Interlude: Mikemon's banishment

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Interlude: Mikemon's banishment

(The rakis desert)

Mikemon felt another stone hit his back!

He looked over his shoulder at his persecutors. All adult members of his former clan were hurling insults at him as he walked into the empty desert afternoon.

Mikemon had only taken a small cup of water while no one was looking but unfortunately for him, a tribal elder had found him drinking the extra water and he immediately called for Mikemon's banishment!

Four days later the other heads of the tribe had met to discuss his punishment and they had all decided on his banishment.
Mikemon had known that drinking more then his allotted amount of water was aginst tribal law but he was desperate, he had already given his daily water supply to his younger sister because she was sick and needed to stay hydrated.

He looked up at the cliff that had once been his home. His little sister looked down at him with sorrow in her eyes.
He tried to put on a happy face for her. If he was being  forced to leave, he would at  least make sure his sister would not waste the rest of her life worrying and feeling guilty. He wanted to keep the smile on his face so she wouldn't worry about him.

Another sharp stone hit his ear this time! He could feel the blood begin to trickle down his ear. He pulled a small rag out of his nap sack and covered his wound.

"Be gone water theif!" A middle-aged Elecmon shouted as Mikemon walked deeper into the desert.

Hours later.

Mikemon wiped the sweat away from his forehead as he looked up at the orange sky.

The night was coming. Mikemon had to find shelter soon if he was going to survive the night.
The temperature in the desert would reach near freezing and mikemon didn't want to end up a frozen popsicle in the desert.


Mikemon turned his head in the direction of the sound. He knew
What creature made that sound, it was a sandworm. He had to get out of here before it realized he was here.

The sandworm erupted from the sands and looked in his direction.

Mikemon ran as fast as he could from the hungry worm!

The worm bove back into the sand, it was fast and Mikemon wasn't fast enough to outrun the demon worm. Mikemon saw a medium-sized rock that was only a few feet away, he jumped into the air and landed on the rock! The pain in his ankles was horrible but he knew he couldn't stop now, the worm was only a few feet away.

Mikemon summoned all the strength he had left in his body and jumped into the air and landed with a dry thud on the worms back.

Mikemon pulled himself up and looked into the desert night.

Even though the desert was mostly horrible to look at during the day he had to admit at night it actually seemed quite beautiful. The worm then began to shake. He had heard Year's ago that when a sandworm was shaking that met it was about to go back into the sand.

Mikemon wouldn't survive the dive and he couldn't jump again because his legs were already to badly sprained.

He looked around for something that he could use but the only thing he found was a sharp stone he had kept for hunting. He pulled the stone out of his nap sack and stabbed it deep into the worms soft flesh! It let out a loud howl of pain and stayed above ground. Mikemon didn't know where the worm would take him but as staying awake became harder and harder to do, he decided to stop fighting it and let himself fall asleep. Wherever the worm took him, he hoped it would be somewhere better than this place. Where water flowed in endless amounts and Digimon like himself and his sister could live safe and healthy lives.