chapter 8

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Chapter 8:Michael's choice part 1

The bars to Michael's cell went up and Dark Meicoomon stepped in while being accompanied by two Messenger robots.

"Take my big brother our master's chambers and do it carefully, I don't want him hurt."

The robots grabbed Michael and began to pull him out of the room.

"Gazimon, watch over the egg," Michael said.

"Don't worry, I will."

The cell Door then closed again and the imprisoned Digimon looked sorrowfully at their human friend as he was being taken away.

Michael was then led down a long dark hall. The two robots stopped when they reached a rather tall door.

Dark Meicoomon tapped on the door and it immediately opened.

“Bring him in.” a deep voice in the room said.

“ You can let him go, I will take him in.” Dark Meicoomon said.

the robots let Michael go and before he could do anything, he felt Dark meicoomon take him by the hand and walk him in.  Michael looked down at her face. Dark meicoomon noticed this and smiled up at him.

“ I’m happy you and I will be able to spend some quality time together, I have so many questions to ask you, don’t worry about where we are going, my master just wants to have a a little chat with you. “

Michael still had no real idea what was happening, he didn’t know why this Meicoomon clone was calling him big brother or why she had brought him here.

“Ah good, your awake .”

Michael turned his head as he recognized the voice of Dark gennai.

Dark gennai sat atop a large throne and wore golden robes as he looked down at the two.

“It’s good to see you again Michael, I’m glad you survived the crash landing instead of just plummeting into the ocean like my comrade here thought you would."

Michael looked over and saw a reptilian Digimon in a tunic.

Michael, I would like to introduce you to Akumon.

the reptile Digimon sneered at Michael and looked like he would prefer eating Michael rather than meeting him face to face.

“What happened to you? Meicrackmon killed you on your island and how did you get your skin back?”

“Simple cloning my boy. You see my body was completely destroyed by your parents all those years ago but thanks the Dark sorcery I had learned from Lady devimon, I was able to survive. My Gazimon followers were able to keep me alive and tried their best to make me a new body that I could then transfer my spirit to but unfortunately the new body my servants had created could not withstand my spirit and soon it began to rot away, this cycle continued for years until one of my servants found this specific incantation that would prevent the cycle from continuing. In order to keep my body from rotting away, I would have to truly die instead of just leaving the rotting body’s before death but that wasn’t all, I had to be killed by an old enemy so I had my servants try their best to find what had happened to meicoomon after my little run-in with her all those years ago. They had told me that she had been brought back to life by you and I already knew the legend about you and your sister and I thought that I could take advantage of that and I was told that you and meicoomon were so close so I knew that you would bring her and well the rest worked itself out.”

“ So, what you told me about Akumon wanting to destroy the Digital world was a lie? Was what you told me about my sister evan true?"

“I did lie to you about Akumon wanting to destroy the Digital world but I didn’t lie to you about what you might do to your sister. You will kill her one day Michael but instead of running away from your destiny, why not embrace it.
I know you no longer have your crest of fear but the power of it is still inside you and that power is just what Akumon and I need.