon grabbed Dark gennai by the head and pulled him out of his life support system and slammed his body into the ground!
"Where's all this anger coming from? Maybe its because I didn't take as much of your darkness as I thought."
Meicrackmon then tightened her grip on Dark gennai's head until she heard a wet cracking sound! She then wiped the blood from her hands and grabbed Michael. She then covered his eyes, a child like Michael shouldn't have to see things like this, Meicrackmon thought to herself. Lopmon jumped on her back as the large feline Digimon walked away.
The gazimon began to Dispose of there fallen master and while they were doing this one of the cloning pods opened and a healthy Dark Gennai walked out, one of the gazimon gave his master a new black robe.
"Did everything go as expected, master?"
"O yes it did. In a few hours' time Michael will go back and tell his little friends about Akumon and soon after they will come out here to find him and then the real fun will begin. Tell me, were you able to get a sample?"
"Yes, master." The gazimon then showed a large clump of Meicrackmon's fur."
To be continued