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Seoyoung's POV 

I didn't even know what time it was, but it had to be late. My feet were getting tired and I felt high like helium. The music was still going hard along with every other dancing and drinking body in the room, all having a blast. I smiled to myself while taking a drink, happy that this party didn't only make Taehyung smile. I had made sure there was no VVIP room of any sort, so Taehyung would be forced to mingle with everyone for the night. I had lost him a while ago, but he always found his way back after ten minutes or so. Across the room, I spotted Jungkook who was seated at a table. I decided that now would be a good time for a break and simpered over to his seat. 

"Hey Kookie!" I yelled over the music, giving him an enthusiastic wave. 

"Oh hey Seoyoung. Where's Tae?" he asks, not seeing him by my side. I just wave him off. 

"He's probably just being social. He'll be back soon," I explained, plopping down on one of the cushiony seats, kicking off my heels. "Gosh, I am exhausted." Jungkook just chuckled and shook his head, staring at the dagger heels I had made a terrible mistake of choosing. I massaged my foot, taking in the whole room. It felt so good to just let go and not think of anything else in the world. 

Jungkook and I sat in comfortable silence (well, as silent as the room was) and just stared contentedly at the crowd of people enjoying their time. Jungkook took the last sip from his glass of champagne and set it down.

"Do you want to dance?" he asked, holding out his hand. 

"Those shoes will kill me." He just chuckled and pulled me up.

"Then just dance barefoot." I thought about it, then shrugged, taking his hand. It's not like I'm scared of getting myself dirty. I was already a sweaty mess anyway. We stumbled into the crowd and started grooving, showing off our dance skills which became sillier and messier until we were just flailing around like fools. I laughed till my lungs popped until we could dance no more. I collapsed on his chest as we stood, still in the midst of the party, catching our breaths. Suddenly, I heard his phone ring (don't ask me how) and he reached in his pocket to see who it was. 

"Who is it?" I asked curiously. 

"It's Jimin hyung." He quickly answered it. I tried to hear what Jimin was saying, but the music was too loud. I was quickly getting worried as Jungkook's eyebrows drew closer and closer together into a frown. He hung up. 

"What? What is it?" I asked worriedly. 

"We gotta go." With that, he grabs my hand and hauls me through the crowd, rushing to the elevator. 

"What- Jungkook! What is going on?" I asked again, holding on as the elevator plummeted down the chute to the ground level. Why were we going here? Without answering, he took my hand and sped down the marble circular ballroom, heading straight to the entrance to the basement. Uh oh. Something serious was going on, and I could already feel my stomach churning with unease. We descended the stairs quickly and wound through the treachours halls, my hand grasping his firmly as I blocked out all the noises. I seriously hated this place. We skidded to a halt in front of one of the identical metal doors, but this one was already open a smidge. Jungkook quickly ushered me in then locked the door behind us. When I turned around, I was nearly blinded. 

The interior of this room wasn't like the others. Grey, dark with a single bare bulb hanging in the air, it was pure white, illuminated by bright white LED lights that stung when I stared at one for too long. The room was much larger than it appeared, and was circular. Six men were already sitting around a horseshoe table, all staring down a figure tied to a chair in front of them. As I got closer, I recognized it to be a woman. Jungkook pulled out a seat, and I sat. A gasp of horror left my lips as the woman looked up to see who entered. 

"E-Eunah?!" I couldn't believe it. She was here. Jeong Eunah was sitting in front of me, and I wanted to slap her. "You!" I suddenly lunged, shocking everyone in the room. I grabbed for her hair but Jungkook stopped me before I could touch her. "Jungkook, let me go!" I tried to grab for her again, but Jungkook hauled me back, forcing me back into my seat. 

"Seoyoung, calm down," but I couldn't. A mad high pitched cackle emitted from that whore's filthy mouth as she stared me down. 

"Hello Seoyoungie," she sang, batting her eyelashes at me. "Mmm, you've grown taller since the last time I saw you," she commented. I just glared at her, closing a fist around my shirt. I glanced around until I saw Taehyung looking calm and composed two seats down from me. Seeing this, I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. If Tae can do it, I can too. After a moment of just listening to Eunah's crazy giggling, she stopped. Why wasn't anyone doing anything? They just continued to stare at her with calm, patient eyes. I glanced at Jungkook for an explanation but he too had his eyes trained on her. Copying them, I focused on Eunah who was staring back at us. Slowly, her mad eyes started to slant as panic crossed her face. "What?! What are you all looking at?! TALK TO ME!" she screamed. The silence from our side continued. "SAY SOMETHING YOU BASTARDS!" Taehyung is the first to speak. 

"Why are you here?" At the sound of recognition, Eunah's eyes go wide as traces of her insane smile returned. 

"I'm here to kill, of course," she confessed. 

"Who?" An evil smiled crossed her face as she focused her attention on me. 

"You and her, obviously."

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