chapter 3: old wounds

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Chapter 3: old wounds

Saberdramon flew through the cold night. Ever since they had left the island, everyone had remained silent, it made Lopmon uncomfortable.

" I guess we should be  back to the palace in no time ah?" No one answered.

Lopmon knew Michael and Meicoomon were Sad or in meicoomon's case angry as heck. She had to do something to get their spirits up, she used to do it all the time with the other children in her tribe whenever they were sad. She grabbed Michael's D-3 out of his pocket and yelled: hey Mikey, Think fast!

Lopmon threw the D-3 at Michael  and it hit him hard in the back of the head!

"Ow! Lopmon, what the heck?!"

"Are you ok, Mikey?" Meicoomon asked as she felt his head for a bump.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get you two out of your funk," Lopmon said apologetically.

"So you wanna make us happy by throwing things at Mikey?" Meicoomon asked.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I know you were just trying to lighten our moods or at least now I do," Michael said as he patted lopmon lovingly on the head.

Out of the corner of his eye, Michael noticed a large fireball flying towards them.

"Saberdramon tur-"

It was too late, the fireball hit Saberdramon in the stomach and she immediately fell to the ground! Saberdramon  De-Digivolved back to Biyomon and fell into unconsciousness.

Lopmon spits up some Mud.

"Ow, what hit us?" Lopmon asked meicoomon as she got up.

"Not sure, that fireball came out of nowhere." Meicoomon looked around and didn't see
Michael or Biyomon anywhere.

"Where's Michael?!"

Lopmon looked around and didn't see Michael or Biyomon anywhere.

"I don't know but don't worry, I'm sure they're around here somewhere."

Meicoomon started freaking out like she did when she lost Meiko all those years ago.

"Oh my god, where could he be?!
Where's my Baby?!!"

"Will you calm down, we'll find him and Biyomon, I'm sure they didn't land that far away from us."

"But-but what if he landed in a swamp and got eaten by Crocodiles?"

"There are no crocodiles in the Digital world."

"You don't know that you only lived on one island your whole life! Right now he could be being eaten alive by grizzly bears or being mauled by Tigers  and mountain lions."

Lopmon sighed.

"Drop the worried mom act please, it's getting annoying.
Look I know your worried about mike, I am too but freaking out like this isn't going to help us find him. Also meicoomon, I hate to tell you this but Michael isn't your son."

A Dark aura began to appear around meicoomon, she then began to slowly Change into her Saltation form!

"What were you saying?" Saltation Meicoomon asked

"Um, nothing," Lopmon said.

"Good, let's go." Saltation Meicoomon said as she grabbed lopmon and jumped from tree to tree.

(The Human world, Izumi residence)

Hatsaharu Izumi opened his eyes as he heard his cell phone ring.