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Seoyoung's POV 

Wait, me and Taehyung? Eunah continued her fit of giggles until she realized that no one was speaking again. 

"Why are you staring at me again? FUCKING TALK TO ME!" My gosh this girl was mad.

"Why?" Taehyung asked, seemingly thinking hard. Eunah had put so much work into trying to murder me so that she could have Taehyung, no? It didn't make sense that she would want to kill the one man she's obsessed over. 

"Why?" A mad cackle. "Because I realized something. You would never love me, no matter what I did." She turned her head so that she was staring at me. It was shocking, how fast she could change her expression. One second she's a giggly mess, the next she's staring at me with absolute hatred. The look in her eyes was alarming. "You loved her. And then I realized, I would never be loved by you because I wasn't her. So, I decided," she tilted her head to the side and laced her words with venom, "No one could have you." Wow. What a psycho. Completely deranged. She would kill her own lover so no one else could be with him. That was something unheard of, but I could see she truly meant it. Behind those fiery black eyes, was a shattered heart. She was hurt, so broken, she didn't know what to do. I never knew what it was like having someone not love you back, but I could imagine it was painful, especially seeing them happy with someone else, despising you in return. 

Hold up, am I sympathizing with her? She almost tried to kill me. 

"I received news that the almighty Kim Taehyung had stepped down," Eunah suddenly said. "I thought it was a gift from God. You were leaving your little bubble of protection, leaving both yourself and weak little Seoyoungie vulnerable, chasing after a 'normal' life. HA!" she laughed, her entire body shaking. "But how wrong I was! No! I should have known it was all a trap." Wait what? "You knew I would come for you. You played me! You played me again!" Now, tears were streaming down her face as she continued to cry, "Then I showed up to your damn party. It was a mess, no one would even notice you missing, but you tricked me! You were waiting for me!" she was fully crying now, screaming and pulling at her restraints. "Just why do you hate me so much Taehyung? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME?!"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING PSYCHO!" Taehyung suddenly shouted, jumping up from his chair and gripping the side of the table. "If you really loved me, you would be happy for me!"

"That's just a cliche! No one actually feels that way!" she screamed, hyperventilating with anger. "When you love someone, you would do anything to have them! You'd stop at nothing to get them by your side!"

"And that's where you went wrong! That is not love, that's an obsession. If you call that love, you're sick!" With that, it seemed that Eunah snapped. Her sobs stopped as she quietly stared at the ground. 

"I may be bad at love, but I do love you, really," she whispered, her head hanging low. My heart almost empathized with her, but it didn't. Not after what Jimin did. Jumping over the white table, he grabbed hold of Eunah's chin and yanked it up to reveal a sick grin across her face. 

"You're insane," he snarled, but she merely laughs, her mouth opened wide to let out the vulgar shrieks.  

"You. You always manage to ruin everything, don't you? Bugging my men, breaking into my house, all to protect your precious little Taehyungie, right?" Jimin did all of that... To protect Taehyung? With that final comment, Jimin's fist collided with Eunah's face. She let out a guffaw of excitement as blood spurt onto her lips. "Yes Jimin! Hit me! Hit me again-!" Jimin punched her again. Then again, then again, until her face was a bloody mess. When Eunah couldn't say anything but just let out mad cackles, Taehyung spoke up. 

"Get rid of her." Immediately, Eunah's laughing stopped as a wave of panic washed over her. 

"No. No no no NO! LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARDS!" she screamed and thrashed in Jimin's and Jungkook's hold as they basically dragged her out of the room. "LET ME GO! NO! TAEHYUNG! TAE!" then the door shut. 


"Hey," I say as Taehyung emerges from the bathroom in his pyjamas. He smiles and crawls into bed next to me, allowing me to cuddle up to him. 

This was it. 

This was what it was supposed to be like. Just me and Taehyung living our lives without having to look over our backs every day. Eunah's capture had lifted a huge weight off my chest. I felt like I could breathe again. That's when I realized, I hadn't gifted Taehyung his birthday present yet. A sly smile crossed my lips as I gave him a little kiss. 

"Mm?" he mumbled, looking down at me with questioning eyes. 

"You know, I haven't given you your gift yet," I whispered, slowly moving my hands up and down his chest. 

"Oh? And what might that be?" Without warning, I lifted myself up to straddle his hips, making his eyes darken and a light smirk cross his lips. I bent down and pecked him on the lips, whispering, 



And we're done! That was the final chapter of 'Bad At Love!' I suck at writing endings anyway so, hope it's somewhat okay! 

I hope you enjoyed the story! If you want to read more, you can check out some of my other books!

Thanks again for sticking around! 

Also, don't forget to vote and follow me! I appreciate the support! <3 


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