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^Play the song :p^

Seyoung's POV 

The next day was amazing. We hung out at the beach for most of the day, playing in the water, suntanning and discovering how amazing a dancer Taehyung was. He even taught me one of his dances to his solo song, 'Singularity' which totally suited his persona. In the evening, we spent our time dining by the sea, having our own barbeque. (The bartender he had hired also supplied us with an endless flow of appletinis and margaritas) By the time the sun was setting, we found ourselves exhausted, laying on a circular outdoor bed, enjoying the warm breeze that brushed our skin. The sun painted the sky brilliant shades of explosive purples, pinks and oranges. I had never felt so comfortable and at peace. Laying in Taehyung's arms, it just felt like the place to be. 

"Did you have fun today?" Taehyung asked while playing with my hair. 

"How could I not?" I said, raising my head and resting my chin on his chest. "Did you have fun today?" He smirked.

"How could I not?" I smiled and propped myself up, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. His hands came up and held onto the back of my head as he sat up more, deepening the kiss. I knew I should pull away before we start something we can't finish, but I couldn't. It felt so good. Taehyung's hands slowly moved from my head, down to my waist as he gently rolled over so he hovered over me. Now that he had much more freedom of movement, his actions became rougher. Biting on my bottom lip, his hands were roaming freely over my body. It didn't help that I was only wearing a bathing suit (one that wasn't very modest) and that he was topless. Taehyung's mouth then left my lips, only to attach themselves back on my neck. A sensation I had never felt before suddenly coursed through my body, attacking my nerves. A gentle moan escaped my mouth. I felt Taehyung smiling against my skin as he continued to attack a specific spot on my neck. I knew where this was going, but it was too euphoric for me to say anything. I also didn't want to ruin the perfect day we already had. His mouth found it's way back to my mouth, but his hands had gone elsewhere. They trailed down my stomach, down to my abdomen to my core. As soon as he touched me, I snapped out of the trance. I wasn't ready, and I knew I had to say something. Gently, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away. 

"Tae..." I breathed, more at a loss of air than I thought. 

"Hm?" He hummed, stopping all movement. 

"I-I," But I couldn't say it. I couldn't disappoint him like this. Seeing my hesitation, Taehyung's eyes softened as he leaned in to give a kiss on my forehead. 

"It's okay. You don't have to," He said softly, giving me a kiss on the nose, then a long one on my lips. He then rolled off and cuddled up to me instead. "That'll be enough for me tonight." And, we fell asleep under the moonlight. At some point under the stars, Taehyung had placed a blanket over us and we dreamed of each other instead. 

Even though we spent a wonderous week together on the island, it was time to return to the real, ugly world. I didn't want to, but we couldn't run forever. After all, Taehyung was a pretty important person who ran two businesses. I realized how much time I had taken out of Taehyung's for the first two days back, I barely even saw him. He must've had so much work to catch up on. 

These past few days have been the worst for him. Every time I saw him, he looked exhausted and stressed. Apparently, there had been journalists reporting scandals with one of the artists that is under Muse. It was taking a lot of out of him, I could tell. Whenever he would join me in bed (which was usually at 1:00 AM) he was always in a bad mood. I always urged him to tell me what was on his mind, but never ended up understanding any of it. I had nearly zero experience with business, but lots of experience with people (perks of working with the sick every day) and this was seriously deteriorating his health. I'm not sure how much more he could take like this. He needed to relax, do absolutely nothing for a change. That's why, tonight, I would give him a treat instead. 

1:00 AM came, but no sign of Tae. Two more hours passed until I finally heard the doorknob slowly open. I was in the bathroom, testing the temperature of the bathwater to make sure everything was in place. I had transformed the bathroom into a romantic, relaxing sauna. I lit multiple scented candles (berry flavoured) and placed them around the bathroom. The bath was filled with lukewarm water, soothing bath bomb particles still fizzing. Bulgarian rose petals (which Jungkook said he liked the smell of but wouldn't admit to) drifted around the tub. The lights were off and I had changed into a little pink bikini (to match the rose petals). 

"Beauty?" Taehyung called when he realized I wasn't in bed. I had left the suite's door open a crack so a little warm light could be exposed to the bedroom. I didn't answer, hiding behind the door. "Princess? Are you in here?" 

As soon as he entered the room, I wrapped my arms around his waist, whispering, "I'm here, Beasty." 

Seeing the setting, a small smirk formed on his lips as he turned around, asking, "What's all this?" I smiled seductively (from watching multiple YouTube videos) and played with his belt buckle. 

*This scene may be unsuitable for some readers as it contains sexual content. Please feel free to skip to the next chapter, nothing major will be missed.* 

"Take off your clothes," I commanded. Slightly surprised with my forwardness, (my insides were shaking with nervousness) he smirks and his hand goes to his shirt, unbuttoning it. The entire time he undressed, he stared straight in my eyes. Now left in just his boxers, I could see how aroused he was. Smirking to myself, I turned around, telling him to get in the tub. "And I meant take everything off." I heard the sound of water rippling and took that as my cue. Slowly, I untied the knot behind my bikini top, letting it fall to the floor. Then, I slipped off the bottom, slowly sliding it down my leg. Completely naked, I turned around and slid into the tub, right onto his lap. I heard him sigh in content as I rested my head on his chest. 

"Thank you, Beauty." I smiled and played with his long fingers which were settled on my stomach. 

"Just paying you back for everything you did for me at the beach," I said, smiling at the fond memories. I moved around, hearing a small groan come from his mouth. Perfect. 

I suddenly turned around, rising on my knees as I hovered over his lap, whispering, "But you can also pay me back by doing something we missed that week." His eyes darkened. 

"You sure, Beauty?" I nod, moving my head down to kiss his neck. 

"I'm sure, Beasty." 

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