Chapter 11

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The day passed and memories were shared, brought to the light, and some, still hidden deep inside of Y/N's head. It seemed to have no problem showing her the memories of her past deaths, some memories of a deep love with Elijah.

Yet, whenever something gentle and loving came to pass in her head, it always ended in blood, tears, or both.

She began to question whether it was worth it or not. If her life with Elijah would just be a painful existence, why even live it?

She could tell her wolf to shove it and walk away. Leave before she got too deep into this. Before there was no turning back.

Elijah was still heating up, suffering through the bite. Yet, the compulsion Y/N had been put through was not easing up. There was more to remember but Elijah was still suffering.

She grew frustrated. Y/N grabbed her phone, texting the maniac who had done this to his brother.

The bite should have worn off by now, I should be home, and this stupid compulsion should have gone away.

Psychopathic Murderer
Indeed, it should. But there was one thing I seem to have forgotten to mention, that was wrong of me. The bite won't wear off until he is healed through your blood. You can thank a witch's help for that.

Y/N almost screamed. The Mikaelson family was really starting to chip away at the control she had built for herself over her time of being a werewolf.

Psychopathic Murderer
Have fun, love.

Y/N grunted at that, fighting ever urge she had to just throw her phone then. Elijah noticed her sudden burst of anger and frustration and questioned, "What is it?"

She informed him, "Apparently, your psychopathic brother had a witch make something that will keep the bite in affect until I can cure you. You'll be like this until I remember everything. I don't even know what there is to remember. All I'm getting is a big heaping pile of bloodshed and tears. Every good moment seems to be ruined with something."

Elijah nodded and sat back in the bed, keeping a grip on his control. He spoke, "Well, as far as I can remember, that wasn't all our relationship was. And I remember every second. Your mind is giving you all the downfalls before everything good that came from our relationship."

"How much is there left for me to remember? How am I even suppose to know?" She questioned, her frustration sinking into hopelessness at the thought of her never remembering what was truly in her past.

Elijah watched her and sighed, he held his arms out for her. Y/N was so overwhelmed with everything, her wolf so frustrated, annoyed, confused, and helpless that she couldn't help but give in to his touch.

She sat with her back against him. She sighed and leaned into him, finding a sense of calmness in her. 


Elijah entered Y/N's mind, looking through her memories of them together. He seemed to feel like it wasn't just him, like there was something else watching as he searched through her memory.

He turned and saw a wolf crouched low to the ground in a defensive stance. Elijah looked around, his surroundings fading as Y/N slowly woke up. He kneeled in front of the wolf and cautiously placed a hand on her head.

"Shh, you know who I am." He spoke calmly. The wolf's grumbling slowly stopped and everything settled.

"Come with me?" He offered, slowly petting the wolf in a soothing manner. The wolf sneezed, licking her chops as a yes. Elijah smiled and stood. As he searched through the quickly passing memories that Y/N had acquired not too long ago.

She was right. The memories she'd begun to let back in seemed to be full of bloodshed, loss, and tears. It puzzled him.

Yes, things got hard at times but it wasn't so much of this. There was so much more to them than this.

He searched her thoughts, looking for a possible reason she couldn't remember their loving moments together.

"She's doubting it. All of it. Why?" He said to himself. The wolf looked at him, sitting down. He looked at her and kneeled again. He watched the wolf carefully, until he saw a strange glimmer in her eyes.

"It's you, isn't it?" He mumbled, "She's never been a supernatural before. She was always human. Then she comes back with a wolf."

The wolf tilted her head, wondering where he was getting at. "Are you keeping them away?" He questioned.

The wolf quickly got defensive. She'd tried to do nothing but help Y/N, she even calmed herself to allow the memories to flow, the last thing this wolf would do is try and keep Elijah away from her.

Elijah made the wolf feel calm, which made Y/N feel calm. She was comfortable around him, she felt at home, safe, and loved. Like there was hope.

Elijah understood as he took all of this in. "You're the memories."

The wolf sneezed, the growling ceasing and her defensiveness gone. "You were never her wolf. Your her spirit, her past. You were so strong, you served as her wolf and that's why you're so dominant over her."

Elijah placed a hand on the side of the wolf's face and said, "You're the key."

The wolf glowed a bright light and a voice sounded from behind Elijah.

"'Lijah?" It said. He turned around quickly and saw Y/N, this Y/N. More lights flashed around him, making their presence known.

There they were. The woman he'd loved form every time he'd loved her. Every reincarnation of herself stood before him. He looked between them all in awe and shock.

One of them spoke, the first one. The original. "Elijah, it's so good to see you." She'd spoken.

He remembered her clearly.

As he thought of the last time he'd seen this version of Y/N, claw marks appeared over her dress and skin, covering her with blood stains and wounds.

The first time Elijah had lost Y/N, it was to a werewolf attack. It was no wonder she'd come back as one.

He smiled as she set her hand on his face. She told him, "Do not mourn for me anymore. There is no need for it."

The claw marks and bloodstains faded away, leaving her a bright shining light. She spoke in a voice that announced in the space around them all. "Remember me."

Elijah looked around as each version of Y/N shined bright and gathered in a ball of light in front of him. Each of them, one by one, turned to light, each telling him to remember her.

Or was she telling Y/N?

The last one stood before him. He smiled and opened his arms for her. She returned the smile and ran into his arms. When she pulled away, she turned to the light.

She took a breath before reaching her hand out and touching the light. She was pulled in softly and gently, turning into a star-like shine that gathered into the light. "Remember me." Said a faint whisper.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at the brightness of the light and watched as it spun and twirled in the air. The light slowly morphed, turning into the wolf that was once standing in front of Elijah.

As the wolf took form again, it was different.

Instead of the average size it once was, this wolf was two times as big, slightly towering over Elijah with it's bigger size.

The wolf swished its tail and gazed into Elijah's eyes, those familiar E/C eyes staring back. The wolf took a step back and sat down.

Once again, shining lights filled the air, this time taking Elijah with it.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now