chapter 14

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Chapter 14:the Fate of fear part 1

Mikemon opened his eyes and looked around to see a group of humans and Digimon looking down at him.

He tried to get up but as he did he felt a tense pain in his legs.


"I wouldn't get up if I were you. Your legs are broken." A blue-haired human with glasses said.

Mikemon ignored the human and tried to get up again But the pain was even worse this time.

"Stop it, your only going to make your injury even worse." The same human said.

"It's just a bad sprain that's all," Mikemon said.

"It's not a sprain. You need to rest."

The Blue-haired human then got up and looked towards a short human with red hair.

"Michael, I would like your permission for my father and me to take this Mikemon back to the server continent so we can properly see to his wounds and fractures also I would like to see if any antibiotics are required since I'm not sure how sanitary this cave really is." Jacob kido asked.

"Sure but your gonna need Witchmon to go with you, she's the only one who knows how to get back and forth from here to the server continent," Michael answered.

Jacob sighed and walked over to witchmon.

"Witchmon, will you drive me my dad back to the server continent?"

"I will not," Witchmon replied.

"C'mon Witchmon, I can't leave this Mikemon in this cave with two broken legs, he'll probably get a really bad infection."

"If he does then he wasn't meant to survive and if he does it is the will of The desert that he lives."

"That's stupid. If everyone thought the same way you did then nearly half the population of the world would be dead."

"When Hennai and his brethren Destroyed our homes we surviving Nightmare soldiers had to adapt to our new environment. Many perished in this time on colonization. What little supplies we had would not be wasted on those who would die, only the strongest among them survived and those strong Nightmare soldiers were our Decindents. After that we developed a code amongst ourselves, we live by the code of the desert, if it wills us to survive then we do and if we die then the desert never wished us to survive in the first place. That belief has kept our species alive for generations and it will continue to keep us alive till the end of time."

"Not all Nightmare soldiers live out here, there are plenty of them that are still alive In the real Digital world and in the human world now so you have to admit that not all weaker Digimon are destined to die out here," Jacob replied.

"Some did decide to venture out and find new lands."

"You all should have done that instead of wasting yo-"

Witchmon put her scythe's blade near his neck.

"Careful boy, you speak of my ancestors."

"Witchmon, Stop it!" Michael shouted

"You don't order me around, Michael!"

Without thinking Witchmon turned around and swung her scythe into the air and was about to slice Michael in two but she stopped for two reasons, one being that she regained control of herself and two being all of Michael's Digimon partners surrounded the boy in a protective circle.

"Step back, now!" Tri Gatomon said.

Witchmon dropped her scythe and looked around the cave to see everyone looked at her like she was an enemy.