chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12:Yuki's come back

(The Death rider)

Dark gennai slammed his fits on the table as he read the latest report on the attack on one of his slaver stations.

"What are we to do master?" The head messenger robot asked.

"Were withdrawing from this area, it seems my calculations about the garnet being here were false."

"Where are we going, master?"

"Withdraw the fleet to the ruins of Heiwa city, wake Akumon and tell him, I'm going to the human world."

"May I ask why, master?"

"Now that the Izumi boy and Dark Meicoomon are gone I need a new pawn."

"But if the Izumi boy is gone then how do you plan on taking control of the garnet?

"Michael wasn't the only one who could use the power of the crest oh, there was one other boy was able to tap into its power."

(The human world, Watanabe Home for Insane children)

Yuki Mochizuki threw a

baseball against the wall and caught it as soon as it bounced back. He threw the baseball again and it hit the picture of his family on the wall!

"Weaklings!" Yuki shouted as he threw the baseball even harder.

How could his mother and stepfather send him here, he didn't belong here with all these other kids, he didn't have any mental issues, his parents sent him here because they were jealous of him. Jealous of his intelligence, his athletic ability, his natural charisma.

His mother, stepfather, and his stupid little half-sister were all jealous of him and they just couldn't stand to be around someone better than them, and of course, they were helped by that little Do-gooder Izumi!

Yuki knew he could have been the most famous boy in Japan but no, Michael Izumi had to steal the spotlight from him.

Michael wasn't really smarter than him, people just assumed he was because Izumi and his family were more likable.

Izumi's family was rich were Yuki's was middle class, Izumi's father was a brilliant scientist and his mother was an award-winning teacher were Yuki's mother, Meiko owned a small bakery and his stepfather was a pharmacist. Also, it probably helped Izumi along when people would see Izumi's Digimon partners. Yuki had always wanted a Digimon but his mother had purposefully kept him away from the digital world because she wanted him to have a normal life!

Yuki threw the baseball so hard that when it hit the wall it made a dent!

A large portal then appeared in one corner of the room and and a tall man in a golden robe came out.

"Hello, Yuki. It's nice to meet you." The man in the golden robe said.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked.

"You can call me Dark gennai."

"You're from the digital world aren't you?"