chapter 5

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Chapter 5: More Digimon, more problems part 1

Michael opened his eyes and noticed he was in a small hut.

He rubbed his head and felt the Bandage around his head.


Michael got up and looked out of the hut to see he was in a small swamp.

"Where am I?"

"We're still in The Unknown regions,this is where we landed."

Michael turned around and saw Biyomon washing his orange Hoodie.

"How did we get here?" Michael asked.

"We were flying back from that Island when a fireball came out of nowhere and blew us out of the sky! We both fell into the swamp, you must've landed on a rock or something because you were out cold and bleeding, I grabbed your body and swam us back to shore." Biyomon said

"Did you make this hut too?"

"Actually no. After I Dragged you back to shore I found this hut, some Digimon who once lived here probably abandoned it."

Michael was shocked as Biyomon turned around and saw that half of Biyomon's feathers had turned completely black.

"Biyomon, what happened?!"

"Oh...this, well when I got hit by that fireball, it burned all the feathers of my left side but it's ok, I can still fly and luckily the fire didn't reach my skin so it's all good."

Biyomon was then surprised when Michael pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I got you into this, Biyomon. If I hadn't asked you to take us here then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Michael, it's fine, really."

Once I begin  moulting these feathers will fall out and my new pink ones will grow in and I'll be back to normal besides I'm glad you chose me. You see I grew up in a poor family of scavengers on file island and well there was barely any food and too many of us so one day when my mom took me out fishing she said that she had to go back to camp to get more bait and well she never came back, I was young so I had no idea how to get back to camp. After a few days, I eat all the fish I had caught so I decided to find some food and after a while, I made my way to a small port and spent the next few years working for food on a fishing boat and later on I ended up in Sabaku city,a gazimon there taught me how to repair vehicles so I could earn money in the city and 4 years later Boss geckomon hired me to work in his hanger bay and fix up all his vehicles and then his son took over and eventually you guys took over the palace and here we are but to get back to what I was saying earlier, I'm glad you picked me, back when I was living in Sabaku city I heard about what you and your parents did and I would always see you and your friends on the news when I was on break and well every time I would see you guys and your partners I always felt inspired and wanted to have a relationship like that.”

Micheal then remembered when his Patamon partner had told him those same words two years ago.

[ flash back]

“you saved me...but why?”

Patamon smiled and said: Because ever since the day I hatched I had always wanted to be a Digidestend Digimon and a real Digidestned Digimon wouldn't let his human partner die in some temple.”

Micheal was surprised by this statement.

"what do you man partner?’ Micheal asked.

“ You and me ya big silly, do you really think that after all that you and I wouldn’t be DigiDestined and Digimon besides scar Gatomon and Veemon are still in there eggs so you definitely need a partner. You and I are going to be the best team and the best of Buddy’s ever, just you wait Mikey.”