Chapter 1

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Once again, Tyler had pissed the Original Hybrid off. Y/N, like she always had to do since she moved to Mystic Falls, had to go save him.

"Tyler, you reckless ass!" Y/N yelled as she ran to Klaus, who had Tyler pinned against the wall by his neck.

"Why must you be so annoying!" She yelled at him.

Tyler struggled against Klaus' hold, "It would be...great if you'd help now...and insult later."

She turned to Klaus, "Klaus, I'm sure whatever my idiot cousin did, it isn't worth killing him."

Klaus raised a brow, "Well, your 'idiot cousin' should stay away from things that don't belong to him. Might get himself hurt."

Y/N gave him a look, "Klaus, please. Don't kill him, he's not worth the trouble."

"Well, there's no trouble at all, love. I could kill him now and not break a sweat..." Klaus said, staring down Tyler as he clawed at his hand.

"Klaus." Y/N said once more. Klaus clenched his jaw once and let Tyler go in a swift movement. "I wasn't going to kill him anyway. I might still need him."

Tyler gasped for air as he held his throat, "I'm not your bitch, Klaus."

Y/N gave him a kick to the stomach, not enough to hurt him, but enough to send him the message that she was annoyed with him.

"Shut up, Tyler. I'm taking you home and you better be happy I don't chain you to the wall and leave you there for a week to think about not being stupid for a change." She said, harshly.

Tyler let out a weak chuckle and she gave him another kick, "Shut up before I kick your ass. Go outside. I'll drive you home."

Klaus watched in amusement as Y/N talked to Tyler. He stood then and eyed Klaus for a moment before finally leaving. Y/N let out a loaded breath before finally saying, "I'm sorry. He's stupid."

She began to leave before being stopped by Klaus. "Why do you save him so much? Every time he's about to have his ass handed to him, you pull him out of the fire."

She shrugged, "He's family, and he's my pack. As much as it would be easier just to let him get his ass beat, and possibly killed, I have his back because you protect family."

Klaus shrugged, "I suppose I could get on board with that."

"Can I leave? Preferably before Tyler goes to insult someone else." She asked quickly, wanting to get away from the hybrid before he tried to make her do something for him.

Even though she wasn't kneeling before Klaus, she still did her best not to get on his bad side and did little errands for him as needed.

He waved his hand, "I suppose that would be a good idea." He gave an amused look and she swiftly left, rolling her eyes when she was out of sight.

She saw Tyler leaning against the car and she kicked his knee, making sure he felt it. He grabbed it and pulled it up to him, "Ow!"

"Stop being stupid! Don't snoop through the Original family's shit!" Y/N yelled at him. "If you keep doing this, I'm going to leave you to have your ass handed to you!"

Tyler shrugged, "I can handle myself. I don't need you to save me." She walked around to the driver's side and unlocked the car, both of them getting in.

She reached a hand over to him, dabbing a finger at his bleeding forehead before sarcastically saying, "Of course you can."

Tyler jerked away from her touch, his jaw set forward and clenched to show his anger. "Oh, lay off. You're always mad. Didn't change when Care dumped you for her soulmate."

Tyler spoke as you started the car, "Can you stop talking about it?"

Y/N answered, "I'll stop talking about it when you stop being stupid because of it."

She pulled out as Tyler complained, "I mean, what does Stefan have that I don't anyway?"

Y/N shrugged, "Common sense. Knows when to stop. Knows how not to be annoying all the time. Controlled anger issues to a point. Better hair. Shall I continue?"

Tyler finally shut up, much to Y/N's relief. She finally turned back to the road in front of her as she began getting out of the driveway.

She suddenly slammed on the breaks, a man standing in front of the car.

"Holy shit." She mumbled. The man, dressed in an elegant suit, walking around to her side. Y/N watched an rolled down the window.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." She told him. The man paused for a moment, a small smile spreading on his lips for a moment as he mumbled quietly under his breath.

Y/N could only guess he didn't think she heard the strange, 'Hello, again,' that escaped his lips.

He then told her sincerely, "It's quite alright."

The way the man spoke intrigued Y/N immediately. His strange presence had a kind of hold on her that she couldn't quite explain.

Y/N was brought back when he said, "What is not alright, is that the fact that Mr. Lockwood has something that belongs to me."

Y/N closed her eyes and clenched her jaw before slowly turning to look at Tyler. Her glare burned into the side of Tyler's face as he looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze.

"Tyler, hand it over." She told him, holding a hand out as the other gripped the wheel.

Tyler huffed and handed her a piece of paper that was folded in thirds lengthwise. The paper seemed old and oddly familiar, except it had to be years old.

Y/N tried to keep her anger at bay as she slowed her breathing. She wasn't looking forward to turning into a wolf in her car in front of this mysterious man.

"Tyler, I swear to everything holy and otherwise. When we get to the house, the first thing I'm going to do is lock you up." She threatened.

Tyler shook his head and looked out of his window, refusing to look at Y/N, as he didn't want to see her threatening glare.

She handed the letter to the man and sighed, "I'm sorry for my cousin. He's stupid."

"Oh, shut up, Y/N." Tyler grumbled. She flipped him off as she gave the man a small, apologetic smile.

The man returned the smile and went to run his hand through his hair. She took note of the ring that adorned his middle finger, the blue stone in the center.

It was a daylight ring, which meant this man was a vampire.

"Thank you." He opened the letter to make sure it was the right one. "Interesting..." He mumbled before folding the letter and putting it in a pocket inside his jacket.

Y/N nodded, "I'll try to make sure Tyler keeps his hands to himself. Again, I'm so sorry."

"It's quite alright. Thank you for returning it for me, Y/ it?" He spoke.

Y/N nodded, "Yes. Yes, that's my name..."

He held out his hand, "I'm Elijah. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Y/N held out her hand for Elijah to shake and when he had it in his grasp, he laid a gentle kiss to the back of it. Y/N tried not to blush.

Then it hit her.

Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson.

An Original vampire.

Y/N nodded and ignored the feeling she got from the kiss on her hand. When he let go of her hand, he spoke, "I hope to see you again."

Well, that was pretty straight forward.

Y/N nodded and kept her thoughts to herself. "Of course. I'll see you around, Elijah."

He took a step back from the car and watched as she pulled out of the driveway.

Y/N swallowed as she realized she'd just associated herself with another Original.


Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now