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Seoyoung's POV 

Quickly, I increased the volume of the music to the max, to the point where my eardrums hurt. But I didn't care. As long as it blocked out those terrible sounds, I was fine listening to Lucas shouting 'VROOOM LIKE A BLACK CAR' in my ears. Taehyung's hand lead me through various twists and turns before coming to a halt. He takes out my earbuds (the halls now eerily quiet) and unties the blindfold. I blinked, adjusting to the flickering lights and saw a grey metal door in front of me. No windows, or bars, just a chunk of metal with a padded code on the doorknob. 

"Are you ready?" I nodded, now overwhelmed with excitement to finally see my best friend. So what it had been a while? I saved his life. He surely would be ecstatic to see me. Typing in the code, a loud clunk could be heard as the heavy lock opened, allowing the door to slowly swing open. Before I go in, I place my hand on Taehyung's chest who was close behind me. 

"I-I want to do this myself," I said. Taehyung stopped to think about it but ends up complying anyway. Giving him a grateful smile, I turn around to head in, but his hand catches my wrist. 

"Wait." Fiddling with the back of his jeans, he pulls out a gun. My eyes widen, this was the first time I've seen one up close. "In case something happens," he said, the heavy metal weighing my hand down as he presses it into my palm. "It's already loaded, all you need to do is press the trigger. I'll be out here as well." At the same time, he maneuvered my hand around the gun to hold it properly (so I don't shoot my face off accidentally) and showed me the trigger. Nodding, I took the gun and went inside, hoping I wouldn't need to use it. 

The room was dark, a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling cast eerie shadows across the grey walls. There was a desk, some clothes and a bed along with a door in the side of the wall of which I assumed lead to a bathroom. There, upon the rickety bed sat Daniel. Aside from his clothes and messy hair, he didn't look at all that different. His physique was still well maintained, it didn't look like he had been under-fed or mistreated in any way. 

"Daniel?" I whispered. At the sound of my voice, his head snaps up, revealing his eyes that were shining brightly under his now long bangs. 

"Seoyoung!" Jumping up from the bed, he bounds across the floor and gives me a big hug. "H-how are you here? Are you okay? Where have you been?" However, I don't hug him back. No one would have noticed it, not unless they were looking directly down the back of his shirt. A knife was stuck in the waistband of his pants, red. 

"Daniel..." Something suddenly clicks in my head. The night we were kidnapped, it didn't seem like it was such a big deal I knew about Nightingale, I didn't even know what happened behind the stadium, but they were adamant on skinning Daniel alive. Surely it wasn't a big deal? I thought that Taehyung was just crazy, but now that I know him, he's truly a person based on logic and moral feelings. So the only explanation left was that Daniel did something, something so terrible that Taehyung was willing to kill him. Piecing that together with his information showing up in Chambers's files... "You're not a double agent, are you?" I asked, my voice quivering. It all made sense. Taehyung had mentioned Jimin's murder choice was for 'betrayers.' If Daniel was a double agent, it would make sense why he would have to die. Appalled at my question, Daniel steps back. 

"What?! Where the heck did you get that ridiculous idea from? What have they done to you-?" 

"Daniel, what happened that night behind the stadium?" Daniel scoffs in disbelief and turns around, sitting back down on the dusty bed. 

"A new batch of prisoners came in and Jimin said we had to transport them to the house," he answered. 

"Prisoners?" I question. Daniel looks up at me darkly.

"Girls. Girls that get kidnapped and sent to sex rings and stuff. You have do understand, I didn't want to do it, but Jimin said he'd kill me if I didn't!" I just stared into Daniel's eyes, shaking my head with disbelief. He just lied to me. He had never lied to me before. But what if he has? I shake the thought away. 

"Daniel... Taehyung doesn't do stuff like that." At this, his jaw drops. 

"Taehyung? Oh, so you're on a first-name basis now?"

"I'm married to him!" Daniel looks away, perhaps reminded that the reason he was sitting here was because of my sacrifice.

"He's a monster, Seoyoung. You can't trust him. He's lying to you." Again, I couldn't believe it. Yes, I trusted Daniel, but I trusted Taehyung more. Plus, I just got this feeling that there was something insincere in Daniel's voice. 

"No, he's not. He's actually a good man, Daniel. You just don't understand-"

"Understand?! God, Seoyoung, what have they done to you?!" 

"You still haven't answered my question! Are you a double agent?!"

"Oh my God..." Daniel says in wonder. "You don't actually love him, do you?" I didn't want to admit it, but at this point, it didn't matter. It was the truth, and it was time to properly accept it. 

"Okay, yes! I do! So what?!" I shouted. "I love him, and for good reason! He cares for me, so much! Why? Shouldn't you be happy that I found someone who can treat me well?" I gulp and palm at the gun in my hand, something Daniel apparently hadn't yet noticed through his anger. 

"Do you remember that night when I came to you about that 'yes or no' question?" I frowned, digging in my memory. Ah, yes. The day before Daniel was supposed to go for his gang thing, he had presented one of his girl problems to me. 

"So? Why does that even matter?" I asked. 

Hatefully, Daniel looks away and says, "It was you. I was talking about you." 


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