Chapter 9

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Y/N brought the Original to his room, laying him on the bed. Elijah didn't protest, instead cooperating with her to make it easier for the both of them.

Y/N knew she should have been a little uncomfortable with the situation but it was oddly natural.

Maybe it was the wolf in her, so familiar to taking care of her cousin, her father sometimes when he was still alive.

Yes. It had to be that.

She went to the bathroom connected to his room, wetting a cloth before wringing it out so it wasn't too wet.

She made her way back to Elijah and laid it on his forehead, checking his temperature to make sure it hadn't risen too much.

A werewolf bite worked fast but not this fast. She asked, "Why is it kicking in so quickly?"

Elijah explained simply, "He's an Original. The bite works faster."

She shrugged. It made sense.

"Isn't he supposed to be your brother, too?" She questioned, raising a brow at his sibling's behavior.

Elijah shrugged, "Yes. Although, I must say, I understand why he is doing this."

She mumbled, "I don't."

Y/N sat in a chair next to Elijah's bed, fidgeting with her hands to give her something to do.

She peaked over at the Original and spoke, "You're taking this oddly well..."

"It's not the first time I've suffered a werewolf bite, and it won't be the last." He simply said. After a moment, he said, "I guess I won't be able to make it to dinner tonight."

Y/N smiled then, shaking her head at his ridiculous comment. "That should be the least of your worries, Elijah." She chuckled.

Silence settled over them again. She looked over at Elijah every now and then, checking to make sure he was okay. To break the awkward silence that covered them like a blanket, Elijah spoke, "So tell me about the 'hybrid thing'. I don't believe I've heard it..."

Y/N shrugged, "When a werewolf becomes a hybrid, they are able to shift at will."

"Of course. That I do know." Elijah commented.

Y/N continued, "A lot of the time, a hybrid will only shift when they need to. They may be able to control their wolf but they don't know it. Elder wolves are able to be in touch with their wolf because they've shifted so many times, but as far as they can go is feeling it inside of them."

Elijah questioned, "And hybrids can do more?"

She nodded, shifting in her seat to face Elijah. She explained, "The more a hybrid shifts, the more aware they are of their wolf. Sometimes you can communicate with it in your human form, in wolf form, you almost have full control over your wolf."


"Your wolf still has a survival instinct, a hunting instinct, that's when the wolf is in the most control and the human can't reach it too easily." She explained. She quickly added at the end, "That's what happened last night..."

Elijah nodded, understanding. He could tell that the bite was starting to spread but he didn't want to alarm Y/N. He quickly asked, "What else?"

Y/N shrugged, "Uh, well. Overall control. Wolves and hybrids have their anger issues, and when a hybrid is in touch with their wolf, they can calm them. Last night, I was able to control the instinct to try and kill you because of that. When you'd stopped me, I was able to get control of the wolf again. Though, part of that was because she was...nevermind."

Elijah smirked a little, asking, "What?"

She cursed her wolf for getting attached, "She's... comfortable around you. When you stopped me, she recognized you and calmed down."

Elijah smiled at that fact. Y/N added, "And it's strange because she isn't even comfortable with Tyler. She's a little calm around Care but even then she's alert."

"And what about now?"

"I would say she's sleeping...but I don't think that's the right word. She's...overly calm...familiar."

Elijah looked at the ceiling, a little smile on his face. Y/N sat, trying to dig through her thoughts, getting to her wolf. She stirred inside of her suddenly, she felt something.

'What is it?' She thought, trying to make out what she was feeling. Y/N looked at Elijah, his eyes had closed and his breath had quickened.

She stood from her chair, taking a seat quickly on the bed next to him and feeling his forehead. She took the cloth off his head to cool it down again.

She turned to the bathroom and when she was done, Elijah was no longer in the bed. She held the cloth in her hands and her wolf stirred inside of her, growling at the sudden danger.

"Elijah?" Y/N called. She turned to set the cloth down and when she faced the bed again, Elijah was in front of her. She jumped a little. His pupils had turned from their warm brown to a blood red, his eyes otherwise black. The veins under his eyes rose onto the surface and his fangs barred.

Y/N's wolf growled, moving to take more control over her. When Elijah grabbed Y/N's arm, her own eyes shifted, the normal E/C color turning a piercing golden-green as the veins under her eyes rose.

She barred her own fangs, a low growl ripping from her throat. She shoved Elijah back, shoving him into a wall. He rushed over to her and she moved out of the way.

He grabbed a hold of her arm again and she brought a hand to his wrist, saying, "Elijah, calm down." He pushed her against a wall, hissing a little.

She said again, "Calm down, 'Lijah!"

He stopped, stumbling back. His eyes returned to their chocolate brown, the veins backing off. Y/N's had done the same as she caught her breath.

Elijah began, "I am so sorry."

"It wasn't you, it's the bite. It's okay, 'Lijah." Y/N said. When she caught what she'd called him, she began to apologize but her eyes suddenly glazed over.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now