chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Destruction of Dark Meicoomon

Dark gennai watched as Dark Meicoomon came out of the tank and tried to shake off the yellow liquid that had given her life.

"Do you know what you are?" Dark gennai asked.

"Yes...I am Destruction, I am pestilence, I am Death incarnate." She answered.

Dark gennai smiled.

"Very good, follow me."

Dark Meicoomon followed her master as they walked up to several large screens.

"Look at these screens and the being on them, do you feel drawn to any of them?"

Dark Meicoomon looked at all the screens then back to one in the middle.

"I feel Drawn to two of these Beings."

"Oh, who?"

"The large angry feline, she bears a striking resemblance to me."

"Very good..that is your mother, Meicoomon."

"I feel a connection with someone else on the screen."

"O really, who else?"

"The human boy with the red hair...its not as strong but I still feel something...who is he?"

"He is your mother's second partner. They vary close..much like mother and son."

"So that would make him my Brother?"

"I suppose in a way, yes."

"Can I meet them? I want to have some personal time with my Mother and older brother."

"You will get that chance, I promise you but for now we have more pressing matters to attend to."

A portal opened in front of the two.

"Shall we?"

The two stepped through the portal.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going to show you something very important."

The portal transported the two
To an open desert.

"How do you feel?"

Dark Meicoomon wiggled her toes in the sand.

"Warm...the ground here feels very warm."

"Make sure not to walk rhythmically might wake up the sandworms."

Dark Meicoomon looked around the sand and followed Dark gennai as they approached a tall mountain.

Dark Meicoomon tried her best to not walk rhythmically but she slipped on a sand Beatle and fell on her face.

The ground began to shake and a gigantic reddish-brown sandworm burst out of the sand!

It gave out a loud screech and lunged downward at Dark Gennai!
Dark Meicoomon jumped into the air and clawed her way through the sandworm's body until she came out through the other side.

The sandworms let out a pain-filled scream before it fell to the ground and died.

Dark Meicoomon wiped the massive amount of Black worm blood off of her body.

Dark gennai gave har a small clap as she did so.

"Well done, you've proven yourself to be quite the exterminator...I think you will prove to be very useful."

"Uh thank you."

"Your welcome."

Dark Meicoomon looked around the desert.