chapter 13: setting the trap

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Chapter 13: Setting the trap

Michael looked out into the cold desert night.

"What are you doing out this late?"

Michael turned his head and saw Tapirmon floating towards him.

"Tapirmon, why are you awake?" Michael asked her.

"I already asked you that. You can't ask someone a question that they just asked you."

"I can't sleep. I'm not used to sleeping on sand and rocks."

Tapirmon giggled.

"Why are you giggling?"

"Your so Delicate, Mikey. You wouldn't last a day out here by yourself."

"I'll have you know I survived a blizzard all on my own."

"Oh right, Meicoomon was telling me about that."

"Yep, I was like Leonardo DiCaprio in the revenant. Doing whatever it takes to survive."

"Didn't Mammothmon rescue you and then take you to piximon?"

Michael then looked down for a moment then walked away from Tapirmon.

"Hey, Mikey what did I say? Come back."

"That wasn't Piximon, it was Aruamon in one of his shape-shifting forms."

Tapirmon then grabbed onto Michael's leg and began to sob.

"Please don't leave me again Mikey, please don't go."

"Tapirmon, what are you talking about?"

"I know you don't love me like you do Meicoomon!"

Michael stopped in place then looked back at her. She wiped away a tear and her face had changed from one of sadness to one of anger.

"Ya hurts doesn't it?"

"Tapirmon, I love you very much."

"No, you don't! If you did then you wouldn't leave me behind all the time! Whenever there's some evil Digimon or some great disaster you always tell me to stay behind. Do you have any idea how insulting it was when you took that spoiled brat lopmon with you instead of me?! Iv has been with you and the new Digidestened way longer then she has but no that doesn't mean anything to you, Does it? You just see me as a Burden, dont you?"

"Tapirmon, I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I don't see you as a burden at all. I think the reason I don't use you in battle is that you remind me of my sister, someone who needs to keep safe and protected. It probably has to do with the time we first met."

"In Boss geckomon Jr's palace?"

"No, I'm mean after that when Matthew tried to drown you in the lava river. The moment I saw you chained to the shore as the lava was getting closer to you I immediately snapped and wanted to protect you because, in a weird way, I see you as another little sister that I have to protect."

Tapirmon looked down for a moment then looked back up at Michael.

"I'm sorry Mikey. I didn't know you felt that way about me."