chapter 7

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Chapter 7: a call for help

Dark meicoomon walked through the portal and found herself in Akumon’s flagship. Dark gennai was talking to one of the messenger robots, He noticed her and walked down to where she waited.

“ Well done, I trust that your mission wasn’t too difficult.”

“It was a bit more difficult then I expected, mother was rather difficult but luckily I was able to snatch big brother for you. He is unconscious so he shouldn’t be any more trouble till he wakes up.”

“And what about that egg in his arms, was that someone important?”

She looked down and saw the egg.

“Oh no, that was or should I say is a gray renamon I had to kill.She was getting in the way.”

"And you delt with her as you should have, I'm very proud of you Dark Meicoomon."

Dark Meicoomon smiled.

"Master, what's going to happen to big brother?"

"Oh don't worry about him, my Darling. The messengers will take him to the Brig for re-conditioning."

Dark Meicoomon noticed her master smiling as he said this.

"Can't I just watch over him? I have so many things I want to ask him about."

"And you will get your chance, I promise you that but for the time being I don't want to take any chances." Dark gennai then snapped his fingers and two messenger robots picked up Michael and the renamon egg.

"Take him to the brig and put him in with the other slaves."

"And what of the egg?" One of the messengers said.

"Throw it in as well, when it hatches it'll be put in with the rest of the slaves."

The two robots obeyed there master and walked out of the bridge.

"I hope he's taken good care of." Dark Meicoomon said.

"Don't worry my dear, I assure you that the Izumi boy will be well looked after."

(The Brig)

The two messenger robots threw Michael and the renamon egg into a jail cell carelessly.
After the bars came down and the two messengers walked away from all the prisoners in the cell looked down at Michael's unconscious body.

"Is that a human?" a Minomon asked.

"Is it dead?" A gazimon asked.

"Poke it with a stick and we'll see." A gorillamon asked.

The gazimon poked Michael in the arm and he then began to wake up.

"He's alive."The gorillamon said.

Michael tried to get up but most of the Digimon in the cell tried to get him to lay down.

"Whoa, whoa, take it, easy kid, you don't wanna get up too soon, or else you'll get very dizzy." The gazimon said.

"Where am I?" Michael asked.

"Your aboard Akumon's flagship, the Death rider." The Minomon said.

(Several hundred miles away)

"Ugh, why is it so hot here," Wilhelm said as he tried to fan himself.

"Well we've never been this far out into the unknown regions before, this must be one of the tropical sectors," Atsuko said.

"I think it's great, here I can swim in cool and clear water." Wilhelm's Gomamon partner said as he swam by the shore.

"Ya gotta admit, it is more tropical here than anywhere else in the Digital world, heck file island doesn't get this nice." Jacob kido said.