Chapter 4

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More began people began to pour into the Grill as the night grew closer, the sky becoming dark and the moon rising as the gibbous moon shone brighter. Y/N, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena were just a little tipsy as they'd been talking all afternoon, now pouring into the night.

Their latest conversation came to a close as a hand gently came down on Caroline's shoulder. She turned around, ready to punch whoever had just touched her before seeing her soulmate give her a smile.

Caroline let out the smallest breath before a smile broke out on her lips. "Stefan." She spoke in her soft voice, the slight slur enough to hear, yet still sober enough not to be too much of a worry.

"Not just him." An annoyingly familiar voice said from behind them as Stefan's brother walked up with his cheesy smile.

Y/N rolled her eyes when she saw Damon. The vampire never lost a chance to try and hit on her. It's not that Damon liked her, he was just annoying and found joy in making her annoyed.

That, and the fact that Y/N did end up have a little fun with him once out of the streets and under the sheets.

As he walked over to the four girls, he stood between Caroline and Y/N. He gave the hybrid a smirk and said, "Hello, ladies."

"Goodbye, Damon." Y/N replied, standing from her seat. He put a hand on her arm and stopped her gently, "Hey, hey, hey. The night doesn't have to end here, if you know what I mean."

Y/N gave him a little smirk as she replied, "It can if I want it to." He put a hand to his heart as he mocked hurt. "Ouch."

She sat back down and muttered, "No, I'm getting a couple more drinks and then I'm out."

Bonnie checked her phone and said, "I would love to hang with you, Y/N...but I gotta go. Sorry."

Y/N gave her an understanding smile, "It's okay, Bonnie. Go ahead, I'll be fine."

She nodded and Stefan said, "I'll give you a ride."

Elena jumped in, "I would stay...but you don't want to hang out with me so..."

Y/N shrugged and took a sip of her drink. Damon asked, "What? What do you mean? You're fun to hang around."

Elena gave him a look and Y/N almost choked on her drink. She set the cup down and wiped her mouth, "Sorry, sorry."

Damon waved his hand at Y/N as a signal for Elena not to listen to her. He told Elena, taking her hands, "Don't listen to her. She doesn't know the meaning of fun."

Y/N chimed in, she also never missed a chance to annoy Damon. "You're only saying that because you want her to be your soulmate." She smirked, handing him her glass.

Damon drank from it and said, "That's not true. I'm saying this because this is true."

Y/N joked, "Oh, really? 'I just wish the famous Fates would realize that we're perfect together. Elena and I? Meant to be.' He said as he poured his heart and soul into his drunk confession!"

Stefan chuckled at Y/N's impersonation of Damon. "That's getting really good." Caroline giggled.

Damon turned to Caroline and spoke, "I can give you better." He gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes as she groaned. Damon shrugged and said, "So, you don't want a drinking buddy?"

Y/n shook her head and checked her phone, "No, I'll only be here another few minutes. I'll have to leave to make sure Tyler hasn't tried to get himself killed again."

Damon scrunched his face as he said, "Ew, babysitting duty." Y/N again rolled her eyes and waved, "Bye, Damon."

He replied, "Okay, no need to be so pushy. See you later, hotness." He winked and then left, Elena with him as they walked out of the Grill.

Y/N waved as the others left, leaving her at the bar. She finished her drink, enjoying the peace and quiet she could get from the bar and not at the mansion. She sighed after a few more minutes and paid before leaving.

She stepped out into the cool air, enjoying the way it felt on her skin. She let out a little breath and looked up at the sky. She spotted the moon, on the verge of the first day of the full moon.

She took another breath before she started walking down the street, headed back to the mansion as she remembered Caroline had dropped her off here.

She was okay with it. Y/N liked going on night strolls. As a hybrid, she knew very little could really hurt or sneak up on her. She could handle herself so she didn't need to be afraid of getting hurt.

As she walked, a car's lights in the distance shined on her. As it began to slow down, she rolled her eyes. She stopped as the car slowed to a stop next to her. The window came down and she began, "Tyler, I am perfectly capable of walking ho-"

She stopped as she saw someone who was most definitely not Tyler. She blushed slightly, looking away a little before turning her attention back to the vampire in front of her.

"Well, sorry to disappoint but I'm not Tyler." Elijah spoke in that ever so familiar voice.

Y/N nervously chuckled as she apologized, "I'm so sorry. I thought you were my cousin. And, believe me, you didn't disappoint me."

As the words that had just left her mouth settled over her, she set a hand over her mouth and said, "I-I'm sorry, that didn't come out right."

He waved his hand as he looked at Y/N from the window, giving her that smile that seemed to have some sort of affect on her.

He told her, "It's quite alright, I know what you mean." There was a slight chuckle that hung off the end of those words. He continued, "Although, I would feel terribly if I left you to walk back home. Please, let me give you a ride."

Y/N thought about it for a moment. She was smart enough to know not to just get in the car with a stranger, but there was something about him so familiar that the term 'stranger' didn't pop into her head.

She bit her bottom lip before she nodded and began to get in, Elijah reaching over and opening for the door for her. She climbed in the car and thanked him.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now