Chapter 12

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Y/N had woken up suddenly, overwhelmed with the memories flooding into her mind. With all of the memories coming to her, most of the hard ones already revealed and the overdose of such wonderful, happy, loving ones too much for her to control herself.

She couldn't help the tears that streamed from her, breaking down into a sob of happiness. Sure, there had been a lot of downfalls, so much tears and bloodshed, but now that she had seen the relationship it truly was, she was so happy with what she saw that she couldn't contain herself.

After all of these emotions had dialed down enough for her to focus, she placed her hands on Elijah's face. He still hadn't woken up, digging in her mind had taken a bit out of him.

Y/N dabbed at the sweat that continued to form on his face and examined the bite. She then bit down hard on her wrist, drawing blood, and guided it to Elijah's mouth.

As the blood seeped into his mouth, he slowly became aware of it. His hands came up as he began to drink. When she felt he'd had enough, Y/N pulled her arm away and put her hands on his face again.

"Elijah?" She asked softly, still wiping away a few tears.

His eyes slowly opened and he saw Y/N. She smiled, the tears coming in again. "Y/N." He spoke with a smile. The bite began to heal, leaving Elijah healthy again. "What do you remember?"

She smiled, "Everything."

He smiled, pulling her in. She dug her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent of light cologne and something entirely Elijah. It soothed her so much.

When they'd pulled away from the hug, Y/N couldn't help herself as she pulled him in to a kiss filled with all the passion, love, and happiness she'd shared with him over the centuries of their love.

Elijah kissed back with just as much feeling, pouring his whole being into her. He'd missed her so much and now he had all of her. He would never let her go.

She pulled away, breathless. She'd missed him so much and she hadn't even known until now. She'd leaned her forehead against his, her arms locked around his neck. As he caught his breath, Elijah asked, "Your she...gone?"

She shook her head with a smile, "If anything, she's stronger. And I know what happened, Elijah. I know what she is now, who she is."

He smiled and pulled her in again, this time for a small kiss that had no less feeling than before. She told him, "I love you, Elijah."

He smiled again, gazing into the eyes he'd loved looking into, "I love you, too, Y/N."

There was a sudden burn on Y/N's wrist. She pulled away for a moment, holding it as she looked to where her wrist had begun to sizzle. She looked at it as Elijah asked, "What is it? What's wrong?"

The same feeling suddenly burned on Elijah's wrist as well as he pulled the cuff up on his button down shirt to look at it.

There on Y/N's skin, a mark began to appear, first appearing as a fresh branding before finally clearing as the head of a stag, its antlers sitting atop its head proudly like the crown of a king.

On Elijah's wrist appeared a simple tribal wolf that howled to the moon. He smiled, his hand ghosting over the mark.

Y/N mumbled, "Are these what I think they are?"

She stroked a finger on her wrist and smiled softly. Elijah nodded, "I believe so."

All of a sudden, and all too quickly, a wave of emotions washed over the two, swarming around their beings. Elijah couldn't believe it was happening and Y/N was too caught up in the moment to really take in the fact that it was happening.

They were soulmates and the retrieving of Y/N's memories brought that to the light. Elijah and Y/N would be linked in mind, body, and spirit. Her feelings, troubles, battles, triumphs, and experiences would become his and vice versa.

They would become together as one as the soulmate's bond washed over them. When the swarm of emotions died down a little, the only remaining being the ones that filled them now.

Y/N chuckled a little bit, shaking her head. "Of course. No wonder." She said.

Elijah tilted his head a little bit, "What?"

Y/N looked at him with a smile and explained, "I'd always wondered if I would ever be able to have a soulmate. I always wondered if it was written in the stars for me."

Elijah placed a gentle hand on her cheek and asked, "Was it?"

She shook her head and Elijah narrowed his eyes in confusion. "It was never written in the stars. It was all written in the centuries."

He smiled and pulled her in again, meeting his lips with hers in another breathtaking kiss. "I love you. I always have and I always will" She told him softly.

"I love you, too. Always and forever." Elijah responded Y/N smiled, remembering the vow he'd made to her so many times before. She nodded and gave a peck to his lips, "Always and Forever."

After a few silent moments, Elijah sighed and looked at Y/N. She tilted her head and asked with a chuckle, "What?"

Elijah spoke, "Remind me to go kill and thank my brother."

She shook her head with a laugh, "I call first dibs on the kill side."

He shook his head with a smile and pulled her into his chest.

It was all written in the centuries for them.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now