Chapter 10

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Y/N walked around the large room, staying cautious and alert. "'Lijah?" She called out. She didn't exactly have the superhearing a vampire had, and it didn't come in handy when she was trying to figure out where someone was.

"'Lijah, come here." She said. She turned and saw Elijah standing across from her, his eyes shifted. She fought off the scream and said, "Hey, hey, hey. It's me, it's okay. Calm down."

Elijah began to advance but she put a hand to his chest and spoke in a soothing voice, "Hey, hey. It's okay, 'Lijah. It's me."

Elijah grabbed her hand and his eyes slowly shifted back. He realized what had happened and began to apologize. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Y/N smiled, "You didn't hurt me, 'Lijah. I'm fine." Elijah gave her a smile and put a hand on her face. He brought her in for a kiss and she spoke, "Bed, now."

Elijah smiled. She told him, "This werewolf bite won't wear off if you're running around. Come on."


Y/N was brought back to reality by a voice. "Y/N?" It said. She opened her eyes and saw Elijah in front of her. She jumped slightly and sat up, suddenly aware that she could feel her wolf again.

"What-what happened?" She asked, holding a hand to her heart.

Elijah was sweating, the werewolf bite not getting any better. He explained through a few pants, "You spaced out. I don't think you could hear me."

Y/N slowly gathered herself and asked, "Have I...have I treated you through a wolf bite before?"

Elijah stopped, surprised by her question. He spoke, "How do you know that?"

She asked, "...When?"

There was silence for a moment, besides Elijah's heavy breathing, "1892."

She stopped then and questioned, "How?"

Elijah looked away, walking toward the bed and sitting on the edge. Y/N grabbed the wash cloth before she sat in front of him, wiping the sweat from his face and neck.

He explained, "I...don't know. All I know is that you appear throughout time and sometimes I find you. Each time I don't ever remember me."

Y/N looked up at him and said, "I...I remember being with you when you'd gotten bit. You'd grabbed my arm and I put a hand on your chest and got you to calm down."

Elijah nodded, "I remember... I remember all of my time with you, from the very first time I saw you. 1263."

She asked, "Was I...was I your soulmate?"

Elijah slowly frowned then, shaking his head as he said, "There was never a soulmark." He presented his wrist to her, showing bare skin.

Her shoulders dropped and said, "If I wasn't your soulmate...why didn't you stay with me?"

Elijah began to explain when his breath picked up again. He shut his eyes tight and clenched his jaw as he tried to fight off another hallucination.

She brought her hand to his face but before she made contact, Elijah snatched it. He'd pulled her into his head the second they made contact.

Elijah's memory washed over Y/N, sending a chill down her spine as she watched.


Elijah had tried to come up with any and every solution, trying to figure out how he could save his beloved. But every idea that came up seemed to be shot down by the impossibility of it.

There seemed to nothing he could do except what he was told. He made his way finally to where he was told to be. She would be fine if he complied, that's how it was suppose to work.

That's how it will work.

He can't lose her. Not again.

He walked into the building where the vampires would meet him. He would have slaughtered them all, but they were being powered up by a witch and he can't take them on alone.

He couldn't get his siblings to fight with him. If he brought company, she would die. She can't die.

He walked before the vampires, putting a brave face on. "What is it you want from me?" He asked, fixing the cuff of his suit.

The leader shrugged, saying, "I was just going to kill you...but that seems to small. And I'd just suffer a death from your crazy siblings and, no thanks."

Elijah grew impatient very quickly as he urged, "I'm here. Let her go."

He spoke, "I would...but I'm not going to." He snapped and another vampire entered the room, holding Y/N as she struggled to get out of his iron grip.

"'Lijah!" She yelled before her mouth was covered. She bit down on the hand covering her mouth and the vampire grunted angrily. In his short tempered rage, he smacked a hand across her face. Elijah's fangs flashed then and he began to rush forward before the vampires' witch stepped forward, clutching her hand closed.

Elijah fell to the floor, holding his hand and yelling in pain. "Elijah!" Y/N yelled again. The vampires chuckled and little and after a moment, the witch stopped. Elijah panted, "Let her...go. We had...a deal. Do what you want with me...and leave her be."

The vamp shook his head, "New deal. I make you suffer through her." He snapped his finger again and had Y/N brought to him. Elijah spoke, "What are you doing?"

He laid his hands on Y/N's shoulders, the witch using her magic to keep Y/N's still. His hands moved to Y/N's chin and the top of her head, gripping a little harder than needed.

Elijah's eyes widened as he tried moving forward, "No!" The witch directed her magic to Elijah, not hurting him this time, keeping him still and facing Y/N.

"You took away what was special to me and my family, we'll do the same to you." The vampire said.

Y/N mouthed to Elijah, 'I love you.' Tears streamed down her face as she shut her eyes.

Elijah yelled again and the vampire swiftly snapped Y/N's neck, her body falling to the floor. Elijah yelled for her, knowing she was gone.

The vampire then stepped in front of him, kneeling down. If he could, Elijah would have killed him then and there. He spoke, "Go on. Hunt me down. It won't change the fact that she's dead. It never will." He flashed a malicious smirk to Elijah and then motioned to the witch and his guys.

"Let's go." He said. They all rushed out of the building, leaving Elijah. When the witch was out of range, the magic let go of Elijah and he rushed to Y/N in a second.

"No, no, no." He cried, cradling her in his lap. "Not again, please..."


They were both pulled back to reality. Y/N's wolf stirred inside of her. Every time she went in a memory, her wolf seemed to disappear, and she didn't like it.

Y/N got herself to calm down and Elijah quickly apologized, "Forgive me." She shook her head, "No...this is what I need to remember. It's okay."

She laid a hand on his cheek, the familiarity now placed and less like a déjà vu. The letter, Elijah's small whispers to himself, the familiar comfort of his presence, it all made sense now.

She told him softly, "I'm here for you, Elijah. I won't leave. Not this time." Elijah placed his hand on hers.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now